Problem: IC2 instructions completely unlinked. Wiki needs to die in a fire.

  • Before I begin, I want to show you something.

    First, start here.

    click Download. Scroll down and read "Setup" and "How to Install". Do you see any problem here? Does this seem very user friendly at all? Ok, next, try to download the things you need. Notice something funny? ModLoaderMP doesn't even exist anymore.

    Today I tried to update my private server's mods to be up to date with 1.2.5, and as always, I started with IC2 as it is the core of my suite.

    I could not continue updating my server because the instructions to installing it are inconclusive. I was able to obtain something called ModLoaderMP 1.2.5, but I fail even before needing it. Doing the instructions for Setup and How to Install lead to either a freeze during loading, or a black screen. Yes, META-INF is deleted, I have only compiled minecraft servers maybe 50 times now.

    I always complained that the wiki looks like it is written by a 5 year old, but now I feel that this is serious. Does this horrible redundant instruction page really cut it?

    Also, I don't think this is IC2's fault, but what the hell happened to ModLoaderMP? Did Flan just erase it from the internet, KNOWING that so many mods depend on it?????

  • people are posting they are changing a forge file to another and getting it to work. lol I tried it and thought it almost worked till it said "saving chunks" and crashed horribly lol.. ugh the wait is killing, but worth it i guess..

  • noobs need to die in fire btw, learn to read.

    ps. i suggest to add simple and effective method to prevent such problems by adding forced exception possibly division by zero on version missmatch with addtional info displayed prior exception.

    also you may override security settings and delete something from noob's hdd for greater effect.

  • Very helpful, spraying "he's a noob" all over the forum. I'm glad we have people like you to represent this community.

    It is implied in that poorly written wiki that the mod is for 1.2.5. It needs to be corrected. The entire thing does.

  • Where on the wiki does it say it is for 1.2.5? The latest (top) version I can see says 1.2.4...

    And don't mind people calling you noob and being annoyed. It appears like every day someone posts a new thread saying that IC² is not working and the reason is almost always, that they try to use it with the newest minecraft version even though it has not been released yet. And somehow I think everyone is just getting quite frustrated :D

  • Because the instructions come before any other mention of the versions of the game. I used to be able to go to the forum page and read up to date instructions with up to date links. Aren't there any grown ups around who can properly manage the wiki???

  • Personally I have no idea how is keeping it up-to-date (or not). But the version number is by far not the only thing out of date.

    There was already another post asking to update the wiki, especially the recipes and numbers...

  • noobs need to die in fire btw, learn to read.

    ps. i suggest to add simple and effective method to prevent such problems by adding forced exception possibly division by zero on version missmatch with addtional info displayed prior exception.

    also you may override security settings and delete something from noob's hdd for greater effect.

    Good God, is THIS really how stuff gets done around here?! Yes that's a grand idea. Just ask Microsoft how much money they lost in a lawsuit when they got sued for bricking computers that had AMD chips in them with a combination of a forced security update and a service pack release, even though it clearly states in the license agreement for Windows that they are not to be held responsible for any damage caused by using their software. That was completely UNINTENTIONAL too. There are things called laws, and even free or open sourced software has to follow them, and if you are that against IndustrialCraft 2's PROGRESS, you need to GTFO. People like you make good things go bad quick.

    • Official Post

    wiki dont prevent reading, everything clearly states about version of minecraft needed.

    You're completely right, i mean IT'S DIRECTLY VISIBLE ON THE MAINPAGE!, You only have to look on the right side where the latest Changes are.

    But i download IC² from the Forum to be sure, that i'm using the right ModloaderMP (new Forge no longer requires that, yay) and such things.

  • But with all that said, then what can you do if you have updated to Minecraft 1.2.5? How can you get IC2 to work?

    Think we just need to wait out a bit til they are done testing IC2 1.2.5. IM no programmer and dont know whats really involved. But what I do know it would be nice to have people stop assuming that Joe posted something on the net that it works 100% no flaws on 1.2.5 that everyone can get it to work. Trust me I have tried ... There is a reason why we are still waiting, the programmers are working everything out to make sure everything works.. lol and here comes another MC update. lol When will the madness ever stop.

    as far as the Wiki ... Would be nice to have a couple dedicated people to run it though. But that word dedicated is a hard one to come by now adays.

    To answer your question, there are many links out there that provides a fresh 1.1 1.2 1.2.3 1.2.4 jar that you can downgrade from. I did the same and almost freaked out till I used the magical "Google" feature lol. search - Downgrade Minecraft to 1.2.3 or 1.2.4... took the first thing that popped up which was a video, guy had the .jars in a link below and they honestly worked. im still running 1.2.3 and SLOWLY dabbing into 1.2.5 with everything that I normally use excluding additional pipes, teleport pipes, red power, power converter.. lol 1 step at a time my friend~

  • Not everyone is able to edit the wiki. If we were, I would have already erased every HAYO in the place. Additionally, not everyone knows what the fix is in the first place, so maybe you should consider selecting more competent individuals to manage your wiki.

  • Hey, opinion is opinion. The reason I hate all the HAYOs isn't because it sounds dumb, but because instead of putting actual information about an item in the wiki, the author wrote an 'advertisement' for it which does not serve to help anyone. What the f*** is the point of that?