Posts by narc

    ^ You're not really thinking as a programmer -- the CPU cycles it takes to process all that are more than those needed to process a single, simple machine, but they're still perfectly manageable (and any "it looks for..." are pure one-time costs not worth mentioning). You'd need hundreds, or even thousands of such machines to make a noticeable dent in an average computer's available CPU budget.

    It's also perfectly possible to go the TerraFirmaCraft way and just have one specific block that does all the calculating, merely checking on block placement/break whether a required piece of the machine was removed, in which case you have a regular, one-block machine that just happens to take up more space without affecting the CPU budget at all.

    No, the real problem is writing the code to make it all work -- and there's a lot of code that would have to be revisited to make multi-block machines workable (not to mention at least some design to make it make sense to the players).

    No, your problem is too generic for a solution.

    Check that it's daytime, that there is no power loss along the cable you're using to link the solar panel to the batbox (4 blocks max for insulated copper cable, 40 blocks max for glass fiber and tin), that the solar panel can see the sky and that it isn't raining (or cloudy, if you're in a desert biome).

    Like Zjarek (who posted while I was typing this up), I suspect cable loss, as it's the least obvious potential problem.

    The miner only stops at liquids if it doesn't have a pump attached, so attach one. The pump will need cells and power to operate, of course, but it will allow the miner to continue doing its thing.

    At least, that's my understanding. I haven't actually tried this myself, though I'm certain my next "quarry" will be a flying autominer design.

    Good point. An expenditure of one redstone would give you one maceration, enough to make a single piece of coal into a coal dust, which you can hydrate and turn into enough energy for ten more macerations. By itself, that's a reasonable process, though you'd need to have had at least three copper and one rubber in advance (to make the cable for the SU battery set).

    I've used SU batteries in the booting process for new worlds before, and it isn't too ornery, despite the fiddly-ness of water buckets. It's not a bad way to stretch your redstone and coal in the early game, when you have few of both.

    The plating is what marks the top three and bottom five as active coolants. Now, Al's info thread says:

    2. Reactor Plating
    Reactor Plating serves multiple functions:
    It can store 10000 heat and will (though 10 times slower then a coolant cell), cool itself down as well.
    More important, it can transport heat to adjacent components. If a reactor plating is heated up by something, it will instantly divert the heat among all surrounding coolant systems. Even to other platings (which will again divert the heat, however, NOT to other platings anymore).
    Additionally, each piece of plating will increase the Reactor Hull's integrity, causing it to to take more heat before melting.

    I suspect the calculator may be overestimating the distance the plating spreads heat. Honestly, I'm not sure what's going on, but it's definitely weird.

    ^ Wow, I was just about to report the exact same issue.

    Full trace in the spoiler below:

    ...I just noticed I have v2.2c installed. I had picked up 2.2d intending to replace, but I guess I never got around to it. Will be back as soon as I attempt to reproduce with the latest.

    Edit: Reproduced successfully with ArmourHUD 2.2d -- just hit an EU storage block with an energy sensor kit and look at the pretty "Saving chunks...".

    As a matter of entertainment, note the energy sensor location card still gets created correctly and works just fine -- but if you attempt to select it in the hotbar, you get the crash again. Something about it doesn't return the item name correctly, I guess.

    From a previous thread I recall a recommendation of just two layers of water, the logic being: the innermost layer (next to the reactor) can get burned away by the reactor when it heats up, but the outer layer is immune to that. Explosions will not affect blocks through water (but will hurt mobs/players just fine, if memory serves).

    Someone correct me if my recollection is wrong.

    Relevant section of my latest ForgeModLoader-0.log:

    45 lines according to notepad++.

    The way I see it, Equivalent Exchange is a variation on NEI -- I can and have played with NEI in cheat mode without pulling anything out of it, and I can similarly choose not to go into outright chEEting while still allowing myself the occasional useful toy (flight, lava immunity, etc). Ultimately, it's no more OP than you allow it to be.

    Then again, what do I know -- after two years of Minecraft I have trouble convincing myself to run the game in the first place.

    Hmm... I finally found where in the log Forge identifies its version, and I see you have I seem to recall that one not working very well with IC2 1.97, and also not being a recommended build.

    I've been using (the very last version for MC 1.2.5) successfully with a near-superset of the same mods you have installed, so I can vouch for it. Unfortunately, I can't seem to reach the Forge auto-builder so I can't link you to the right page (and also can't check on build 164's status). But, if you can get your hands on build 171, give it a try.

    Edit to add: Found some Forge download links at -- that should let you grab build 171 and try it.

    ...and I found where the Jenkins moved to and can confirm build 164 was not a recommended build.