Posts by SirGouki

    noobs need to die in fire btw, learn to read.

    ps. i suggest to add simple and effective method to prevent such problems by adding forced exception possibly division by zero on version missmatch with addtional info displayed prior exception.

    also you may override security settings and delete something from noob's hdd for greater effect.

    Good God, is THIS really how stuff gets done around here?! Yes that's a grand idea. Just ask Microsoft how much money they lost in a lawsuit when they got sued for bricking computers that had AMD chips in them with a combination of a forced security update and a service pack release, even though it clearly states in the license agreement for Windows that they are not to be held responsible for any damage caused by using their software. That was completely UNINTENTIONAL too. There are things called laws, and even free or open sourced software has to follow them, and if you are that against IndustrialCraft 2's PROGRESS, you need to GTFO. People like you make good things go bad quick.

    I know at least 2 of these are known bugs. However unlike most of the posts i've seen on here about them, I've found ID Conflicts (server only strangely enough) for 6 blocks in IC2. All of these blocks function normally under SSP but have a Block ID Conflict on the server with the exact same settings between server and client, with the exact same versions of mods installed appropriate to client/server. This is under Minecraft 1.2.3/Server 1.2.3. The blocks are as follows:

    To get a log file of this info, run your server through a batch file. at the end of the line that runs your minecraft server put >>log.txt and it will output everything up until when mods start loading into a text file, and then any commands entered when the server is up.

    I edited out my user name (obviously) and left out none conflicting block ids. Finally, again, these only conflict for the server, and I believe this is either the cause of the problems, or are closely related since everything works fine on SSP with the exact same config files.

    EDIT: Note: I've been encountering invisible nukes, nukes crafted swapping into luminators, etc. for at least since 1.8.1, dunno if its been happening longer than that or not though.