Posts by narc

    It takes approximately 14 apple juice combined with saplings and mulch to give 20 biomass. which distills down in to 6 biofuel.

    Okay, I really don't like that we're getting such different numbers here. You've got an order of magnitude differential there, unless it's just that the Forestry wiki is being a bit too roundabout and we both missed something while reading that page. The most confusing part I'm reading is this:

    Quote from Forestry wiki

    The amount of biomass produced is equal to the source liquid consumption multiplied by the relevant output modifier

    , which seems to suggest the solid input (saplings, etc) either doesn't matter, or applies as a secondary output modifier. Hm...

    No, I can't seem to manage to convince any combination of 14, 0.8 and 1.5 to result in 20 -- it's either 16.8 if we apply both multipliers, or 21 if we apply just the apple juice. I guess I'll have to look at decompiled source. Sorry, Sengir, it has to be done.

    Also, glad you found the creosote oil, couldn't seem to find the values on the railcraft wiki or nei.

    Mhm, I also had to hunt but eventually found a table hiding at the very bottom of the Steam Boiler page.

    Another way to do water could be to take the energy required create the uu matter divided by the energy required to run the ic2 pump which is about 200 eu per bucket since it is basically infinite.

    Another way to do water is to not do it at all. BC pump + redstone engines and aqueous accumulator both make infinite water; there's really no need to have a UU-to-water conversion at all. If only because 1 UU = 5,000 water seems just a bit odd and might not even work.

    All right, folks, here's a proposed conversion table, built on Appleblomb's work and some careful reading around Buildcraft source and the Forestry wiki. I really want some opinions on it, in particular any recipes that seem severely overpowered (but give a good explanation of why I should ignore the posted rationale, not just "it looks funny").

    Speaking of looking funny, Appleblomb, the only major change from what you initially sent me is the apple juice; have a look at my calculations and tell me if you see anything overtly wrong. If I used the same conversion method for water, I'd get a hilarious 180 water per UU -- which may actually be reasonable, considering.

    Incidentally, we've got two possible conversions here, depending on the cost of UUM -- it's either 1,000,000 EU = 600,000 MJ or 333,334 EU = 600,000 MJ. Speaking for myself, this conversion seems wrong, although it improves somewhat on the "convenience" duplications, where the same amount of EU produces only 300,000 MJ. I may go back and revise everything down a peg (I'm considering something like 3 UU = 1 oil as the baseline).

    I'm surprised nobody told me BeamMeUp refuses to start on a server! Or, at least, it used to. Works now, though, from what I can tell... although I admit I didn't actually check that it *behaves* correctly on a server. But at least it no longer prevents the server from starting!

    Get version 0.2.1, now officially a "release", from the OP, and keep messing around with it. I'm relying on you guys to tell me about bugs and how to trigger them.


    java.lang.RuntimeException: Attempted to load class avf for invalid side SERVER

    Urgh. I guess I'm using some client-side-only stuff in the NEI integration. Might help if I mark that as SideOnly(Side.CLIENT). Either way, it won't hurt anything aside from message spam at server start. I'll fix it now so I won't forget, but not making a new release for it.

    Edit to add: Appleblomb: And here I thought I was mostly done with LiquidUU and could concentrate on other mod ideas. You've given me enough excellent ideas to bring me to v0.9, if not 1.0! Thanks kindly, and check your PMs ^^ says it's being used much like the previous version:

    if(entry.demandsEnergy() > 0 && i$.loss < (double)amount) {

    Personally, I'm using it, and its friend injectEnergy, like so (from BeamMeUp source:(

    It does mean I tend to end up with slightly more than ENERGY_CAPACITY EUs stored in the machine, but that really doesn't get in the way much, if at all.

    can you make the recepi to the Accelerator cost a little bit more? like a LOt more? its a power full tool, if you have uu matter so i would think it would be a complicated machine.

    I think the logic behind the Accelerator was that you had already paid a lot for the MassFab (MatterFab if you're using GregTech Hard Mode), so you should pay less for the Accelerator.

    Correct, the Accelerator itself is perfectly fine in terms of expense -- if you make one but have no UU, you can't do anything with it!

    Maybe have Electrolyzed Water and Liquid UU as a refinery recipe and output the charged UU? That way it would also be configurable easily for balance purposes and just makes more sense to me that way. The only possible downside is that it prevents generation of electrolyzed water using UUM which I don't think should be a feature anyway.

    Indeed, making electrolyzed water with UU would either be bad, or useless.

    But it also reduces the amount of coding to have the Liquid Electrolyzer also accept UUM and the Electrolyzed Water.

    Nah, we're talking just a few lines of code. I'm thinking the LE should have an API to allow other people to add recipes to it anyway... and that makes me wonder if we do actually have enough tech mods, 'cause I could definitely see myself adding a furnace that produces (liquid) molten slag that you'd turn into ingots via another machine. Crazy, huh?

    Though I do like the idea of the charged UUM to provide a double processing amount for the accelerator.

    Yes, but it's boring! It doesn't do anything special, and that's just not right. We'll leave out the charged UUM for now, and if I see any ideas for using it, I can always add it in later.

    One other idea for it might be the creation of shaped charged explosives. Not entirely sure of the chemistry of UUM but it could work.

    An interesting idea, but I really don't want to deal with explosives yet. I'm also thinking that charged UUM is somewhat expensive, and explosives... shouldn't be, otherwise nobody will use them. When's the last time you went mining with TNT/ITNT? I'm one of the people who enjoys that, but even I haven't bothered, even though gunpowder isn't much of a problem anymore for me.

    Keep up the good work, I am getting all kinds of excited for this again :D. Glad I could be of at least some assistance. Now to mess around and get those liquid ratios.

    Mwahaha! It's fun, isn't it, watching something you only talked about in theory turn into something "tangible"?

    ^ Of course it would, although with some changes to account for the fact that the terraformer block is also 13 other machines as well as the machine block and advanced machine block. I'm not an IC2 dev, though. I'm just telling you what I read about how it works right now (well, how it worked in 1.106; I should update my decompile).

    Right, progress report: less than I wanted, but I can't seem to keep my mind on what i'm doing so I'll drop it for the moment.

    What I managed to do: I made the electrolyzed water liquid (including a textureFX that derives from the regular liquidFX) and verified that it can be placed in tanks, and I made some interim textures for the liquid electrolyzer's many faces (but I haven't made the machine yet, so meh). I'm not particularly proud of either, I'm not a texture artist, I'm just barely able to bodge things together when I need them, but check them out anyway: here's where the 0.7.11 experimental lives.

    If someone wants to chip in, I'd welcome a texture for the liquid electrolyzer face, or if you have a dev environment set up, feel free to fork it and make me a pull request implementing as much of the new machine as you feel comfortable with. As an implementation note, if you get to the part about textures, the defaults should be: top == EU in (texture index 17), bottom == EU out (texture 18 ), left (ForgeDirection.getRotation(ForgeDirection.UP, front)) == water tank (texture 19), right (ForgeDirection.getRotation(ForgeDirection.DOWN, front)) == electrolyzed water tank (texture 20); the front should obviously have the FACE texture at index 16, and the opposite of the face should default to the blank texture at index 21. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, don't worry, it's what I'll do the next time I'm working on this project.

    Hmmm interesting thought for the liquid electrolyzer block, kind of like thermal expansion. Though maybe it could have a button in the gui to determine which liquids to accept and output. Atleast in my usage it would require this since more than likely I and possibly others will use teleport pipes with railcraft tanks to provide storage. Having railcraft tanks next to each other would be quite a limitation.

    I may be missing something, but it seems to me that using external tanks just gives you more block faces to attach input or output pipes to. If you want to only have it electrolyze, keep the water tank full at all times; if you want to only have it do the opposite, keep it empty at all times. This should just externalize the internal tanks that blocks like the aqueous accumulator have, and if I do it right, I can even give you the tank state in the machine's GUI, scaled to whatever size tank happens to be adjacent. Certainly, you *could* have those be Railcraft tanks, but you wouldn't need to -- just use Buildcraft tanks and teleport your water in and electrolyzed water out of each of them, or the opposite, while still using the Railcraft tanks as long-term storage.

    Also I would think having it accept power like a machine would be easier since it is implemented in the ic2 api, though id have to see if it has adjacent energy blocks as an option. But if implemented as a standard machine it can be connected via cable or have energy sources placed next to it and just wrench the sides.

    I can see several interesting options, and I agree I don't think I'd *want* to mess with an adjacent energy block, even though the option does exist. My preferred choice would be a Thermal Expansion style side selection, where a side can be water tank, electrolyzed water tank, EU in or EU out, which also gives us the option of having an instance of the machine act in one direction only, e.g. if it only has faces for EU in and none for EU out, it may as well work only to turn water into electrolyzed and never do the opposite action. Having fixed sides is a compromise that would involve a lot of possible rotation options, and the IC2 wrench is not a screwdriver that would let us have different kinds of rotations on click vs. shift-click (referencing screwdriver on frame motors, if that's not obvious).

    Not to mention it would be really cool if it could take machine upgrades like the overclocker. Though testing would have to be done to get it all just right. Might make this lower tier of power more useful if it can be coaxed in to outputting higher amounts of energy.

    Mhm, overclocker to make it process more water at a time at the cost of reduced efficiency, transformer to make it accept/produce higher-voltage current (which would also make it process more water at a time, but at fixed steps and without the efficiency loss). Storage upgrades just to increase its internal buffer seem less useful, but they might help -- and it's not like we *have to* have special behaviour for it.

    I would be more than happy to run the numbers and balance out all your fluids, just give me some time to write it all up and make it look nice and readable and show the math involved so you can double check it. [...] Feel free to post my explanation as well if people request it, or if you think people would be interested in it.

    Mhm, I'd greatly appreciate that, as I don't actually play enough Minecraft to really be concerned about it. Balancing was on my "to do" list only if it ever got enough on my nerves to make it worthwhile.

    Also, Forestry Crushed Ice would be a good idea to implement.[...]

    Yeah, I'd actually forgotten about it (and IC2 coolant, and Railcraft's creosote oil) until after that Forestry integration release, and when I realized that, I ended up deciding it wasn't worth another version bump just to add another liquid or two. After that, I suppose it never really came up again.

    Here's an interesting problem: if we have electrolyzed water as a liquid, we could potentially make electrolyzed liquid UU -- either as a combination of the two, or by passing regular UU through the liquid electrolyzer. I'm not sure, however, what that would accomplish. One aspect suggests itself immediately: electrolyzed UU is more (twice as?) powerful in the accelerator, letting you do more with less UU, by supercharging it after the fact. Another aspect pokes into BeamMeUp, where we were kicking around the idea of using liquid UU to reduce rematerialization costs -- perhaps electrolyzed UU would reduce them further, or perhaps it should be the only variant that actually does the EU cost reduction, I'm not sure which would make the most sense. However, this seems like limited (and boring!) utility for something that should be exceptionally awesome, so if you have any ideas what electrolyzed UU should do that regular UU can't, I'd welcome the thoughts.

    Also, if it's not obvious from the last two posts, I am quite eager to make this liquid electrolyzer now, particularly as I have a fair idea of how it would work, internally. Might take me a while to work out the parts I'm not sure about, though (like the configurable sides, and the textureFX for electrolyzed water). Expect some kind of progress report in the next 24 hours.

    [...electrolyzed water...]

    I was thinking of implementing the machine to make it as a variant of the existing electrolyzer that needs to have two tanks (Buildcraft tanks were the ones I had in mind) next to it. It would then function much like an electrolyzer next to a storage device: when it had more than 75% stored energy it would try to convert some water from one tank into electrolyzed water in the other tank, and vice-versa when it was below 25%. The machine would either sit next to an energy storage block like the regular electrolyzer, or it would be capable of accepting and outputting EUs itself, whichever was simplest. The most interesting part of this potential implementation is that the machine wouldn't even have any liquid storage itself -- it would just use liquids from tanks next to it, which cleanly satisfies the problem of "how do you get the right liquid in while being able to get the right liquid out?".

    On another note, I did come up with a suggestion for this mod though. Liquid ratio options in the config file. Might just be me personally but I think the biomass and apple juice conversions are a bit underpowered.

    I did mention in the OP the liquid duplication ratios are not balanced, so making them configurable sounds like an excellent idea. Likewise, the work you've put into calculating some good ratios is probably good (I haven't read it in detail yet), so if you'd like to do the math and give me numbers for everything to make the defaults, I'll take it and credit you in the OP for it.

    Also, I love the idea about UU-matter! What if there was a mode that when transporting something to a remote location without a recieving transporter you could have it use nearby materials to reconstruct the package to conserve engergy? It could use nearby blocks as raw material instead of energy or UU-matter.

    That doesn't sound like it should work -- dematerializing is itself an energy-expensive process. UU-matter is already primed to be shaped into something else (hence why Steve can use just a regular old crafting table to produce stuff out of it), but regular matter isn't.

    Not sure if it should require line-of-sight. Then you wouldn't be able to have the controls in a separate room if you would like that. It might be better if it just needs to be within a certain radius and on the right frequency.

    Yes, I'm kind of undecided on it, myself. To clarify "something like line of sight", I was thinking there should be a path of air blocks (not necessarily human-traversable) between the console and what it's controlling. But, thinking about it some more, that could get fairly expensive to check if I was going to do it right, without really being a particularly useful or interesting limitation. I think I'll just make it as you say: be in range and on the right frequency.

    Okay, the last couple of times I passed by this thread, I hadn't wanted to dive into terraforming to find out how it works, but this time around I finally did. Here's what I found:

    • The terraformer has no gui. This was my first misunderstanding, as a custom Slot in the Container would've checked the validity of the TFBP just by looking at whether it implemented the right interface, and it would've just worked.
    • Existing TFBPs have an onItemUse([lots of parameters]) which checks if the block you right-clicked is a terraformer, and if true, calls TileEntityTerra.insertBlueprint(ItemStack) on it.
    • The easiest way to get the same behaviour is to extend ItemTFBP, but both this class and TileEntityTerra are IC2 internals rather than API-visible, so you'll have to keep track of any namespace changes yourself (in IC2 1.112 they exist at ic2.core.item.tfbp.ItemTFBP and ic2.core.block.machine.tileentity.TileEntityTerra, respectively). You can do this just by opening the jar and looking at its directory structure, no decompiling/deobf required.

    Overall, my impression is that the terraforming blueprint API is incomplete, and the machine really should have its own single-slot GUI and do its checking there.

    So... we're in the Addons forum, and nobody's mentioned that CraftGuide does have an API, and that IC2 explicitly has integration for it built into IC2 itself? I am disappoint.

    With that said, my personal opinion is that CraftGuide is brilliant, but I've gotten used to NEI's quirks, so I'm probably going to keep using the latter. Also, this thread should almost certainly be in Addon Discussion.

    Will the teleporter sound files be accessible outside the mod as in the style of IC2NuclearControl? I'd like to be able to swap out the sounds, perhaps using a TARDIS like sound.

    Um, I have no idea how NuclearControl does it, but BMU plays its sounds out of .minecraft/resources/bmu (extracting them from the mod, if necessary), so if you feel like replacing them that should work, I think. As a note on timing, the transporting process itself takes about 5 seconds (100 ticks), and the actual teleport happens at 2.5 seconds in (50 ticks).

    Glad you're enjoying the mod :)

    I hope you are planning to keep the computer craft interface! I love the idea that a computer is required to control the teleporting.

    Absolutely! I'd like to extend that to Redpower computers at some point, even, but that's a long-term plan that'll keep.

    Maybe you could make a "transporter controller" block that would have a gui that controls the transporters and interdictors instead of having the gui on the machines themselves for those that do not want to use computercraft. I love the idea of a remote control panel that controls the teleporting.

    Transporter console, yes. I actually had the same epiphany a few days ago and realized I'd increased the amount of work I'd have to do, a little, but that it would also fit so much better. The console would need to be fairly close to the transporter it's controlling, and perhaps require something like line of sight to it, but that would work nicely. Moreover, we can use the same console for controlling the interdictors and getting status reports from them when they block a transport lock.

    There will be GUIs for the machines, though, for two things: EU storage feedback, and frequency setting, as the console will need to be on-frequency to do anything. But yeah. Absolutely the right idea.