Posts by narc

    Early/Mid-Tier QuantumSuit Helmet that actually uses food, and not energy.

    You know, now that you've said that, I think it'd be pretty interesting if the QSuit helmet actually consumed food from your inventory. As well as energy, of course. It reaches into your pocket, then force-feeds you :D

    Ah I see all his usual ass kissing minions have posted, throwing there best insults great job!!

    If you're insulted by statements like "not a programmer" and "relatively new [to this forum]", I have to wonder what you're doing on the Internet.

    Now, as to your original post, I'm not really seeing it. I have a feeling you misunderstand the reason behind the "don't ask for estimates" rule. You see, historically, when estimates are provided and then not met, the result is a circlejerk of bitching about how "you said it would be done yesterday and it isn't". To head that off, it's simpler not to give estimates and not respond to people asking for estimates. And if the people asking for them do that too much... what do you think should happen to them?

    As for "distressing", have you actually looked (and understood) what a hack the hotfix for IC2 1.90 on Minecraft 1.2.5 is? The latest Forge dropped ModLoaderMP compatibility in favor of their own internal system that handles mostly the same thing. The correct solution to bringing a mod like IC2 up to the latest Forge version would be to make it start using that internal system, and drop anything that smells of MLMP. This is not a simple operation, and the person who made the hotfix didn't bother -- that's why that version also requires ModLoaderMP, in spite of Forge not using it anymore.

    Next, I'm not sure how the IC2 devs are failing to "take it serious[ly]". They have consistently updated and improved IC2 for as long as it's been available, they have recently released a version with some new mechanics I haven't had a chance to even look at, and ultimately, I get the feeling they're as tired as I am of the Minecraft version fuckery that's been happening lately. None of which points to any failure to take anything seriously, as far as I'm concerned.

    Finally, I'm wondering if you realize how whiny you sound. Here you are, just one more person who uses IC2, but the devs should bow and scrape to your every whim? If you want insults, you should look in the mirror -- your posts suggest someone who actively and happily sabotages himself and then looks to the outside world for reasons why everything is going wrong. "How do they not see my genius?" you ask yourself. Well, I hate to break it to you, but you're hiding it behind bad grammar, lazy spelling and typing in general, and a whiny attitude of maximum entitlement. And I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming you have some genius in the first place.

    Checklist (for 1.2.3):

    * ModloaderMP and Forge installed on server? Same version number as on client?
    * Mods installed on server? Same version number as on client?
    * Do all players on the server have this problem, or just one?
    * Does the server complain about anything while starting up (e.g. block ID collisions)?

    Can't think of anything else right now.

    You know, I have a somewhat relevant question: why do mod authors care about mod packs? I mean, we're not making money here, so why do we need to play Fortune 500 company while we're playing Minecraft?

    Edit to add: Don't misunderstand, I'm not advocating that mod authors shouldn't be able to choose their methods of distribution. My question is, why does it matter?

    If I remember right the laser has never worked on glass, which in reality would make perfect sense. Sadly, I can't be 100% sure as I rarely use the laser anymore.

    I seem to recall the mining laser ignoring glass (and striking the block behind it), but I can't recall if that's a memory of IC2 or IC1. Being stopped by glass doesn't seem right, though. Diffused maybe, refracted, reflected even, but not stopped.

    Is it wrong that, when I saw the thread title, I immediately thought "Man, Minecraft enemies with LoL-like abilities would just suck"?

    A friend suggests: "A mummy that throws bandages at you, freezing you in place while he drags himself to you."

    My Treecapitator config says:

    IDList=271; 275; 258; 286; 279; 29943; 30233

    I don't recall what 29943 is (probably bronze axe), but confirm 30233 working perfectly as the chainsaw ID. Note this is using MC 1.2.3; if you have 1.2.4, it might be slightly broken somewhere (I haven't tried it).

    This is my first time reading MCPatcher error reports, but it looks like you have incompatible versions of HD Textures, Better Grass, Random Mobs and Custom Colors... or maybe they're just being confused by the change in Forge versions. Try it with Forge .57 while you're testing anyway.

    Um, also remember the current version of minecraft is 1.2.4, so maybe you should check if you downgraded to 1.2.3 successfully (i.e. check that your backup is actually 1.2.3 or that you applied mcnostalgia correctly).

    Two things:

    Firstly, a bug report -- I've altered the values in my configuration to increase the power drain (I prefer 0.1 EU/t over 0.1 EU/s), so my forcefieldblockcost is at 20. However, I'm now noticing that force fields aren't turning off when out of power anymore (I was watching the force power value, it went from 120 to 0 on a forcefield that should've cost 200 FP to maintain (10 blocks)).

    My personal guess is that you have an == where you should have a <=, and I would've looked at the source code to try to give you a place to look, but couldn't find any source and I don't want to decompile... which leads to my question:

    You mention in the OP that you've published the source code, but neither a quick look through this thread nor a quick google search found anything. Would you mind *linking* to this published source code?

    Overall, I'm pleased with the modular force field system, aside from the costs (which I can alter in my config). You've done an excellent job creating these and I thank you.

    EDIT: Good news, everyone: on further testing, the bug only seems to occur with the directional projector (area projector untested). On the other hand, it happens with as little as a one-block forcefield. Small leftover bug from an earlier refactoring?