Posts by jppk1

    Change the block IDs that are conflicting, in your case they are 240 and 241, change them in the configuration files in .minecraft/redpower, .minecraft/config and .minecraft/buildcraft. Another option is to update to a newer minecraftforge, for example that industrialcraft 2 1.97 requires.

    I don't usually use more than a minute on a single design, but it really doesn't matter if you end up with a good design. You just linked my design, but I guess you meant this one, it's fine, but remember that you need 2 HV-transformers. How are you exactly making the snow? Snow golems don't work on 1.2.5.

    As for the on in the thread, theres 2 timers? Maybe I don't completely understand all this... I run the heating config for that ammount of time and then take out the extra uranium? As for the second, I could do that maybe... 1.2 buckets a second.. hmmm.

    Make a cooling system like in the picture I attach and set one of the timers to 5 sec and the other one to 1 sec, surround it with 11 water, put blocks around the reactor so that it doesn't have air cooling and run a setup with some uranium so that it heats the reactor to the point where it starts hurting you, and when it starts doing that turn it off immidiately. Then switch to the setup I posted and activate the bucket cooling system. With the amount of isotope cells and external cooling it balances out so that after it's done it doesn't heat up or cool down, and you can breed 48 isotope cells in one cycle.
    Yes, for the design in the reactor design you do exactly like you said.


    ...stabilise their temperature at 7000 and 8000 heat...

    You shouldn't really do that, getting it to 9k+ heat makes it breed two times quicker. It is possible not to use breeders but then nuclear power isn't really used to its full potential so that it could be used for mass-fabricating. Making a few breeders isn't really that hard either, so I would heavily recommend it as you can then use nuclear power instead of the green generators which can save you tons of resources, making a good 60+ million EU per uranium ore instead of 9. Heck, im making 11 thousand EU/t in a freaking dirt hut.

    So... any ideas on a good breeder that a n00b would be able to understand?

    Check the first breeder in the list of good reactor designs thread. It comes with instructions so you don't have to really worry about anything else expect that to make sure your water source is far away not to evaporate by the heat. If you want a CASUC breeder use this . It needs 1.2 water buckets per second, so set one timer to 1 second and the other to 5 seconds and surround it with 11 water.

    1) true but still
    2) still... D: could be snowmen
    3) he used a wireless transmitter instead of a receiver
    4) wow im a derp

    You end up wasting more energy than you produce, your argument is invalid, and you can't use snowmen anymore. You don't even need tin to make the ice.

    Tell me how are you going to make the ice if you aren't using EE, compressing it is just too inefficient...
    Improved it, more internal cooling and a lower cost
    Eff 4 version, needs more ice though
    You could run it with buckets, too(the mark II the planner shows doesn't mean anything, it just doesn't take all the cooling to account)
    Your design wasn't outright horrible, but like always, less IHDs for the same effect=better. You could just consider dumping the cooling components alltogether, as it saves you less than 0,2 ice blocks/second.

    Offtopic, but how dafuq did you get 110 fps? I'm maxing out at 30-40 FPS and stable at 14-20. Could you tell me how you managed to get that many FPS? (I'm on a laptop, so that might be the reason -.-)

    If you aren't playing on a server you host on the same computer the FPS you get compared to SSP can be a lot higher. For example, I can run SSP on normal view distance with optifine(multi-core, can't really play without it) and a 16x texture pack at about 70-100 FPS. On a server I'm always at 100-120 FPS even with a 512x texture pack with far view distance even though my computer is almost five years old and not very high end either (AMD Athlon II X4 620 and ATI Radeon HD 5700, 4GB of RAM).


    Deleted two of your uranium cells, but moved the other four together for more efficiency. Exactly one cycle. ( I always try to make it exactly one cycle, saves on DS and coolant cells. )

    Way cheaper and as effective, removed a chamber and got rid of the reactor platings. There is simply no reason to use IRP's on reactors like these, as they don't cool well and cost quite a bit. Try using less IHD's next time.

    All other servers which have had a modpack that didn't have permissions for the mods they have contained have gotten deleted expect for the tekkit servers. I see no reason to handle tekkit differently than the other modpacks, so that's a "no, they belong in their own forums" vote from me.

    If you are using the reactor planner(like you should) it shows you the exact cooldown times. Of course you can try to calculate the cooldown times of mark IIs, but it will take a moment and isn't always 100% accurate. CASUCs often don't have cooldown times.

    I just got 3 minutes 35 seconds on a fully charged electric jetpack on normal and 6 minutes 15 seconds on hover mode, my charging platform is on y:179 from which I hold space for as long as I could, time is from liftoff to the start of falling. I didn't move in horizontal direction, and for the most part the jetpack stuck me at 185,999999. Flying around at the same y-level didn't make a difference, 3min 35 sec like on normal mode. I managed to squeeze a flight time if 6 minutes 10 seconds on normal mode by pressing and releasing spacebar at y-level 10.
    All tests were on SSP flatlands with manually charged electric jetpacks which were crafted from NEId items.

    I believe that your first design(if it is this , please link to the reactor planner whenever possible) could just about recharge 3 cells without exploding if you first put the five lava buckets in it, and that's without otherwise preheating the components. If you switched it out it would take half a cycle(=5000 seconds, about 1,5 hours) to charge the four isotope cells surrounding the uranium cell. It would be much more uranium efficient and safe then a isotope cell surrounded with uranium, and you wouldn't have to visit the reactor as often.
    THe ice casuc breeder you linked did have a row of uranium at the top, and that was to balance the heat to match the cooling from four ice blocks per second so that it doesn't cool down.

    Your reactor doesn't heat up enough from the five lava buckets. You didn't remember or know that the coolant cells and IHDs absorb part of the heat - 10k each - so that you would actually require 210 lava buckets to heat it up, so you should rather use a heating setup to do that. Using less IHDs(for example, this ) than in that design is also highly recommended as they just increase the reactor's cost and time to heat it up, and the reactor plating isn't really necessary either for a six chamber design. The ice CASUC breeder seems alright, but I'd recommend using buckets, if possible. For it the lava bucket heating works as it doesn't have any cooling components expect the ice.
    In the first design you posted the outer ring is made of the isotope cells, otherwise it would blow up.

    I beleve if you compress milk whey you can make something similar to cheese.

    Compress a liquid? Nope. The cheese should propably be made in an extractor, but considering the chanches of this getting implemented are quite slim...