Posts by narc

    The thing that cause RC to be OP ... Minecart teleportation :/. I hope your addon won't do it ? Or at a very high EU cost ?

    Minecart teleportation is an odd problem, and I may end up just blacklisting carts altogether. Considering you're allowed to teleport chests, tanks, and any other interesting tile entity, though, we may just be building a completely different level of OPness here. Who needs to teleport a lava cart when you can just teleport around two buildcraft tanks' worth of the stuff at a time instead? Or a pair of MFSUs. Or a pair of redstone energy cells.

    I'll be checking for every kind of API I can think of to try to get a charge reading or equivalent from the stuff that gets teleported, to make it cost more for a higher charge. This shouldn't make teleporting stuff useless, but it'll go a reasonable way towards reducing the impact. All of it configurable, of course -- if you want teleporting MFSUs to be free, that should be permissible, as long as you're willing to go config-diving. Expect something like "cost per thousand EU" and "cost per hundred MJ" and the like. We already have cost per item for inventories.

    The problem with pirate versions is we have no idea what was ripped out or changed around, so we can't help you even if we wanted to. Which, personally, I really don't. You'll have to figure this one out on your own.

    I honestly have no idea what you're talking about, but you'll be pleased to know I've successfully built the latest source of Buildcraft... for Minecraft 1.4.6. This is, in fact, about as useless as you might think it is, but at least I've been able to verify that my change didn't actually break the build.

    What's a :201? What Jenkins (the one I know of stopped building Buildcraft several Minecraft versions ago)? Also, telling me about Ant problems won't help, I've never used it.

    Could this mod also access other/Mystcraft dimensions? Nether? End?

    It's definitely possible, and it's something I'd like to do, but I'm not sure how to balance it with the intra-dimensional teleport mechanics.

    It feels like an inter-dimensional teleport should be quite expensive, and very range-limited -- perhaps even a forced 1:1 mapping of coordinates (and then what about the Nether's native 1:16 mapping?) -- because you're using the transporter in a way it's "not designed" to be used.

    Though, to be fair, I'm also not sure if I want to build this into the regular transporter or make the inter-dimensional one a special machine of its own -- if the inter-dimensional transporter is its own machine, it can have different freedoms and limitations so it's theoretically easier to balance.

    For now, I'm saving thoughts of inter-dimensional teleporting for after I have the basics ready and working, but feel free to suggest restrictions/freedoms that might make it balance well.

    Mm? I didn't know Buildcraft still had a Jenkins.

    I've compiled a custom version myself in the past, but I use mcp_deobfuscate rather than the ant method. Doing it again now will require that I update my Forge install, which I probably should do anyway. Won't help you much without an NEI plugin to actually call getRecipes(), though.

    Still, let me try setting up a build environment and I'll see about making you a custom build.

    Looks like a long and detailed error description, most of it just saying "Hey, this stuff the server says exists at these BlockIDs, your client doesn't think is there". Since it didn't say you were missing IC2, you want to synchronize the configuration between client and server.

    If you've already got a single-player world and want to keep your client config, copy that to the server. Else, copy the other way around.

    I remember the exploding rubber trees...

    Since I can't find a statement on the topic I'll ask here.

    Whoops, I'll have to fix that when I have a moment. Edit: Fixed -- LiquidUU is now explicitly under MMPL, which, among other things, fully allows mod packs and the like, as long as source is included or linked.

    May I include your mod in my small private mod pack?
    Proper attribution will be given.

    Go right ahead, the only condition is that you have fun with it. Let me know if you find any bugs, all right?

    Hm. I haven't delved into the NEI API much, mostly because mistaqur's been doing such a fine job with his NEIPlugins that I haven't felt a need.

    You're right that adding a refinery recipe viewer would first require that we can query for them -- I might post that as a pull request on Buildcraft later (Edit: Done, and merged), as it seems like a simple thing. Might leave the actual NEI plugin to mistaqur, though, he knows what he's doing with those far better than I am. The accelerator is trivially handled by just looking up the recipes of the attached machine, so no plugin needed there.

    I'll keep it in mind, but with a tube system and the teleporter mod in progress, as well as holidays and potentially a new job, don't expect much from me very soon.

    On chunk resetting: Beware thread safety. The entire world can't be accessed safely by another thread.

    I worry about that, working with ComputerCraft, but it occurs to me I've probably been doing the right thing all along by just setting the teleport timer from the CC peripheral stuff and letting the main updateEntity() do the real work. I still worry a bit about working with faraway chunks, though I suspect (and will be checking; edit: confirmed) that World.getBlockSomethingOrOther(x, y, z) loads the chunk in question, at least for one tick, and that's all I need to the real teleport process. Everything else is just smoke and mirrors -- or rendering and sound, to be more precise. I've teleported things from about 1800m away for testing purposes (and to continue my wall of strange teleported things) with great success!

    Thank you kindly for the warning, and for looking in over here. What do you think about the project itself? Sound fun?

    See, there's one part I don't agree about in there: if you have a stupid idea once, there's nothing to say the next idea won't be one of the 1% that are, actually, good ideas. Assuming it won't be is falling into the gambler's fallacy, where you assume history has any bearing on the current dice roll (which it doesn't). And, like most things, you get better at evaluating ideas with practice -- so feel free to blurt out everything you think might be a good one, but don't be surprised when you learn your evaluation was wrong.

    I will, however, fully agree that posting ideas for the sake of spamming out text is completely useless -- if you know it's a terrible idea, or you didn't even wonder whether it was a terrible idea in the first place, shut up and go away.

    Forge is really recent, and it seems to be complaining in one of the newer bits of Forge. Have you tried using an older Forge instead, like the recommended from the IC2 1.110 release thread?

    Edit: Also, have you tried re-downloading IC2 1.110 in case your download got messed up?

    Edit edit: Looking through the code for Forge 447, it looks like GameData.setName(Item, String, String) is not public; I'd be surprised if that Forge really worked for anyone at all.

    Edit edit edit:…dex.php/topic,4097.0.html. Reportedly works fine with Forge 448.

    I am given to understand that schools these days put emphasis on participation over actually competing -- along the lines of "It's okay that you didn't win the math competition, at least you tried." Now, I happen to think being 28 years old doesn't make me exceptionally old or wise, but I can see how something like that would warp a young mind to expect gratification and/or pacification (big words!) for just about everything they do.

    Unfortunately, this isn't school, this is the suggestions forum of IC2, where we (ideally) actually look at suggestions, weigh their potential outcome, and share our opinion of whether we think they sound like fun, or not. As far as this suggestion goes, most of the people who responded either don't see a point to it (Quoting T10a: "WHY DO WE NEED OPTICAL CABLES?") or think it should work a different way (Quoting MatLaPatate: "It should more be like a Laser-Energy-Transmission"). Nobody has responded with unequivocal support, possibly because nobody thinks your idea, as stated, has merit. And, as a friend of mine said when I showed him this thread, there are no participation trophies in modding.

    To conclude this possibly unnecessary monologue, let me turn around and ask you a question: why does it matter if people like your idea or not? Ideas are a dime a dozen, everyone has them. And, very much according to Sturgeon's law, ninety percent of everything is crap. This goes tenfold for ideas, so 99% of them are crap. Congratulations, you're in the 99%. So are all the rest of us.

    Ah, okay. Like I said, I haven't gotten around to learning Lua, I've had my nose too deep in Java for a while as I'm currently working on my own mod (full mod, not addon).

    And speaking of learning Lua, I'm surprised nobody's caught me out about something else that's wrong with that code: there's a syntax error at line 16. I don't even remember what the right Lua syntax for what I'm trying to do is, so I just reversed the if and else blocks. Also, it turns out I forgot to release my lock after acquiring it, which I only found out after I played with the transporter a bit and found myself in the extended cooldown you get after a lock is broken for being terrible for too long.

    I went and edited with a fixed version that's working just fine for me, for the moment. I do note that it will stop working at some point in the future, as it releases the lock far too soon -- it should release the lock only after the transport is complete. Which also tells me there need to be peripheral functions to query about the transport process. Most entertaining, I say, most entertaining.

    narc? With that CC program, shouldn't be checking for too many arguments as well as too few? Pardon the merging of languages, I haven't gotten around to learning LUA.

    It's not an error condition if you pass in too many arguments, they'll just get ignored.

    Also, would it be possible to set up an intercept system for PvP servers, where the enemy can change the destination coordinates for someone being teleported to the coordinates of a teleporter in the enemy's own base? It could be useful for PvP server that are "Capture The Flag"-orientated.

    Okay, that's an interesting future idea -- intercepting a teleport. Right now I'm just going with teleport area denial with the interdictors, but I can certainly see the use of being able to accept a teleport but modify its destination. Probably along the lines of having an interdictor paired with a transporter to do it: the interdictor "traps" the original transporter lock and the transporter resets the destination. I'll note it down.

    I believe it was in one of the ST:TNG novels that I read about an advanced alien race who had really long range transporters and they found out it was basically a bunch of shorter range transporters that would hand you off one to the next.[...]

    I think it was an actual episode -- I want to say somewhere in season 1 or 2 -- but yeah, I have the same memory.

    Kind of reminds me of the star gate relay system. The gates will send their information to another gate to store in their 'buffer' then hand it off to the destination gate, or another gate's buffer until the information actually gets to it's destination.

    That was inspiration, too.

    I like the idea of this addon, once it becomes a little more...I want to say 'fleshed out,' then I'll give it a whirl. With CC just to play with it.

    Yes, I know the feeling. It was a major win to get as much of the signal system going as I did yesterday, and there's still plenty more to do.

    does any one have a decent program made for handling teleporter functions such as setting coordinates and all? im to new to cc to do any thing aside from using each command manually in the lua mode its kinda time consuming to input each command every time.

    You might like this extremely simplistic retrieve program I've been using, then:

    I also have a transmit program that's effectively the exact same thing, but with transmit instead of retrieve near the end there.

    ^ Except for the part where the water mill doesn't make nearly enough power to run an electric engine, right? The fillertransposer recipes are high enough in MJ cost that I doubt that system would manage to keep running. Unless you tested it?

    Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls of all ages, welcome to the second alpha test build of Beam Me Up! The new download is available in the first post, like always, and we've got some awesome stuff for you today:

    • Firstly, transporters don't "just work" anymore, they need a transporter lock (boo!).
    • However, it's now possible to get a transporter lock (yay!).
    • We also got some incredibly awesome new textures from The_Paragon, inspired by Star Trek: TOS! Everyone thank The_Paragon for making these and sharing them -- I personally am completely in love with the look of my shiny new stuff.
    • About those transporter locks... interdictors work now (yay!) as do beacons, though the beacons are stuck on frequency 1337 due to the subspace flux currently in progress. Interdictors and transporters are unaffected by the flux, though, and will happily accept any frequencies you set them to.

    All of which means, in terms of gameplay, at least, that the range-limiting mechanics are finally in. I want you guys to play with the new transporters and tell me what you think of their range -- is it too small, it is too large?

    Remember two transporters on the same frequency are planned to extend each other's range when teleporting to each other, so you could theoretically just have waystations every 5,000 blocks or so if you're going a really long way -- do you go such long distances normally?

    Let me know, 'cause if nothing's wrong I'm going to see about getting the transporter's biomass filters operational with some new Heisenberg compensators and let you transport entities and players next! Along with fitting those interlocks I was just talking about so that transporters can operate in tandem for longer ranges.

    Edit: Oh, hey, I just found a couple of bits that might be useful to you in your testing.

    Here's a program I used to print out lock strength and watch it for variations:

    And here's an interdictor management program that's been handy for me:

    Note you'll want to change your peripheral.wrap() statement if your interdictors and transporters aren't on the back side of the computers you place. And remember, acquireLock() before transmit() or retrieve(), and releaseLock() after!