Posts by narc

    multiple input and output slots, process the seed completely in one pass

    You mean like what happens when you give it a redstone signal (automatically scans seeds to their maximum scan level) and put it next to a seed library (automatically scans seeds from the library)? ^^

    I'll look at a 1.4.6 update in a moment, since I've got a dev environment already set up.

    Later edit: and by "look at", I meant "do" -- I'm attaching SeedManager 3.0.3, built for IC2 1.112. I'll prod Funnyman into updating the OP later.

    It's not exactly Star Trek canon, but transporters might be an interesting usage for liquid UU-matter. considering that you're basically creating something from an energy beam.

    Okay, yeah, I totally love that idea. After all, we have this handy protomatter here in the form of UU... yeah, this one's going straight to the future plans page. Thank you!

    If you add a block for it and implement some way to drink it I'll DL (I don't care what it does to my body, I just want to swim in and drink UUM. Delicious, delicious UUM).

    It's very tempting to make it kill you if you drink it :P Honestly, as much as I do like having people play with and appreciate my work, I'm not going to be prioritizing this very high -- but I do like the idea of having a liquid UU block.

    Also, I rather like the idea of UUM being used to duplicate rather than create. Perhaps the entire UUM system should be redesigned in this spirit (craft 1 iron ore with 5 UUM to get 3)? Refresh my memory, is it possible to specify stack size of ingredients in a crafting recipe?

    Sadly, no, but that is a very interesting idea nonetheless when combined with the earlier one: that of having a way to use fractional UU to limit the number of items you create. I can even call the machine a Replicator. Thank you!

    I've done an update to Minecraft 1.4.6 and the newer IC2 and ComputerCraft, and everything seems fine except the blocks are getting registered in the Creative tab twice, for some reason. They seem to work all right, however, so I'm not going to bug hunt -- doing the update was the high priority here.

    I've also toned down the warnings in the OP quite a bit, as I get the feeling they're not really as necessary anymore -- we've had people try to break it for at least a week now without managing it. Of course, now we can try it on RedPower blocks (and microblocks) so things might start breaking... but it's somewhat unlikely.

    Tried it again today and the crystal didn't vanish this time.

    That sounds more like I'd expect. Let me know if you have something weird happen again.

    ive been testing some this week while i was sick with the flu. i have yet to corrupt my world or cause chunks to reset as you have stated in the first post of this topic.

    That's excellent news, or at least confirmation. This was the version most likely to have corrupting weirdness happen, so I can probably soften that notice from the OP soon.

    its 256 blocks that are loaded in every direction right from the player?

    Something like that. I've teleported things over 1800 blocks and had no real issue, so I suspect it'll just work.

    I just recently realized I haven't posted in here yet, and this seems like a good time with the new bug tracker and open betas that have made it so much easier to keep up. Thank you, IC2 folks, for the excellent job you're all doing!

    Great mod!

    Thank you kindly!

    [...]the one thing that would set this over the top is more uses for the liquid. Though I have no idea what it could otherwise be used for currently.

    Yeah, I know, right? A couple of options have already suggested themselves so far, but I need to take some time and look at them properly.

    It's a shame that Electrolyzed Cells aren't implemented as a liquid, would make my mod a bit more interesting and would allow those handy UU refinery creations. Might end up doing it myself if I get the time though.

    Funny you mentioned that, as it was one of the proposed compromises to having a Liquid UU-powered generator, and it's actually the one that kind of stuck in my mind. If you do end up implementing it before I have time, I want to see it.

    Yayp! I've always wanted some Liquid EU storage ^^.

    Those are encouraging words! I'll take a look at it the next time I'm fiddling with LiquidUU, which may not be terribly soon as I have a little backlog of things that need finishing first.

    LiquidUU: Did not load ThermalExpansion integration: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException

    Hah, somebody finally noticed! I have the fix for that in version control (the TE API changed, for the better), but I didn't think it was worth pushing another package out, as much as I've been wanting an excuse for a version 0.7.10. Nothing will break too severely when the TE API doesn't load, it's just that the liquid transposer will return an empty cell for every UUM turned into liquid UU. The new TE API lets me specify that UUM turns into liquid UU without any return, which is better than the old API had, but again, this isn't something I'm particularly worried about.

    What I am interested in, however, is Minecraft 1.4.6... mostly because RedPower. I've noticed the link to the Jenkins that's been (according to Kane Hart) published on IRC in a couple of places, and used build 167 to compile against, as well as a custom Buildcraft that I made out of the almost latest github source. So you can now try your hand at LiquidUU v0.7.10-experimental (the Buildcraft I used is also linked) and play with LiquidUU in RedPower. However, note that due to lack of Forestry and Thermal Expansion, the two integrations are excluded from this build (otherwise I couldn't have built it). Once I can put those back in, I'll be happy calling this a 0.7.10 release.

    Edit: By the way, don't be surprised if you crash if an RP fluid pipe passes next to an accelerator -- apparently, Eloraam is keeping me on my toes and passing in a null liquid stack. I've updated the package, now that I've accounted for my silly assumption, so redownload and you should get the fixed version. The unfortunate consequence of the way RP does this is that accelerators won't connect to fluid pipes (rather, the other way around). I may change things up before the final 0.7.10 release.

    I played around with it a bit earlier and when I teleported a MFSU with a lapotron crystal in it the crystal vanished. The MFSU kept the charge though.

    That's really weird, it should've lost neither or both -- the way I'm doing the block teleports for things that have tile entities is pretty much exactly the same as Minecraft does when chunks unload and reload -- but I'll try replicating it and trace through what's happening if I see it happening. Even if I can't fix it, though, I may end up calling it "the vagaries of teleporting". I'll be much more worried if you lose items out of teleported chests.

    Glad you're enjoying it! I've been messing around with Redpower in 1.4.6 today and recently wished I could teleport my charging bench so it wouldn't lose its charge ^^ Isn't that silly?

    Why the fuck are all the latest IC²-Devbuilds crashing because of the Scaffolds?

    Both the wooden and the iron scaffolds have the same internal name, and Forge doesn't like that anymore (presumably because it's trying to use the item name to check that everyone has the same blocks in the same places on things like connecting to a server). It was... entertaining to discover, particularly when I'd just been about to test a LiquidUU build for 1.4.6.

    ^ That, with the additional note that a single transformer only makes one big dwarf or four small ones per tick, so you'll only get 128 EU/t out of an LV transformer -- so it'll take it four ticks to make all sixteen of the 32 EU dwarves.

    The problem with quantum tools is we already have the electric tools that are incredibly amazingly good -- there's not much room to improve on that. On the other hand, it would be more in the "spirit" of quantum stuff to have extra behaviour for quantum tools, maybe something like the Thaumcraft 2 special magic tools. Anyone have any thoughts on what extra behaviours we might have on, say, a quantum pickaxe? Shovel? Or should they be higher-tier versions of the chainsaw/drill, like we have a few addons for already?

    So many options, so few of them actually worth the development time ^^