I think it can be said for sure that already a lot of people noticed that it does not work. Anyhow I am sure 1 person informing about the bug is enough we do not need 20 people harassing the developer. as they did not react yet, it clearly means that they are currently busy and being harassed does not make any dev feel like they want to do it, so do not do it guys
Posts by sirati97
Crash Log: https://paste.dimdev.org/yejiloxipe.mccrash
That link expired. Anyway the problem is that some function signature changed:
net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoaderExceptionModCrash: Caught exception from Advanced Machines (advanced_machines)
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: ic2.core.block.invslot.InvSlotProcessableGeneric.<init>(Lic2/core/block/TileEntityInventory;Ljava/lang/String;ILic2/api/recipe/IMachineRecipeManager;)V
at com.chocohead.AdvMachines.te.TileEntityHeatingMachine.<init>(TileEntityHeatingMachine.java:82)
at com.chocohead.AdvMachines.te.TileEntityHeatingMachine.<init>(TileEntityHeatingMachine.java:68)
at com.chocohead.AdvMachines.te.TileEntityHeatingMachine.<init>(TileEntityHeatingMachine.java:64)
at com.chocohead.AdvMachines.te.TileEntityRotaryMacerator.<init>(TileEntityRotaryMacerator.java:15)
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.java:62)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:45)
at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:422)
at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Class.java:442)
at com.chocohead.AdvMachines.te.AdvancedMachineTEs.buildDummies(AdvancedMachineTEs.java:191)
at com.chocohead.AdvMachines.AdvancedMachines.init(AdvancedMachines.java:86)
Upgrading to a QuantumSuit from an Advanced Jetpack is sacrificing speed for the protection that it brings. The GraviChestPlate has both protection and speed, hence it is an upgrade from the QuantumSuit.
That might be an argument, but in vanilla ic2 it only requires a normal jetpack. Also i do not understand why the lappack functionality is lost as well.I do not like the GraviSuit that much. In my eyes it only creates problems. It is so fast that it creates lots of chunk loading laggs when used. In my eyes the speed of the adv jetpack is just right.
I havent tested it. But is the nanosuit adv jetpack also slower? It might be a case of not only having two helmets, but also two armors: an nanosuit adv jetpack for flight and an gravitysuit for protection and lappack functionality.
But I do not expect that you will change you find in this regard. I guess I have to write my own ic2 addon. competition ftw.
The logic was the solar panel replaced all the other modules like night vision and auto-eating. It's just a little balancing effect to not make the normal quantum helmet completely useless from what I can tell, there's no reason the solar helmets couldn't if they had to.
hmm. What I do not like about this is, that these items are required for crafting and its illogical that these functions are missing then. Also the current solution is to run around with both helmets and switch them out when you need it. In my eyes not very convenient. In addition, I do not think that the quantumsuit helmet gets replaced by the solar helmet. In the same was the qunatumsuit is an upgrade of the nanosuit, the solar extension is an upgrade too.Currently, there is no way to achieve both functions at the same time. Maybe you could find a way to have separate crafting recipes for a solar helmet, which also offers protection and the last step is to combine it with the quantumsuit helmet and then you get all features. Maybe you even make this recipe insanely difficult, so that it can be considered endgame. But i definitely want to see a helmet which is able to do all. Also we currently miss a Quantum Solar Panel Helmet.
This would finally give me a reason to invest 4 netherstars to build this device.
Another idea would be to make the quantumsuit modular. So you have some slots for modules, so everybody can have the features they really want.
Ah okay that makes sense.
i am sure it would be possible to consider this as well. But if I do not get it, i will not get it.
Another thing I never asked because I signed up in this forum. Why do the solar helmets lose the functions of the quantum helmet? Nightvision, removing negative effects, eating.
I know you only updated the. But maybe you still know. Or you could add them back. -
The iridium drill exists for the sake of having fortune and silk touch on a drill. The advanced diamond drill is more for specific utilities like mining even faster and digging 3x3 holes. Other tools don't really have either demand, nothing else really needs enchantments like the drill did.
Even on the adv drill it would be nice to have this functionality. Especially since it was fixed that ic2 tools and armor parts can not be enchanted via anvil. I can understand that some are not supported and would have no effect, but enchantments as Thrown, Soulbound, Soul Stealer and Magnetic would have.
It doesn't really need it, already having flight and a big enough capacity anyway. The Gravisuite chestplate after all only really upgrades the Quantumsuite having faster flight and a boost.
Right now the mod changes the recipe of the QuantumSuit Bodyarmor so that you need an adv jetpack. But when you craft the QuantumSuit you lose its speed and are at normal jetpack speeds again. I do not like the GraviChestPlate that much. As you cannot have a quantum solar helmet it takes so much energy that you cannot go on long journeys. -
Ah yeah, an optimisation upset them, fix incoming.
I remember it offering a creative like fly as well, but i never liked it. The way ic2 does jetpacks is much better. Anyway, can i request something?1: Can you make an adv iridium version of the adv tools? With ic2 now having an iridium drill an adv diamond drill does not make that much sense.
2: Maybe also allow to add the adv jetpack to a normal quantumsuit bodyarmor?
I just prefer the flight style of it. -
The beta version needs IC2 2.6.192+, hence it's still beta until the IC2 on Curse is updated. Functionally it's otherwise identical to 60.0.2, so you're not missing out from not updating yet
Ah that answers my not yet written post. Anyway, can you explain me why a NoClassDefFoundError exception is thrown? I might learn something new about classloaders which I do not know yet.Edit: you did not answered my post. Am I allowed to have my hopes op for overclocker support (and maybe 4 upgrade slots). I have the energy to supply them and i really want to use the superspeed for autocrafting.
I really like this idea. Unfortunately, I'm not well versed in the Forge API, either. I would still like to help with this mod though any way I can
First of all, I am happy that you like the idea. I really started to doubt whether it was a good idea to post this.Obviously not everything that needs to be done is forge related. I think the main challenge is to actually design algorithms which precalculate expensive task and keep the mod as efficient as possible.
I recently got a mod idea I would like to work on. First of all, let me give you a little background on who I am. I am from Germany and I call myself sirati (with a small 's' :'D). I started programming when I was 9 years old and it took my some years to understand what OOP is and how good code looks like. I started to use Java around 5 to 6 ago and for around 3 years I used it for multiple hours a day. Lately, I did not had much time because of the now written part of my finals. But now i am free, yeha!
In addition, I already have a lot of experience with modding Minecraft server-side. Actually, I used the bukkit and craftbukkit API to the full extend and also know NetMinecraftServer well. With some friends I had opened a nonprofit minecraft server which offered kit-/ability-/souppvp. Nearly every plugin the user interacted with was self made (permissions, chat, worldprotection, spawnmanagement , multilanguage support, the pvp and more). As it added many items and because of the localisation it became more and more difficult to keep track on which was used while only using craftbukkit/spigot methods. Because of this I wrote some patches which allowed me to add new items server-side, while keeping the vanilla client. Later I refactored the code and wrote my own fork of spigot which offered an API to modify items, enchantments, inventories, crafting, enchanting and anvils on NMS level. It only needs some minor tweaks, bugfixes and an merge with the upcoming spigot 1.12 (to update it to 1.12) to finally be released :D. Now back to the minecraft server: While being hosted in Germany it got also very poplar in Portugal and Brasil and there where even some big youtubers (100k - 1m) who played on it. It had an average of 150 players on it the record was around ~450. I am not sure if I am still able to find the screenshot. After school killed my motivation it slowly started to die and I closed it last year.That said, you obviously released that Forge is missing. And yes I have close to no knowledge about the Forge Modding API. And that is also the main reason why I am writing this post. My plan to develop such a big mod (I am telling you soon. No worries) will only be successful in an find a couple developers, who are similarly experienced with java and also know Forge well. The goal is to program the mod together. So you also need to know Git. (And be able to help a little with gradle, I used maven so far) Compared to other forums I think this forum has a good community and I hopefully will find someone.
So what is my mod about? An ultrarealistic pipe system to rule them all (yay references). Now let me try to break it down for you (you might need to also have basic knowledge to understand particle physics, to get everything without further googling or explanation as the mod's goal is to be realistic):
There are 5 different types of specialisations for pipes. Items, fluids, energy, data and specific for this mod (for example entangled particles). Data pipes can transport redstone signals, Computercraft and OpenComputers communication and also data for other mods as ae2. In addition it also is used and needed for communication between midgame to endgame devices attached to the pipe, which allow precise control of the flow. Items as well fluids will also need special treatment based on there mass, density, viscosity and temperature. That also means that we will need to write dynamic methods to assign this value to every item and fluid as realistic as possible.
Pipes are generally build out of a base which defines it behaviour, abilities and limitations as well as the type that can be transported. Some bases will also require others the function (mainly endgame). Later pipes are divided into sub-pipes and therefore can transport multiple types as once. Earlygame pipes offer no control over the flow and allow simple branching. Later some require modules to be attached to branches to work at all. In addition, there are optional modules which add all the functionality and more which are known from other mods who add pipes (collecting drops, extracting items from inventories, filters, routing). In the early game modules are also required every x pipes to accelerate the item/fluid or repeat the data. Most modules require energy to work, which can be provided externally or over a sub-pipe. Some modules also require a data sub-pipe.
In the early endgame fluids will be transported over an item channel and therefore require a module that translates them. These also require casings to be available. Then in the late endgame items and liquids are teleported to the destination via quantum physics. (This is also available in late middlegame, but it is done via ender-technology and uses up molten ender. Thereby it is very costly and not that practical. Moreover, it should instead be used for actual teleportation, when there are no pipes connecting two points). To accomplish this 3 things are needed: The entry- and exitpoint have enough entangled photons and degenerated matter to allow the teleportation. Both have enough energy. The digital routing device first assign an route, tells it the entry- and exitpoint and then sends the data from the collapsed entangled photons to actually allow the teleportation. Thereby it requires an energy, data and photon subpipe and a supply of degenerated matter.
All possible ways of transportation are in some way capped. Early game is very slow and offers close to no control. Midgame requires you to have different containers and endgame needs coolant and other materials that can be generated only by energy. On the other hand energy consumption will be quite low and constant in the endgame and the player is granted infinite range and speed.Other things the player has to deal with:
All measure of transport which physically move an item or fluid will take gravity into account. That means even if you have friction-less transportation, you will lose velocity when going uphill as this requires energy. In the early- and midgame he has to deal with friction and electrical resistance. That means items and fluids need to be accelerated periodically. Data signals can only be carried a limited distance before they need to be repeated and energy is lost. Some materials also have specific limitations. Wooden pipes for example cannot transport hot items and fluids or they will start to burn and then drop their good. Glass (from sand) see-through pipes will have problems with cold liquids and has a chance to shatter. Also liquid pipes are contaminated and need the be cleaned if another liquid should be send through them. This is impossible for pipes our of organic matter.Earlygame:
Items & Liquids (need sealed variant):
Data:ironredstoneMidgame:Items:air pressuremagnetic hoveringender teleportation (5 millibuckets per kg)
Liquids:copper with coatings (gummi, plastic, special for hot, special for corrosive)
Tungsten for very hot
nano coating (
via item (requires container management)
Energy:silvergoldcarbon nano tubes
data:redstone silveralloyredstone gold alloyglass fiberendgame:Items:quantum levitation (improved by better superconductor -> less coolant/higher temp. coolant , better vacuum to keep coolant cool and less air friction)
high pressure pipeenergy:
superconductor (improved by better superconductor -> less coolant/higher temp. coolant , better vacuum to keep coolant cool)data:
optically improved glass fiberreally late game:Items & Liquids:
quantum teleportation
remote item/interdimensional:
ender teleportation with improved efficiency by only teleporting data and photons (requires degenerated matter source) (0.1 millibuckets per kg)
data:supercooled optically improved glass fiberenergy:
supercooled high-amperage resistent superconductorphoton:
supercooled quantum improved glass fiberdegenerated matter:
supercooled matter superfluidsupercooled pipes require superfluid helium
Obviously I am open for suggestionsAs you see this mod makes it much harder to use pipes. So its kinda the gregtech of pipes. Because of this we need to replace the pipes of other mods.
If you know another forum where i could find a developer, please tell me. I hope that I find someone, but in need I would also do it on my own.
Am I correct, when i remember some port of this mod which allowed to usage of overclocker upgrades?
Anyway. I would really love to use them. Maybe add a flipswitch in the config? (I know that it also requires an implementation)
Somehow the quantum solar panel only outputs 2048 EU/t in the standard configuration.
I took a look in my configuration and there "I:QuantumSPTier=4" is set. Why would you set it to 4 when the solar panel generates more than a trier 4 machine can output. -
i just wanted to report that this mod is incompatible with the latest version of industrial craft (industrialcraft-2-2.6.188-ex110 released 03.04.2017 TT.MM.YYYY on forge).
The relevant part of the stack trace:
CodeCaused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: ic2.core.util.StackUtil.isStackEqual(Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;)Z at aroma1997.uncomplication.misc.AchievementHelper.onPlayerCrafted(AchievementHelper.java:61) ~[AchievementHelper.class:?]