Posts by jppk1

    The reason why your HV cable is losing less than what you expected it to lose is because it carries 512EU packets instead of 128EU packets. 512-50=462. Conversion back to low voltage makes the average EU/t 462/4=115.5EU/t.
    For your wiring system, just use any voltage but remember than you can (and should) use high voltages for power transportation

    :MFE-Transmitter: :LV-Transformer: :Glass Fibre: :Glass Fibre: :Glass Fibre: :Glass Fibre: :Glass Fibre: :Glass Fibre: :Glass Fibre: :Glass Fibre: :Glass Fibre: :Glass Fibre:
    (MFE output on right side, the LV-transformer converting the MFE's output to LV packets.)
    You can use a system like above to get 128EU/t usable power for your stuff without blowing up your machines that can only accept LV. The LV transformer makes the MFE's output into four 32EU packets every tick.

    I have no clue how to gauge wether or not I have 9 water cooling or 25. I've got no way to know so I go on the safe side thanks for the designs.

    It's quite simple to count the amount of water cooling your reactor has. Basically the reactor is in a middle of a 3x3x3 cube. 3x3x3-1(the reactor)=26. So the maximium amount of water cooling you can have is 26, but then you have no way to collect the power your reactor produces. So you need a cable next to the reactor, which reduces the amount of water cooling by one, making the maximium sensible amount of water cooling for a chamberless reactor is 25.
    Now if you attach six chambers to the reactor, the max.amount of water cooling drops to 20 as the chambers take space from the water, but you can now connect the cable to one of the chamber so the cooling is 3x3x3-6(chambers)-1(reactor)=20.
    Flowing and source water blocks both work for reactor cooling.

    There is absolutely no need for a modpack even if you want to have 40+ mods installed at the same time, if people knew how to read simple instructions or use google. Another thing is that a legit modpack wouldn't be even possible as some of the modders don't allow their mods to be used in modpacks(Azanor, thecthaumcraft creator for sure).
    Another thing is that Magic launcher and ID-resolver seem to cause problems rather than making the installation easier.
    Imo it's quite dumb to attack a swedish( my guess is that most americans don't even know where it is) company with american laws.

    Would it be possible to maintain a specific amount of uranium cells, and depleted cells in the breeder, in a reactor with logistic pipes? If that's possible then it would be easy to run a redpower 2 cooling system at the same time without flooding the reactor's slots needed for cooling with other stuff.
    Edit: second question, will a logistic pipe system autocraft depleted cells if it has the crafting recipe and the materials needed for it when the supplier requests for it if it doesn't have any depleted cells in storage?

    It isn't possible to pump water into watermills via buildcraft pipes and afaik it isn't going to be implemented, but with redpower(using a filter, deployer and a retriever, not pipes or tubes!) you can make an automated manned watermill farm which can produce 2EU/t per watermill.
    For the second one, my guess is that your alt or shift or to whatever you have your sneak key configured to is stuck. Try pressing it a couple of times and then try again.
    Third, I suggest using tin cable, aka ultra-low-current-cable, for every generator expect nuclear, geothermal and the regular one. The only downside of it is that it cannot carry packets of over 5EU( you can connect 100 solar panels to it without melting the cable because they produce just 1EU/t, but if you connect your geothermal to something with it the cable will just disappear(20EU/t production vs 5EU/t capacity)) but its advantage is that it can carry the power for 39 blocks without losing any EU. If you are using copper cable with a water mill or a windmill(which isn't at 200+ height at which it can produce over 2 or more EU/t) you lose all of the power if your cable is 4+ blocks long as the maximium lossless distance for insulated copper cable is 4.
    I would also like to clarify that unmanned watermills produce under 0,01EU/t per adjacent water block(source or flowing). A water mill with one cable next to it and the 3x3 cube around it otherwise filled with water will produce 0,2EU/t.
    For windmilld power plants, I suggest looking in this thread for a really compact and efficient design by SpwnX.

    My guess is that he's just a 13-year-old dumb kid. Explains the copy-pasting and the spelling errors.

    Huh... Never occured to me to put the isotope cell in right next to the main uranium cells. Really i just added that extra cell in there jsut because i could and it would let me breed at the same time. Ahh well. Also, is there any way to have more the that uranium? Or even a way to get 4 of 4 efficiency without going into mark 4 turf?

    Go ask questions like this somewhere else than in this thread. Over 3 efficiency is impossible to gain without having a mark III or more and eff 4 requires atleast 16 uranium cells in a square.

    Some math: a single glowstone dust costs around 33k EU when made from UU-matter made with scrap. A uranium cell is worth around eight million EU when used in a CASUC reactor.
    The single glowstone is less than 0,5% of that so that the speed buff couldn't be very large, propably under 10% buff that doesn't stack, without you actually benefitting(on a large scale) from your breeding using less uranium.
    The charging without a reactor would just seem pretty OP if it wouldn't use ridiculous amounts of glowstone. A CASUC breeder uses 6 million EU(potential output if used in a reactor designed for power production-the amount of power that it produces when used in a breeder) to charge 8 depleted cells. Of course that's limited by the uranium at hand but if you could charge a cell with less than 22 glowstone it would benefit you, because you wouldn't need a reactor and you wouldn't need to wait for around 2,5 hours for the reactor cycle to finish, and you wouldn't be limited so much to the amount of uranium at hand.

    CAUSC Allows Mark V to become Mark II.

    CASUCs are usually or the sensible CASUC designs are are mark I.
    I wouldn't consider something like this as overpovered given that you can make a 1800+ EU/t design without much more that a reactor and six chambers by using redpower without even spending any of the power on cooling.

    I'm a little confused here and maybe someone can help straighten me out. I built the Mk X Breeder in the heating config so as to get temp up to 9k or so, as I'm led to believe is necessary for a breeder. I put in the coolant, IHD and reactor plating first, then the 8 depleted cells. Temp goes up to 3 or so. Then I put in the 4 uranium cells and within a few seconds the depleted cells turn into re-enriched cells. I can take them out and put in more depleted cells and those too change to re-enriched cells within a few seconds. Is this the way it's supposed to work? If so, why go through the risk of meltdown at 9k heat?

    You propably NEI'd/TMI'd the depleted cells. If so, they are already charged, even if it doesn't show that they are. You need to craft the depleted cells from uranium and cells in order to test it properly.
    The cost/efficiency of the breeder can also be improved by using a "modern" design, using way less heat dispersers and thus lowering the cost a lot.
    For example:

    Used it once. Had to spam a button for 20 seconds each time I launched minecraft. Been assigning block ID's manually ever since as it takes two minutes anyway which is less than installing it. Just start from ID 255 and edit all mod config files to new values.

    2 cells next to each other give 20kk because of faster depletion. Are you forgot?

    A single uranium cell produces two million EU alone, two cells next to each other produce eight million. The reactor masters are competing on who fails the most on reactor math and nerfing reactors...

    Know, the newest version of NEI for 1.2.3. changed the recipe handling somehow.
    In order to fix it, either use the older NEI(1.1.3) and codechickencore(0.4.3) for 1.2.3 or update to 1.2.5. I suggest updating as mods will propably have less bugs and the older NEI is hard to find.

    If you want a CASUC, go for raGans design. If you want a reactor without ice cooling with as high energy output as your "suc" model, it works without chambers and ice like this, you just have to surround it with some more water.
    It has been proven that a cooling cell>stack of ice, atleast on non-casucs, because a cooling cell can cool the reactor for 10k heat per cycle, hold 10k more to itself and make the reactor produce less heat if place next to the uranium, while a stack of ice can just cool the reactor for 19200 but the uranium will produce much more heat if no cooling cells are used. Ice production also consumes power so your design is wasting energy and resources for no benefit.