Posts by jppk1

    Seems like a really good tutorial for those who are new to breeding. I myself just heat my breeding reactors(which have five chambers each, I don't like dying from radiation) with a 3x2 rectangle of uranium cells for 47-50 seconds and then turn off the reactor with a redstone signal, switch to breeding configuration(this , no water so that I don't have to worry about it) and turn on my water bucket cooling system before removing the redstone signal. Works like a charm and I get tons and tons of uranium to power in my other casucs and to breed even more uranium.

    actually lets not nerf nukes the level of power you are talking about requires resources, skill, and risk equal to how powerful it is (that and you can BREED 8 cells from 1 ore not craft 9 cells from 1 ore breeding is even riskier cause it requires you to almost overheat your reactor to make it worth it so don't go calling for nerfs on things you know nothing about) in fact lets not play kingmaker with the generators at all the adjustments are so small and the effects so great we should just leave generator balance to alblaka and stick to suggesting concepts and ideas. let the devs handle the hard numbers

    Nice, it seems you didn't read my post at all and you have clearly never used nuclear power so don't try to say that I don't know anything about reactors. You CAN get 9 uranium cells from one uranium by first making it into eight near-depleted cells and breeding those. Then you use those uranium cells, preferably in a casuc, and after the cycle has finished at least 25% of the cells should turn back into those near-depleted cells. 8*1,25=10 and some of the uranium goes to breed more power producing uranium cells. Of course you need a few starting uranium to do that but once you get going that cost is pretty much nonexistent. And breeding isn't hard, at least that is how I see it. It just requires some starting resources just like any other nuclear power anyway.
    Now, read my post again with the (minor) changes I made to it around five minutes after posting it, just in case someone misunderstood something or didn't get my sarcasm(like you, clearly). And I would go as far as to say that the only real unbalanced generators are solars, they simply have a too low output/cost ratio, I would never use them myself.
    I agree with the fact that devs should decide about how much the generators produce and how much they cost, because otherwise all of the green generators would already require constant replacing of stuff so that they would be quite useless/pain in the a** to maintain or their output would be 0,1EU/t from every 8 iron.

    OP's suggestion is absolutely ridiculous. The solar panels are useless when compared to anything else really. Imo nuclear>wind>water>geothermal(because lava runs out)>solar People should have a couple of generators to choose from which have their own good and bad sides. In addition some people with existing 2000+ solar panel plants wouldn't be happy about this as they would be next to useless. Let's go and nerf(not really) nuclear instead as you can make 9ish uranium cells from one uranium ore(8x by making isotope cells, at least 25% stay as isotope cells after a cycle, a few are consumed for breeding). That's friggin 70 million EU per uranium ore in a CASUC.

    This is a bit long, but if you read and understand most of it you basically know how IC2 nuclear reactors work.

    You want to have as many coolant cells as possible right next to as few integrated heat dispensers(I will be referring to these as IHD) as possible(not diagonally,they don't count). Uranium cells produce less heat if they have coolant cells/IHDs/integrated reactor plantings next to them. Each uranium cell produces 10EU/t by default if not adjacent to any other uranium cells. On the other hand, uranium cell which has other uranium cells next to it (again, not diagonally) "ticks" another time(for example, if an uranium cell has three other uranium cells next to it, it produces 300% more power(40EU/t) and 300% more heat). You don't really want to use integrated reactor platings in reactor designed for power production, as they don't cool the reactor. Coolant cells provide 1 cooling/reactor tick/each coolant cell. IHDs try to balance the heat produced by the uranium between the adjacent coolant cells(limit is six heat per component per reactor tick) and draw heat from the reactor and spread it to the coolant cells(same limit as before). So, you want to have a one, two or three uranium cells next to each other to decrease the uranium usage but still keep the power output high, and use as few as possible IHDs with as many coolant cells as possible for the best reactor design(there isn't a single "best" one).

    If you want to have a reactor design like yours, which requires a cooldown every now and then but has burst potential, I suggest this(it needs to be turned off for 2/3 of the time, but it can also be ran for an hour before it explodes, I suggest running it in sprints of 30 minutes so that the water source blocks don't vaporize(read below)). If you just want a reactor you can run pretty much 100% of the time without wasting tons of uranium, this is a very good one(made by Cake).

    Reactors can be shut down with redstone signals without taking the uranium cells out of it. At 40% of maximium heat, reactor set nearby flammable blocks on fire. At 50% maximum heat, reactors vaporize nearby water source blocks(place the water source blocks which you use to cool the reactor at least 6 blocks away from the reactor). At 70% heat, you start taking damage if you're near the reactor. At 85% heat the reactor starts to transform any nearby blocks into flowing lava blocks(they won't stay for long)NOTE: you don't want this to happen. It can destroy the redstone wiring which you use to shut down your reactor. And at 100% heat, KABOOM, the reactor blows up and leaves quite a sizable hole where it used to be).

    Additionally, you can use water buckets and ice blocks to cool the reactor with 250 and 300 heat. This can be great even without automation as you can throw a couple of full water buckets in the reactor, take them when the water in them vaporizes, fill them again and put them back in the reactor. This technique greatly increases the average output of the reactor.
    The reactor planner is a great tool, as you can try out your own designs without having to blow up your reactors. Link to the reactor planner .
    For reactor cooldown circuitry, I suggest using a mod called Redpower 2. You can search the forum for some easy on/off setups.

    And how are you going to fit that into a single nuclear reactor with 6 chambers? It's 6x9 and your design is 10x6.
    With that many uranium cells adjacent to each other that's a mark V(aka blows up in under fifteen minutes if you don't feed it with coolants).
    If you want a design that doesn't use coolants all the time try using less uranium cells
    Edit: did you mean this(link to reactor planner, you can use it to test your own designs)

    It's normal that it heats up to 3000-6000 heat for a moment when you start it Water buckets only start cooling the reactor after it reaces 4000 heat. I was capable of running it with the set to 0.6 sec for over 20 minutes so if you have placed everything right (and in a single chunk) I don't have any ideas what might be causing your problem. Check again, just in case, if one of the buckets is in wrong place or wrong type and if all of the water sources in front of the deployers are infinite.

    Welcome to the forums,

    1) There are lamps(and a bunch of other cool(er) stuff) in a mod called Redpower 2, you should use it
    2) Electric variant of the wrench already exists, no need for another types
    3) Actually sounds decent
    4) No magic blocks for IC2. Nuff said.
    5) and 6) Tier IV has already been shot down, so nope.
    7) Put 20 nukes in a pile, that should make a hole large enough. Anyone propably doesn't want to destroy the entire minecraft world.

    thought about that but the you need to keep the breakers connected to frames only possible from the back because of that you cant put tubes behind them to catch the mats
    you cant put the frames next to the breakers because they wouldnt be able to move futher down because rock would be in the way

    basicly you gone need to put forestry mod in the allowed mods so you can make a full automatic tree farm that can move with the machine +
    you gone need a really big drill head in front of the machine for that or make a large space schip

    Nope, it's possible but you would have to do a quite sizable drilling machine to do that(the drillhead alone needs a left-right engine to be able to move forward).

    not at once but one after the other so you spend 1/4 of your time holding still instead of 1/2, and 3/4 of your time moving. it would win in a race if you put this up against a regular inchworm drive

    I don't really get how this would actually move faster than a normal engine as motors still move frames and other stuff at the speed of 1 block/second, right? Otherwise I'll have to redo my boring machine MKII which moves forward every two seconds and mines in around 4/7(state cells ftw).

    Wondering if there is a way to remove the drillbit out of the miner automaticly. If not you would need to farm trees automaticly or have a mass fabricator in both machine just to make wood
    so you can replace the lost drill pipes.
    (If its not possible both machines are gone become a lot harder to build.)

    I think you could make a pillar type thing with block breakers and frames that extends out of the ship, digs a straight hole next to the miner and collects the mining pipes .

    DAMN, I'm not the 42th one!

    fourtyseconth? /grammarnazi

    Quite a ridiculous thing anyways, you could gain more stuff just by investing that EMC in collectors or something, there isn't really any reason to run a CASUC reactor for a couple of hours if you could just do something more profitable, less laggy, safer and faster. Makes nuclear reactors useless if you're using EE, enough energy for a q-suit can be acquired more quickly and easily in other manners.

    What is the efficiency difference between this and this if we are talking about efficiency?

    The efficiency difference between those is that ice reactors need power for cooling, it makes them less efficient. Simple maths:
    (ice casuc output-cooling consumption on average)/ice casuc output*the efficiency that the uranium setup has=the actual efficiency which you can actually compare to other rectors!
    If the ice reactor consumes, lets say, 100 eu on average for cooling, it isn't anywhere near as efficient as the bucket design(about 5,4% less power produced per uranium cell). For a cycle for that reactor, that's already 20 million EU less.

    I use bucket casucs myself as they have higher efficiency, a 1840EU/t to be exact, as it's cheap and reliable. Your 2020EU/t bucket design propably costs so much to build that the efficiency improvement wouldn't do it for me and from my experience with chunk loading issues and buckets messing up it seems a bit unsafe for (SMP) use. Ice reactors simply can't cope with their efficiency being lower and building costs higher if you don't use a hybrid like mijnboogje.