Posts by narc

    This is actually a bug in IC2's code. I fixed it by swapping the file from ic2/common/tilewrench.class from the older version and putting it into the newest version. Problem solved. Its definitely an IC2 coding bug. Someone missed a 0 or a 1.

    No, really, when you change the wrench with the older version of the wrench, built for the older API, it works with the older API?

    Where's Nicholas Cage when you need him? Oh, yeah:

    i tried to use your mod as a weapons platform with a nuke... it failed once i armed the nuke lol. any chance this will ever work like that?

    Yes, that is fully intended to work, though it'll have to wait for teleporting entities, as that's what armed nukes (and primed TNT and ITNT) are. Won't be too long until I turn towards working on that, I imagine.

    i do love how you can move an entire chest with the items in it even works on ic2 safes. but i found you can tp bedrock does the mod have a block blacklist yet?

    Not yet, but it's on the menu! Including an API for other mods to poke in and say "I don't want you to move my X".

    Transporters and interdictors will likely be included in the blacklist by default. Active beacons won't be teleportable regardless of blacklist status, but inactive ones (with the power run out) should be fine to move (if you can lock them).

    And doesn't the chest teleporting just make you want to make a storage system where, whenever you want something, you call up the chest that contains it? I didn't think of that until I teleported my first chest, after which I went "that's so logical!". Other things that are useful to teleport: redstone energy cells, MFEs and MFSUs. The latter two being particularly interesting as they will keep their orientation. I haven't tried cables, but I imagine they'd work, sort of. Another candidate for the default blacklist, though.

    No problems for the mod -- it'll use the IC2 API from the IC2 jar instead. It does make the mod unable to run *without* IC2, but you're not going to be doing that anyway, right?

    i've noticed that the teleporter does not consume power when moving items i charged it up and unplugged it no change in its power lvl ive been moving a note block around a few times to check. is power usage not implemented yet until the bugs are worked out?

    Correct, I'm leaving power consumption until after the signal mechanics work properly. Which are what I'm supposedly working on right now. You can tell how hard I'm working, since I have plenty of time to procrastinate over here ^^.

    Hell ya, Narc! I'll give this a try as soon as I have a minute free! :)

    Excellent, more minions! I mean, er... I hope you enjoy it :)

    To all: shall I take it from the lack of reports that everything you've tried to teleport has teleported correctly? I'm guessing and hoping that's a "yes", since in theory the tile entities (the most complex things to teleport) should just behave as if their chunk has been unloaded/reloaded. Unless I did something wrong. Which I may have.

    Oh, and speaking of teleporting things: I am fully aware teleporting the teleporter is possible, and no, I won't leave it that way. But it's hilarious, is it not?

    i was thinking about the signal for a way to increase the range would to have some sort of craft-able booster block that would link with any teleporter.[...]

    A signal booster is planned, and I encourage you to look at the feedback request thread (also linked in the OP) for how it's intended to work -- it's not an antenna, and it's more limited than your suggestion, but it balances quite well, in my opinion.

    In other news, The_Paragon has been kind enough to donate some beautiful textures to the project, so as soon as the locking/signal mechanics are in, expect a new alpha test version to play with (likely still requiring ComputerCraft, for now).

    might i recommend in a future update that you include a remote that can be used to target your self.[...]

    That's in the plan, yes. Not exactly as you mention it here (the signal mechanics are going to do most of the heavy lifting), but there will be a remote.

    I personally think that remote functions should require 10000 EU in adjacent storage devices, per block away that you need teleporting from. So 1 batbox allows range of 4 blocks, MFE would be 60, and MFSU would be 1000 blocks. and with up to 4 adjacent MFSU's, you could have a max range of 4k blocks, assuming your power generation could keep up.[...]

    It's easier if the transporter doesn't particularly care if it's teleporting to or from remote coordinates, and by my calculations its 10,000,000 EU internal storage should be good for several long-range transports. The signal mechanic is going to do more to limit range than energy consumption.

    now why limit how many energy storage units that can be connected to it? the current ic2 teleporter will draw power from all linked mfsu's for a teleport if they have it.

    You know, I didn't think of that. That would be a good reason to make the transporters work like IC2 teleporters (draining adjacent MFSUs) rather than as a storage block in and of itself. Either way, I agree -- power is not the limitation, signal is.

    Keep up the brainstorming, guys -- if I see a mechanic change that sounds better than what I've got planned at the moment, I'll take it.

    There is -- if you have some programming skill, you could probably use pymclevel to write something to dive into the map and "fix" it. It's a lot more tedious, though, by necessity. Personally, I'd like to see dynamic block ID reallocation: load a map with a different block ID mapping, and things rearrange themselves appropriately. This is theoretically possible, but I'm not sure how deep into Minecraft internals one would have to dig to achieve it.

    Updating the map would involve getting or writing something that opens your map and changes all the block IDs from the old values to the new values. Wouldn't it be faster to just grab the block section from the old IC2.cfg?

    Edit: Incidentally, it's not really IC2 changing the block IDs (although, it may as well), but Forge being more controlling of the block ID space under 255, which is reserved for a specific kind of worldgen. You won't need to worry about it unless you have something that does that kind of worldgen (ExtraBiomes XL comes to mind as an example).

    so this mod sorta acts like [Asgard] beaming technology from the stargate tv show? being it can teleport items from set cords to another set of cords.

    Sure, if that's your exposure to the trope in question. My immediate inspiration is actually Star Trek, but that's more because it's somewhat more fleshed out (Asgard teleporters are just "sufficiently advanced technology", in terms of how much we know about them).

    Narc, I'm pretty certain you crash if you don't have ComputerCraft installed with this mod, or at least I did 3 separate times until I installed it.

    I wouldn't be surprised. This alpha version is useless without it, so I didn't do anything to relax the restrictions. Some time before the final version it'll work independently.

    I think your transport beacons may have been slightly messed up

    No... that's pretty much how they look at the moment. They have no implemented behaviour yet and I didn't take the time to size them, either.

    Wow! Sounds pretty neat. I'll dl it later and try it out.

    Great, let me know if you manage to make it crash!

    one problem MinecraftCreeper there more people that do not use computer craft like my MinecraftGhast so i would like to test it :D but waiting for a updated when you will have gui and energy storage up and running

    It'll be a while until I have those, but yeah, that's the plan. Right now the most important thing is to get the parts that Minecraft doesn't do for me working.

    I'm totally using this in a world I care about!

    Woo, carelessness! I hope you have backups. :P