Posts by jppk1

    First of all, why are you using just five reactor chambers?
    Second, if you aren't using EE, ice requires a huge cooling system which takes tons and tons of power and resources to build.
    Without the original advanced machines addon(which about halves the EU cost of ice) a block of ice takes 1450EU to produce(625*2 for compressing+200 for the pump). If I simplify it a bit 1 cooling is equal to 20EU(not EU/t!) if you don't take the water/reactor cooling into account and in eff 4+ reactors it really isn't a very important factor . A single ice block cools the reactor for 300, and therefor is equivalent to 6000EU. So of the 6000 EU you would be able to produce with it, you would need to spent just under a quarter(1450/6000) of the energy to simply make the block itself. And that is without energy loss and the cost of machines.
    A single compressor operation takes a time of 15,625 seconds which is, with two pumps just to save in resource costs, 0,064 ice/second/compressor which equals to (93,75 which is rounded up to)94 compressors to produce 6 ice per second. And that takes energy and lots of it. 6*1450/20(we want it as EU/t, not as EU/s)=435 EU/t to cool the reactor. So the actual amount of energy you actually get is 1820-435=1385EU/t. So basically your reactor's efficiency drops to 3,29 which isn't that great at all. And 94 compressors cost about 850 iron, 280 copper and 560 rubber. And 188 pumps cost over 1900 refined iron. Most of the values are based on the wiki and on the OP's reactor design so if they're wrong please correct me.
    TL;DR: you spent tons of resources and time on building an ice cooling system which consumes a big chuck of the energy you produce and drops your reactors efficiency way down. So ice isn't that efficient at all. If you ask me I think that ice should be buffed to 400 cooling per block.
    The "nothing can beat ice" is pretty invalid considering buckets can be used as and they don't have an EU cost and the resource costs for building such a system would most likely be much, much less.

    Wrong minecraft version if you're trying to use IndustrialCraft 2 1.95b. I suggest updating your MC to 1.2.5 and doing a fresh install and then figuring out the block ID conflicts. You should also use NEI(NotEnoughItems by ChickenBones) instead of TMI as it is simply better.

    Quite a nice setup, personally I wouldn't rely on that mass cooling system, provide through compressors, pumps, and redpower pipes. However, I got a much smaller setup capable of infinite cycle also 2000Eu/t. Mines use buildcraft pipes, engines, auto craft table, and the beauty of equivalent exchange. Still i would really like to know how did you control the amount of ice generated by the cooling system, i hate redpower just because thats the really hard bit, always overflow or ka-boom. Mind sharing some ideas?

    Just put some recyclers to scrap the extra ice, your going to need the scrap anyway for the mass fabricator.
    With EE you can just place collector->condenser->filter(pulling out whole stacks of ice)->pneumatic tube->reactor. This way the condenser won't produce excess ice. The timer which runs the filter should be at 9,6 as that is quite precisely the amount of ice that the reactor consumes.

    I made a couple of design which should be decent-ish, mostly for breeding though:
    Cheapest, produces 20EU/t and breeds 4 cell per cycle for 2 uranium cells
    A bit more expensive, breeds six cells for one uranium but the output is just 10EU/t
    More expensive than the previous chamber but still with just two chambers, breeds six cells but produces 40EU/t for two uranium

    One of Mojang's devenlopers tweeted this something a couple of weeks ago:
    "We'll probably have the API 1.4 now, so until then 1.3/these snapshots will be hard to update to." Link
    Seems pretty typical and we propably won't have the mod API until MC 1.5, atleast that's my guess. :(

    This is great, :Matter: for you as I don't need to calculate everything needed to build 6 chamber reactors, but could you add the function to calculate resources needed if I'm using the forestry bronze recipe?

    I'm quite certain that something is wrong with forge, not with IC2, as the error report doesn't even show IC2 in the mods loaded.
    Are you sure you are installing forge on minecraft.jar?
    Edit: also what he said. You don't have to actually extract anything when installing.

    Make this, build a cooling system(great way to do so in this thread (yay, self-advertisment ftw!)),push button, make bacon from UU-matter you can make with it(you can do it if you try hard enough).