Posts by CrafterOfMines57

    I helped mike2033 through PM's with the same problem only his applied to a MFE instead of a BatBox, the solution that ended up working was that when it happens, press alt a few times and it should work, I don't think this worked for him but you could also try going into the controls and changing the one labeled alt key to something other than alt


    It literally took me ten minutes to learn the basic commands on how to
    save commands, make "macros", activate wires by colour and at
    aprropriate time. If you're not willing to do that, GL playing any of
    the more advanced mods(IC, RP, etc.). The fact is that you've already
    spent way over an hour even on learning just IC if you know what each of
    the machines do and how the wiring system works.

    I much prefer making systems of things based on RP logic than from expensive computers (if we are talking about survival here) as for more complex things, while in computers you can create lines of code for no cost (excluding the RAM) I think it is easier to spot problems in complex systems of RP logic than large bodies of code


    The explosion is not centred on the macerator.

    Oh, the wording was just extremely stupid, to the op, if you are reporting a bug please in the future, please explain what the bug is instead of telling people how to do it which could get mistaken for a misunderstood feature

    I have tried to install Forge 4.0 and Mod-loader to get Industrial Craft to load, but the Forge Mod Loader prevents me from loading Minecraft.
    I have tried all the 4.0 versions but they don't work.
    Could someone tell me how to install Industrial Craft
    (I have followed the instructions on the Wiki w/ no luck.)

    I'm pretty sure that Mod-loader is unnecessary to installing industrialcraft, start fresh, just put Forge version 3.3.7 in your minecraft.jar, run minecraft, drop industrialcraft.jar in the mods folder, run minecraft and make sure it works

    in the event that the above directions do not work, please consult the

    part of the most recent public releases post which may be able to offer additional help

    Were both of the chunks containing the teleporters loaded?

    I don't think that matters as I don't use chunkloaders and have never had problems with teleporters, to the op, download the excel file found here, apply the formula, and check the power in the mfsu connected to the teleporter, the behavior of the teleporter you described sounds similar to what happens when a teleporter is powered without enough energy to teleport the player

    Alternatively if that doesn't work, I believe it is a problem with the button getting stuck, try placing a button somewhere other than the on teleporter and use repeaters to trigger the teleporter

    Go to your .minecraft folder, click on config, click on the one labeled IC2, look for


    # Enable generation of tin in the world

    It should be under general, tell if enableWorldGenOre=true or if it =false

    EDIT: I have never used MCPatcher so I don't know if that would change this or if there even would be a config folder

    Why are people thinking tekkit did ANYTHING to the mods itself...
    What he is describing also happens on IC2.
    Don't give tekkit credit for something it never did lol, disgrace.

    Well it's never happened to me, I ran a search of luminator on both the bug and support sections, went through all of the results, and failed to find anything similar to this bug so I assumed that it was probably a Tekkit problem