Posts by GregoriusT

    you also have to think as to how easy it is to mine all the materials that you could make with matter, when mining coal is the most common by almost double of everything else. 5 matter makes 2 iron or gold, and i believe 3 matter make 2 copper or tin. so when macerated you get 4 ingots of gold and iron for 5 matter or 4 tin/copper for only 3 matter. then since coal is almost twice as common then 3 matter should make atleast 5 (in accordance with iron and gold ingots) or 8 (in accordance with tin/copper) and that is condisering it the exact same rarity as the other mineralls, so since it's almost twice as common then it's more realistically 10-12 coal per 3 matter. however since some people would argue that 12 coal is way to excessive i dropped it to 60% of it's value, resulting in 8 from 3 matter.

    Must ... resist ... math and facts ... impossible:
    3 UUM -> 5 Tinore or 5 Copperore
    8 is 66.66666...% of 12

    Wooddust. A good thing, but i see these people coming with "which uses does it have?" and i would answer ENOUGH to implement it. I mean even Silver was smashed down by nearby everyone and i saw several Wooddustthreads, which got pwned too.

    Some of the possible uses:

    Fuel (10 Dusts are as much as Charcoal)
    Macerting wooden Tools

    I agree with the 8 Coal per 3 UUM but the 4 Charcoal to 1 Coal is causing things to go to easy (look at the Charcoaldustmod for example). I mean it would make Coal regenerative (except for UUM) and that would ruin our Industrialage Natureconsuming existence. We are not going green, thats what ForestryMod is made for.

    But the Builder would downgrade any machine in your building so you should dismantle them first. I use CC-Turtleprograms to build my stuff and mine my mines. But if BC 3 can already do it, why that should be added to IC². I mean it would decrease the difficulty of moving Bases (less Difficulty = bad for Pro's).

    1.2.5 Seems to be mostly server-side stuff, so it should be quick turnaround. + they are FINALLY updating LWJGL, which I think is a very good thing.

    Yeah no i cannot join any game with my Netbook when using the normal Launcher and with the old one i cannot connect to onlinemode Servers because it has no Passwordfield.

    Suggested by me in Weighted Recycling with some Values as examples.

    It is good, but it makes us use our precious tin (i usually transform it into iron [RP {Blutricity} alloy furnace with bucket] )

    Thats cheating/bugusing therefor i disabled Tinbuckets and Bronzerails in the Config of my Server

    And OMNG it's Tin. Theres way too much of it, even only with IC² (disabled RP-Tin/Copper in config).
    It's my very first energysource in the Game (Redstonedust is bugged in 1.81) i use it even before the Generator (Generator only for Superfuel).

    Oh and dont forget to put a Waterbucket in, right before adding the Cells there is a (reported and fixed in next version) Bug that doesnt creates Energy even if it looks and sounds like. Only a "return true;" was missing for it.

    Am i a Hipster because i said
    before it was cool

    4.0.0 Other options/configs for Lagfreeness

    4.1.0 Configs as far as i know

    Quote from Rick

    I'm using redpower, buildcraft, railcraft, computercraft and forestry is there anything in else the configs or other settings (other than the redpower you already mentioned) that reduces lag?

    Set these to the values behind the "=", and only read the Part after the "//":

    soundSourceLimit=10 // reduces Soundlag of IC² dramatically

    logic.enableSounds=0 // reduces Soundlag of RP-Timers/Sequencers

    # increasing this number will decrease network update frequency, useful for overloaded servers
    network.updateFactor=? // Don't know if this really can reduce Lag

    These Settings are enough to keep my very slow Netbook at a moderate speed of 10 FPS instead of 2-5 FPS.

    4.2.0 A detailed List of Lagsources and their prevention:

    4.2.1 Connectionlag:
    Also called Blocklag, because Blocks you placed/mined will be removed/replaced after a second. This is caused by either a bad Internetconnection, or by a too low Bandwidth on the Serverside (Server overloaded), so bug your Internetprovider/Serverhoster about that. This can also mean CPU-Lag on the Serverside, but its not in most cases.

    4.2.2 Graphical Lag
    This is just your slow Graphicscard, so you have to install Optifine, to get rid of it. This kind of Lag is caused by Mobs, Items, Particles and other Entities, like Items inside Tubes or Pipes, or in case of laggy Buildcraft also filled Liquidpipes.

    4.2.3 Fragmentationlag
    This kind of Lag comes mostly together with an Out-Of-Memory-Error as Minecraft accumulates the Amount of used RAM until it hits 1GB (Or the set amount of RAM), this happens mostly with Mystcraft, as everytime you change Dimensions (but also the Nether and the End), it increases the amount of used RAM for no logical Reason. But it can also happen when you use HD-Texturepacks as they consume pretty much RAM. This kind of Lag can be solved by just restarting Minecraft.

    This kind of Lag is completly fixed in MC-1.3 and newer Versions!

    4.2.4 Soundlag
    Mostly happens, if you come close to flowing Water or Fire. This Lag is the most aggressive kind, as its in every Cave, and in Vanillaminecraft also at every Itemtransportsystem! And not only that, it comes also together with most IC²-Machines! Here how to fix it:

    Before MC Beta 1.9pre6, it was possible to delete the "water.ogg", "fizz.ogg" and "fire.ogg", but now this "Antilag-option" is only possible if you have no internetconnection at all, because it just redownloads the Sounds without having to "Force Update" (WHYYYYYY?). But now it redownloads those Sounds, so we have to prevent Minecraft from redownloading them. To do so, you need to replace some Audioresources with this
    Just replace the 3 Files inside your ".minecraft/resources"-directory with the ones in my zip, and you will nevermore hear those Sounds. (these are just empty Files with ogg-ending, which are set to "read-only")

    Removing Sounds of the Mods like the lagging Windmillsounds from IC² works also great! To remove Sounds of IC² you have to open its JAR with WinRAR or 7zip, and then go to "industrialcraft-2-client.jar\ic2\sounds" and then just remove the desired Sound.

    4.2.5 CPU-Lag (Just inefficient coded Features)
    This is the thing, what i try to prevent with this Tutorial. CPU-Lag is VERY RARE, and most likely not the case, when someone says, that you lag the Server. I found only a few things, which really cause that kind of Lag, here a small List:
    - Taint from Thaumcraft, but not only the Blocks, also the atmospherical Taint causes massive Lag, as it tries to spawn Taintblocks
    - Redpowers Pump, but only if the target-"Container" is full and the Water/Lava has nowhere to go. Otherwise its even less lagging, than the BC-Pump.
    - Solarpanels in OLD Versions of IC² (They were iterating to Sky)
    - Large amounts of working Blockbreakers (Framequarries or many Cobblegenerators)
    There is nothing more about that kind of Lag. And NO, Mobs and Items DO NOT CAUSE THIS KIND OF LAG!

    Important other Stuff:

    If you don't understand something, then its not a shame to ask.
    If you have an own nearby lagfree and usefull Mechanism then post it here. (Warning: Buildcraft wont be accepted. Use Redpower)

    I think i will make more Screenshots to explain that stuff better.
    The designs are sometimes not properly visible if you have a too small Screen like the one of my netbook.

    Another stuff coming soon (if i find some usefull stuff), and some stuff is getting constantly updated.


    Other Tutorials and Guides:

    All about the Massfabrication: [Tutorial] The Massfabricator and UUM
    Computercraftbasics: [Tutorial] Basics of Computercraftprogramming

    personally this is where I'm leaning right now enter some target coordinates into your "moving-drive"(or what every you want to call it) start your "moving-drive"
    3.everything inside the force field your drive is attached to moves into an alternate dimension(referred to from this point as limbo) power is consumed to do this sit in limbo until either a. you feed the drive enough power to reach your destination (note: solars and wind shouldn't work in limbo) b. the rate of feed drops below a certain threshold and the drive spits you out somewhere between where you started and your destination
    5.the drive will always spits you out 16 blocks away from anything you could have collided with including the ground to prevent griefing

    That's an very advanced Hyperdrive and extreme dangerous, if you are moving to Regions with solid Matter, and don't exactly know where what is at your destination.

    All valid "moving-drives" for you are:

    Wormholedrive (removes anything at your destination with "natural" antimatter before you're coming)
    Quantumteleportation (huge risk of materialfusion with the destination)
    Hyperdrive (risk of direct collision with your destination)

    So you need additional Sensors that are checking if there is only Void/Air if you don't want to make a Griefingdevice. :D

    frames don't make spaceships.

    Maybe yes, even if so then i can make a building moving on the Ground and that is definetly possible and Eloraam can do nothing against that (except not releasing Frames).

    Where was the thread?... Ahh there.
    A simple Blockteleporter would be great for hiding Bases, but with the Forcefieldaddon or even pistons i can get it too. Teleporting whole chunkloads of Blocks is maybe a good way to move the base, but that would be really to OP and making every Transportationmethod (like Rails to the Base) completely useless and i like making logistic stuff in MC.

    Before i forget to mention here are some declarations:
    Teleporting = changes the Space-Coordinate of you (nothing to do with Beaming).
    Beaming = dematerializing and rematerializing (so it theoretically copies, kills and pastes you in that order).
    Warpdrive = changes the Coordinategrid of the Space around you.
    Hyperdrive = moving through another Dimension called Subspace.
    FTL-drive = compilation of anything that makes faster than Lightspeed.

    i have an idea as to how you could code this but i feel it might be a huge pain in the ass to get right or debug and am not sure if it's 100% possible. but what about 2 blocks like the teleportes we currently have but much more expensive. and when you place it within a Chunk it will destinate that chunk to be Swapped between it and the other chunk you have the other teleporter in. then when activated would drain something like 100 million energy and would swap the 2 chunks that you have destinated, so a building in a 32 by 32 area (4 square chunks) would cost 400 million to move the entire building. this would also however swap the ENTIRE chunk, from 0 to 256. i'm not sure how easy it is to alter chunks through coding but this would be a good start if it's possible.

    So i can swap my entire Mainbase (exactly in a chunk on your Server) to your City, lol. But beaming a whole building is OP and could be the ultimate Grief. what about making it of Frames (waiting for it since November 2011) an the move it simply.

    Oh and altering chunks is very easy, just swap two pointers and make Blockupdates on all the sideblocks of them.

    it solves one of mine atleast, but i also sometimes have 3-4 accounts logged it at once for other people projects or my Long Range BC projects. so if i have 4 copies of MC running, would a script work on all of them or only the selected?

    Only one selected :( ...except... :huh: moment ... i try adding ALT+TAB to it, to change all the windows and it could work, but one account must reach for today (looking at the Java-API for adding the Keycodes of ALT and TAB).