Posts by jppk1

    Minecraftforge didn't have a built-in modloader before the update. However I'm not certain that it works with every mod that requires the normal modloader, but using forge dependant mods you should be just fine. If you're having troubles installing TMI use NEI(notenoughitems) instead, TMI is ancient anyway. Other troubles, LOGS or it didn't happen. P.S forge works with IC2 without any trouble.

    This is my Beating Heart :)
    And i made this in 3Min!!!! THIS IS SHITTY!!!!!
    But im sorry about cooling time, Heh i hope you guys dont move your reactor every 145Mins :DD


    It IS bad. In fact very, very bad. I designed something way better in about 30 seconds. This produces as much energy with a way higher efficiency, has much lower building costs, has a lower cooldown time and the average output it way better. Better in any possible way, and it still isn't good. Please refer to Rick's earlier post.

    You were saying? I managed to load BC3, IC2 v1.97, RP2, Inv tweaks, dusts mod and countless addonds without modloader with forge on the first try. The pics are from the same installation. And why on earth are you deleting the meta-inf inside IC2 jar? You only delete it from the original minecraft.jar before you install any mods.

    This time, try with a fresh install, delete the whole .minecraft folder. Run MC once to generate the folder again. Delete the Meta-inf and then install forge to the minecraft.jar just like modloader(but don't install modloader). Run minecraft once for the mods folder to generate. Drop the mods into the .mods folder. Done.

    Backup your saves if you want to, force update, delete the old version of IC2, download the newest one(1.97), install MinecraftForge (or if you're going to install other mods) by dropping its files to minecraft.jar, delete meta-inf, then drop IC2 to mods folder. You don't need modloader.

    The IC2 sounds WERE fixed in the latest update, atleast for me. I can finally walk away from my home without killing my FPS.
    For your problem you might want to try to update your LWJGL. There's a tutorial for that in the minecraft wiki with everything you need to know(link).

    The forge versions before don't contain a working 4096 ID fix. If you want the fix I'd suggest going for (at least) as I'm running it with a bunch of mods including IC2 without problems.

    I just have one question...why? We now have a working 4096 block ID fix integrated into forge itself, so the only real reason(saving block IDs) I would see for IC2 for being module based is gone. For quantum armor, whiners gonna whine.


    MCForge Client 3.3.7*

    That's quoted from the IC2 1.97 release thread. Upgrade to a newer forge( and you don't even need modloader anymore.

    Ok, but if there are empty slots that arent supposed to be filled ever and the slots are before the slots that are supposed to be filled, the pipes will put the uranium into the slots that arent supposed to have uranium. Example:

    Now, the reactor is a piece of crap but its a good example. What happens when you pump uranium into that? It goes into slots that it shouldn't. Im not trying to prove you wrong because you are correct, I'm just proving my point.

    Use coolant cells on the empty slots, they're really cheap and they don't do anything if not next to an IHD/IRP.

    I made a bucket CASUC that produces 1840EU/t, although it is 9x9x7. Quite certain that I also could squeeze in a anti-overheat system in the same space. And yep, snowmen do generate snow but only in taiga biomes, which are going to a pain to find.

    So it is not necessary to use BatBox? And MFSU, MV Tranformer, LV Transformer and Miner can be connected without cables?

    In addition to that you could just use a MFE. 600k is way more than enough for four miners with diamond drills and OV scanners, and you could fill it with lappacks which don't cost diamonds.