Posts by narc

    As far as I know, redstone behaviour in all energy storage blocks is buggy at the moment. If you really have your heart set on messing around with them, I'd suggest dropping back to a prior version of minecraft and IC2, or waiting until the next release of IC2 comes around -- or try to use another method, maybe.

    I don't know if EU detector cables might help your specific case, but I think those aren't broken, so maybe try that?

    Well, I don't know about you missing anything, but this is the obvious culprit:


    2012-10-02 05:42:36 [INFO] [STDERR] java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: CraftGuide.API.CraftGuideAPIObject

    I'm just not sure why the IC2 cgIntegration submodule is complaining. Do you maybe have some version of Craftguide installed that IC2 has no idea what to do with?

    Either way, the error is ignorable as long as it's not impacting your ability to run the game. Why fix it if it's not broken?

    ^ That sounds something like the conclusion I came to a while ago: once EE is in your set of installed mods, you are no longer playing Minecraft with some mods, you're playing Equivalent Exchange.

    Yes, a transformer will only process the equivalent of one packet of the maximum size it can handle in each tick (i.e. 128 EU/t for LVT, 512 EU/t for MVT, 2048 EU/t for HVT). Of course, you can always add more transformers if you have more power to deal with.

    I suspect you're using the NEI creative+ armor slots, but they're a bit broken at the moment. Drop back into survival, then put on the armor.

    Heh. I may have exaggerated just a little, but just about all software has bugs -- the only software that doesn't is that which is never used for any purpose whatsoever.

    Of course, I know what you mean -- Mojang's software has historically been less stable than the average. I submit it's still worthwhile to remember that the average is still not all that great, from the perspective of bugs present.

    A single snowman can give you four snowballs per block-breaker tick (half a second) if it's constrained to stay on the corners of those four blocks -- you can use glass panes or iron bars to create an appropriate enclosure, after which you only need push the snowman into the middle. The resulting output of two snow blocks per second should be more reliable than a cobblegen, though you still obviously need an autocrafting system to match.

    Mm, I had initially read it as just more options for the config file. I do like that idea, and it would be nice to have a discussion of other things that could be altered the same way and/or which parts we'd never use.

    For instance, I'd not likely toggle the chances to break for the generators, because I'm too stuck in the mindset of "plop it down and forget about it". However, along the same lines, I like the idea of needing at least a quantum suit to walk up to a nuclear reactor (and it sounds like something that may actually happen in the nuke rework).

    I'm not sure it makes sense for nano armor to be destroyed when depleted, so I wouldn't pick that, but that does make me wonder if it might become damaged in some other way when attacked when depleted, and require repairs.

    Reducing extractor efficiency for rubber to 2/3rds of its current value would be fairly game-changing and possibly worth the challenge. Maybe make it chance-based, with chances to get 1, 2, or 3 resin out of an operation, with 2 being average. That sounds interesting.

    Less perfect energy storage blocks sound nice, but they could also potentially just lead to a lot of people storing energy in lapotrons in a chest and/or electrolyzers... I admit, I wouldn't mind that last one so much, as I usually only plop down an electrolyzer for the advanced machines addon, and they are a neat thing to have.

    Changing bronze tools durability/usefulness doesn't sound like it would change anything for me -- I don't really use them at all. Likewise, I don't find a lack of rubber saplings as a really good idea, especially with the drop in extractor efficiency. And it wouldn't address the alternative of just setting up some stickreed crops for resin -- those things are powerful. Although I wouldn't mind something to push me to actually make them and use them.

    On maceration chance to double, I'd want that to be a fairly high chance (maybe 75% or so), but also add a small (e.g. 1%) chance to lose the ore altogether. Really bad news if you're just setting up and get a bit unlucky with your first macerations, but not so much that you'll really notice after a while.

    I can't say I'd want to reduce my lappack storage, though realistically even if halved it wouldn't really affect me terribly much -- I rarely reach 50% charge in normal operation.

    Finally, I do like the idea of breaking equipment if left for too long in a charging station, but probably along the same lines as I previously mentioned for the nano suit, i.e. becoming damaged and needing to be repaired. These are more like addons than simple config changes, since one would also need to define a way to repair these items. But I do like the theory.

    As for the actual "official" tournament rules, I have to wonder if anyone would actually use them. Maybe those same people who play on Hardcore.

    I don't have any ideas to add to the list right now, but if I come up with anything I'll throw them in here and see what everyone thinks. Thanks for setting up the thread, and I have to wonder if some of the replies really understood the spirit of the idea rather than just going automatically "no, not interested". Options are good, if we can agree on a set that don't just make artificial difficulty whenever they're turned on.

    ^ make it max_packet_size per tick. That's 0.08% for a batbox, a bit more than 0.02% for an MFE and just over 0.005% for an MFSU, which seem like reasonable rates (and a good push for higher-end storage).

    X-Heiko, I think this idea of "tournament rules" could do well in its own thread -- would you be kind enough to start that?

    I have it installed in my current v.1.103 world, but haven't tried actually macerating any charcoal yet. That said, it should work, since it's just adding a few recipes.

    Edit: Yeah, it seems to work. Macerated some charcoal and checked recipes in NEI. All good.

    I don't know your texture pack. The one on the left makes me think "grass", which might be a weed, but it also seems to match the look of the roses at the left-back of the picture. The one on the right looks like ferru/aurilia, but it might be something completely different because, again, texture pack.

    My suggestion is set up a few empty crop sticks in a different area and let them grow weeds all on their own -- and remember what they look like.

    There is a difference between a player being annoyed because he has to come over a challenge, and a game that purposely annoys the player.

    So, you're convinced that any machine weardown mechanic that could be implemented is guaranteed to be of the latter? This is incredibly strange to me, as I've been playing IC since before it was IC2 and I've yet to see Alblaka implement a game mechanic that doesn't give you something back for the trouble of managing it.

    Now, I admit this thread has gotten incredibly long and I haven't read back through it, but I didn't think we were given any indication of how the IC2 team were thinking of implementing this breakdown mechanic -- and if that's true, then we really can't complain ahead of time simply because we don't know what it'll be like.

    If it does turn out to be a terrible implementation, then it'll be time to start complaining -- or switching to another mod, like Thermal Expansion, which does similar things in different ways.

    I know that RC coke bricks can lag because they all make checks every few ticks whether they form Coke oven or not.

    That used to be true, but then Forge got hooks for block placement and breaking, so they only have to check at those times -- much cheaper on the CPU.

    This way of thinking is the reason why I can't run minecraft (2-5fps max) on my EEE PC 1000. It's funny, since it can run things like UT2003 just fine, with little-to-no lag.
    I don't want to wake up and find out that IC/RP combination is not playable anymore because new machine designs are causing heavy cpu spikes because of nature of minecraft engine.

    Eee PCs aren't built for processing power -- comparing them to regular computers is useless at best, and specious at worst. Likewise, UT 2003 isn't very CPU-intensive (though I admit I'm surprised an Intel mobile graphics chip is capable of the rendering required -- learn something new every day).

    Minecraft is designed in such a way that it's both CPU and memory-intensive by its very nature -- a single chunk is 16x16x256 = 65536 blocks, all of which need to be tracked in a reasonable way and altered when needed, and that's just a small part of the amount of world that's active at any given time. While this does mean that there is less CPU budget left over for clever things like IC2 generators and the energy net and so on (compared to a game where most things are pre-modeled and pre-textured and only graphics work needs to be done, for which graphics cards are excellent), you're still comparing apples to oranges in terms of CPU time of large machines versus single-block ones. Consider that any block that forms part of a large machine is one where a single-block machine cannot be. And the multi-block machines can still be implemented as single-block devices that check if other, nearby blocks are missing on block break, so they can refuse to function -- which mitigates the required CPU budget considerably.

    As I said, you're not thinking like a programmer. When I say hundreds, or thousands, of machines, I'm not kidding, just like it takes thousands of solar panels to add up to noticeable decrease in ticks-per-second. Of course, people do build thousands of solar panels, and they do complain thereafter, so understand that I'm not fully disagreeing with you, either -- I only think you're overestimating the CPU hit of multi-block machines compared to the programmer cost of altering all the machines currently in IC2, which is massively more important.

    Oh, that's interesting. Here's what v2.2e does with the Energy Sensor Location Card: .

    I'm not sure what's going on -- I initially assumed the code was trying to read the non-existent "tag.charge" value, but it handles Forestry bees and Mystcraft linking books correctly and those don't have charge in their tag, either. Unless they're special-cased, which I doubt.

    I'm coming to suspect that Nuclear Control is doing something screwy with its special items that makes ArmourHUD think it's an item with charge when it obviously isn't.