Posts by CrafterOfMines57

    And for the Traps: NO! I wont tell them to the general public, because they are supposed to be secret.

    You could intersperse one or two in the GregTower map download, think of the possibilities! The player is just on their way to the workshop and then BAM! No floor

    A stackable milk bucket, no less.

    I wouldn't exactly call it a "milk bucket" (even though I sort of did) because its main effect has PVP applications, in the way that it stops all negative effects (except poison for some reason, or at least it didn't in my tests). If your opponent splashes you with slowness or weakness, and you have drunk a regeneration potion, rather than just share the milk bucket effect of clearing all effects, it will only purge the slowness and weakness, although quantum and nano suits make this largely irrelevant and in those cases it does function as basically a stackable milk bucket


    btw the current Progress and all the Autocraftingproducts of the GregTower2 are listed in my Profile

    Also in your profile


    - Traps, many Traps

    Have you ever shared or thought of sharing any with the general public? I love redstone traps


    compact/advanced solars not too sure if this will be implemented in the mod it self

    I'm going with a 0% chance, people already complain about how op/excessively spammed solars are compared to other generators, plus if this happened IC2 would need to have compact things for the rest of the generators as well or once again people would incessantly spam "OMG SOLLAR IS TO OP" and when you reach the point when you are creating compact coal generators, I think it's time to stop coding

    I think that is all it does, in the official Q & A Thread (where you could have posted this instead of making a new topic) Alblaka states


    Q: What is terra wart used for?

    Cures all negative status effects upon consumption.

    therefore if the mod creator himself has stated what it does, I am inclined to believe that that is exactly what it does, nothing more nothing less

    You can think of it as a milk bucket that only stops most bad stuff, i.e. slowness, while leaving the good stuff i.e. regeneration so ultimately it is not entirely useless as you seem to make it out to be

    How in the heck are people supposed to know about these wacky growing conditions? Block of iron? gold? redstone torches? I've been looking up cross-breeding for weeks now and this is the first I've heard of this. All I wanted was to stock my buddy's tavern with the finest booze available, and maybe grow some neat plants, but this stuff is as unknowable and complicated as trying to invent one's own science. Google, you have FAILED me.

    Really? It's all right here under the guide by raGan which seems to always be on the first page of agricultural engineering despite being created in late January, so to answer your question, people know this stuff because the information has been around for so long as it can also be found in the Q & A Thread which has existed since even earlier than the previously mentioned one, did you think to read the Crops page on the wiki which links rather explicitly to this forum section? Searching for weeks seems like an over-exaggeration

    Super Heat is like the ThaumCraft2 Pick of the Core. Auto-smelts things. (Last time I checked)

    The Pick of the Core does much much more, when I finally got it through research I was like "oh, that sounds pretty cool" when I came back from my first mining trip I was like "OH MY GOD THIS THING IS THE SUPER BESTEST TOOL EVAR!"

    You people are evil. You want to extract and than compress zombies in to practical items. It sounds like some fake WW2 propaganda.
    Would it be possible to just give zombies a drop chance for leather?

    If you can change what blocks drop you can probably do it to mobs, but I think people would prefer a more industrial way of doing things and I am personally starting to agree with the idea of first extracting it to get a purified zombie flesh and then using a compressor to gain the leather

    Un-charged batteries use different ID than a charged one, and I don't think they will add 3 more ID's just so we can auto craft.

    Plus how mane crystals do you craft with to justify auto crafting?

    You do have a point there, unless you have a compact solar HV factory, I guess this wouldn't have much use other than just convenience

    your the biggest asshole here still talking shit from your horse...

    I STILL don't know what your idea is, insulting me is not going to help get it added to the game (very unlikely that it does), you basically said it's complex with a lot of parts, that doesn't explain anything, what is your idea?

    They can not be stackable sine they "take damage" like a tool. You can't stack pickaxes can you?

    I think he means like RE-Batteries can, in the way that before they "take damage" you can stack them up to 16, I think that energy crystals should be able to stack but I don't know how I feel about coolant cells

    when you get off your horse, go fuck yourselfs assholes!!!! i was not looking for the idea to be a full on blueprint only a idea.. I just put it out for people to think it over. to the people that didnt talk shit thanks for not being assholes.. all others fuckoff

    When*, yourselves*, I*, an idea*, ...*, To*, didn't*, ...*, fuck off*. It's obvious you are a natural speaker of English, therefore please act like it especially when insulting people, also, blueprint? You barely left any inkling of an idea to work with, suggestions should be thought out and well explained, not "here's a thing I thought up in about 5 seconds, make it whatever you want it to be".

    Get some grammar and then come back.

    I'm going to have to agree.

    Also, what is the idea here? Steam gen, what is that? You managed to not only not explain your suggestion in any way, but you also somehow managed to use vague language in the same post, I hate when the basic idea of how to use and craft something comes down to "make it expensive, like a nuclear reactor as in many parts" this shows even more than the lack of grammar (I apologize if English is not your first language) that you didn't put any effort into thinking out the mechanics of this and basically spent five seconds typing this up which could have been used toward a search to see if this (whatever this is) had already been suggested /approved/denied .


    From DZCreeper and SpwnX, we have the recycler:

    The Slow Grinder will slowly process inputed materials drastically increasing chance to produce scrap

    in addition, the slow grinder will have queue slots and will automatically output scrap to nearby mass fabs

    This is a lot better than my advanced recycle idea was, congrats!