As long as you dont plan to grind Zombies, everything should be okay. (Zombies are disabled due to their Pathfinding Lag)
Posts by GregoriusT
Well I haven't seen Player saying anything about that on 100% confirmed Accounts and IRC isn't reliable at all. Also note that I have seen some fake KingLemming Accounts on less known Forums in the past too (That's one of the Reasons I have a List of used Accounts in my Profile, which consists out of Youtube, IC-Forum and MC-Forum). I even saw a fake "GregoriusT" account on an IRC Log (even though that was an obvious alias change).
Also a Jetpack by itself has to do just one thing: Changing the Y-Velocity within the Armor Tick Callback when the Steve holds down the Jump Button. That is all a Jetpack should have to do, and the Energy Cost thing is a Part of TE itself (what is basically a ripoff of the IC2 Charging System) and a one-Liner.
And what the fuck is bad about stealing small Parts of someones Code? It is not like stealing all the Code and releasing the same copied thing as new Mod, and I have seen other people do that on this very Forum. Not to mention that this is all Mod Code and not productive (aka Money relevant) Code.
This shit is getting ridiculous (and it has been ridiculous in the past). Guess why I usually don't even try to communicate with other Modders unless there is a Question or something. Large groups of people talking to each other always leads into bullshit (see Democracy), and the whole Internet is evidence for that, especially if everyone wants attention from "the Audience" aka Direwolfs Fans and Modpack Users.
I think that is all I wanted to say about this stupid Situation, and now I have to finish up the Granite Worldgen before I can release a shitty Open-Alpha-Version of GregTech, like every Game Dev does recently.
No it is not
My Inbox is much larger due to being a Forum Moderator.
Sorry but it is not invisible, and it doesn't have a Horn and neither it is of Justice (C)Nebris. What you are talking about is Space Ponies!
But whatever you do, do not make the Spawn Continent Amplified, it is a pain to move along in the beginning with all those giant Mountains. Not to mention the Render Lag for some Players (not including me), who would get Problems right after spawning.
But I don't really care about amplified terrain, because there are regular Areas with almost equally huge Mountains.
I am not sure I understand what you are suggesting. It seems that amidst is only an information giving tool and not a tool which influences biome generation in the way you are suggesting.
AMIDST can FIND Biomes, it is just a insert Seed and get what the Map will look like Tool. He suggests 1. Generating the Spawn Continent and 2. setting the Worldgen to vanilla Amplified to generate the Second Continent. AMIDST just finds the Continents to help you with selecting the Seed.
There will be flux.
People will fuck up.
That happens much more with GT than with TC4
There will be taint (taint will spread, take over bases towns or railways)
There will be a Team of Taintbusters leaded by SpwnX.
There will be more monsters, and new mobs...mobs that can't be defeated with a sword or any of the weapons you have to actively combat the taint at a flux level.
Adds more difficulty.
There will be rain. Lots and lots of rain. (And I've heard so many people say: "No, we won't let that happen")
Only Youtubers and Noobs complain about Rain, Rain is actually useful (especially at Night since it doesn't obstruct Solar and fills up the Water Tanks), and if it rains at Day, no Problem, I bet someone will set up a Forestry Anti Rain thingy, which disables Rain at Day.
try using "dustCopper" it might expect OreDict Names.
I don't know which fucked up Version of IC2 you use, but all IC2 Plates are in the OreDict since ages (at least since half a year!), and IC2 DOES use proper OreDict for those Plates.
Zoomik, if you want to suggest something to us and dont know English, then try adding an Image of the thing you suggest to your Suggestion. In this case a Lighter.
Yes he is. Just drop it into your lib Folder (and link it in eclipse) and you should be fine.
I have already seen that last week, when I wasnt able to do anything productive while waiting for the Bus.
Not to mention that if you make an Addon you should use the Dev Environment Version of IC2 instead of the API making all classes of IC2 available for you.
I dont wanna use "Highly Advanced" anymore, it's two adjectives, but I need one single adjective, which is better than "Advanced" but not named "Elite". Also "Ultimate" is also not possible, because that is the final Tier even though there is no Machine for that Tier right now (aside from Multiblock Parts and the Machine Box).
Sorry about the Metadata thing, but when I wanted to fix it in the remaining Recipes, it was already irrevocable 1.7
But I have also seen a ton of junk being Suggested. Better only install a few large Mods instead of a ton of tiny Mods. If there is a really needed tweak I might add it to GT. Or you can make your own Basefile or something for that.
I'd love some more compatibility between TC and GT.
This is the Thread about the IC2 API and IC2 Addons. If you have a Question about the API or the Dev Environment, you can post it here. If you look for the License Stuff then go here
API shipping
If you make an IC2 Addon where IC2 is always installed, you do not need to ship this API inside your Mod, since it is already contained in IC2 itself. So when you compile your Mod do not zip/jar up the IC2 API itself, because then your old IC2 API can accidentally override the IC2 API of IC2 itself what causes crashes.
If IC2 is not always installed (optional) you can use FML's @Optional annotation to strip missing interfaces at load-time. If you also don't call IC2 code without checking if IC2 is available first, the API isn't even required if IC2 is not installed. Calls to missing classes should only crash when the call actually happens, unreachable calls, e.g. due to a false if clause, don't.
Summary: There's no need to ship the API ever.
IDE / Eclipse / Dev environment
Start with a normal Forge workspace using the Forge src zip, extracting it, running gradle(w) setupDecomWorkspace and gradle(w) eclipse and importing it into Eclipse.
If you want to you can create a separate project for IC2 or just add IC2 to Forge's project. Add the IC2 dev jar as a library to the build path. You can get it from, the file name is "" (should be the second one). It also needs to be copied to your eclipse working (run) directory's mods-Folder.A Documentation of the API:
A maven compatible repository for the api an dev jars is available at
Add the following to your build.gradle to use it, adjusting the version number as needed:Code
Display Morerepositories { maven { name = "ic2" url = "" } } dependencies { compile 'net.industrial-craft:industrialcraft-2:2.1.470-experimental:api' }
Display Morerepositories { maven { name = "ic2" url = "" } } dependencies { compile 'net.industrial-craft:industrialcraft-2:2.3.225-ex18:api' }
Note that the repositories block is different/outside the existing "buildscript { repositories {} }" block. Ordering matters in build.gradle.
If you use IC2 core functionality, which isn't recommended, you have to replace api with dev at the end of dependencies - compile. Alternatively, you can use forged "deobfCompile" with the normal jar file instead of the dev one. This will make sure, that it will work no matter if you use different mappings than we use. -
I've voted pro-Thaumcraft. Why? Because of the following:
It is very scientific, and science even though being about magic is still science.
Generating Matter using it is even more difficult than UUM, since you need a whole new contraption depending on the Output.
The Contraptions you can build in Thaumcraft are very complex and fit very well to the aspect of making Factories.Oh and I pinned this Thread to the top.