Posts by CrafterOfMines57

    I'm going to attempt to remain neutral here despite my beliefs that Technic is blatant thievery also sorry for the random quotation as I dont have access to a computer right now and my Ipod refuses to cooperate with anything forum related

    I say that we all just stop arguing over this as it is pointless, it's honestly like watching an atheist and a hardcore Christian having a religious debate, neither side will ever believe the other, both sides think the other side is made up of ignorant idiots, and both sides have at one point or another made up false information or relied upon the opinions of others with false information

    Should this bickering continue, I completely agree with GregoriousT in the thought that you guys should just pick one thread and stick with it

    Neowulf While I feel that it is fine to fight for what you believe in, pllease focus on actually arguing instead of psychoanalyzing people, we get it, we all fit into your "typical stereotypes" it's not helping your argument

    bbqroast Try to add on to your already existing threads (preferably one thread), you seem like you are just looking to argue for the point of arguing with you creating a new thread on the subject of technic frequently

    MagusUnion You also seem like you are arguing just to argue, so far you have stated that you don't have the time to argue and have also stated that you will stop arguing yet you berate Neowulf for doing the same thing

    passinglurker No offence meant but, capitalization; my inner grammar nazi just had to say this

    I pretty much think that covered everything I felt needed to be said (along with a few things that did not towards a certain known waffle lover) so having typed this post, I am going to attempt to not partake in any further Technic discussion, sit back with some popcorn, and wish you guys a happy flamewar

    First, this is placed in the wrong section, what you want is the support for IC2 not IC1. And second, I can't help you here other than to tell you to go through individually with each mod and see where the compatibility issues come up, however it does state explicitly on the main post under installation instructions that there is no guarantee that it will work with any mods at all other than Optifine

    Does anyone find it strange that there always appears to be 200+ guests online? I find it hard to believe that there is somehow always 200 people viewing threads, how exactly do spam bots work? Do they wait in threads for a long time before posting or do they post immediately?

    So you're perfectly fine with someone who refuses dialog and instead broods silently then uses malicious code to attack the playerbase of someone he doesn't like?
    I will never use forestry again, not matter how I obtain it. By showing he will gladly use malicious code to further his goals over simple words he has broken the trust I had, and I can no longer be reasonably sure that his code won't suddenly contain a lastlogin harvester or world corrupter (or worse) in some update, aimed at someone else he doesn't like.

    I'll try to say this as simply as I can as Technic users aren't known for IQs in excess of 100. Here's my take on the whole Technic/Tekkit situation using a real world item of a car.

    -The Beginning

    I decide that I want to build a car, so I go to an auto shop and see that all of the really good car parts are made by different people. I sneak into the auto shop and take all of the necessary parts to build a car and by mashing all of the parts together, some of which are not meant to go together, (EE with pretty much everything) and I manage to create a user friendly and semi working car. With my new car I show some friends who decide that it is a good car and they decide to start letting their friends use this car

    -The Middle

    Pretty soon my friend's friend's friend's friend's friends decide to share it with their friends and the original owners of the parts, that I stole, come by, so I tell the original owners that I will pay for the parts of the car by telling my friends to tell their friends and so on that they should send money your way to cover the cost of my thievery, should anyone refuse, well too bad, their part is not coming out of my car


    As the car, with the parts that I blatantly took, begins to need an update in order to be compatible with the latest version of auto regulation laws, one of the original owners of the parts thinks to himself that maybe he should change his part design to be incompatible with the other parts only when they are used in the stolen car, the users of the car are not happy and a shitstorm emerges from this. I reach an agreement with the disgruntled owner of the part and find a replacement part to use in the car, everybody is happy, but nope, I decide to be an ass and slander this part owner's part so that people might stop using his parts in the future (as referenced in the OP and by you when you said that you will never use SirSengir's stuff again) which ends up making people take sides against my blatant thievery, and the side for me (such as you) come up with stupid arguments such as that it's okay to blatantly have stolen these parts as long as 90% of the owners agreed to the terms after they were stolen, and that it's okay because I originally only let my friends use it and I can't be held accountable for their friend's actions and their friend's friend's actions in distributing this illegal car

    If this ever happened in the real non-digital world, people would be up on charges for obvious disregard of basic copyright laws, I think this becomes much more clear when applied to a real world object

    Anyway that is my argument in a nutshell, with a car, (cargument?) I hope you can take some logic from it


    Static energy

    energy would surround areas that have machines in them. If you're not
    careful, and static energy builds up, your machines won't work anymore.
    There are ways to prevent static energy...An energy collector. It draws
    in static electricity and outputs it as EU.

    So for example my EUs go into a macerator, it builds up energy, which is collected by an energy collector and pumped back into the system, infinite energy much?


    Machine Mechanics

    Basically what this would do is that you can
    acces a back panel or something to get inside the computer. mYou could
    then use a wrench or a screwdriver to take old parts out and put new
    parts in. You could also implement upgrades instead of putting them into
    a panel at the side of the GUI

    By computer do you mean machine? If so, why are we needlessly complicating the upgrade system? Also please elaborate on the concept of "parts"



    This machine would require the result of an ore
    (anythiung that is not the ore itself.), and stone. This machine would
    package your result back into an ore. (Small Idea)

    I don't see any real applications for this as this is kind of why the silk touch enchantment exists



    This would implement potatoes into the game. You could
    use poatatoes to run your LV machines for half a day.(Potatoes would be
    placable as blocks, and once hooked up with cables would start
    outputting energy!)

    My potato farm outputs 500 eu/t....yeah, no

    Improved HUD

    The HUD system is out of date. To check on jetpack (I knwo it's already been suggested to see jetpack fuel) energy, and bat or lap pack energy, you have to press E. Yes, it doesn't take much time out of our lives, but it would be much appreciated if a new HUD system was implemented (Maybe with a helmet (Cheaper), or goggles (Expensive)).

    I'm pretty certain this was already denied due to forge not having HUD hooks

    2. What's to stop people from spamming these like Solar Panels? Who wouldn't want infinite free energy with no drawbacks?

    3.This is the one idea that I like, in Thumcraft the Taint mechanic was very well worked but how would pollution be produced? What would stop even more people from spamming solars to avoid this?



    would even make the machines more efficient too.

    4a. Basically an outside the machine overclocker?


    The CPU would also have the ability to transport items from a block to a chest.

    4b. Other mods such as redpower and buildcraft exist for this purpose

    Are you suggesting something such as the Thaumic Duplicator which can only duplicate simple items? If not I feel like this would be way too overpowered and it would kind of defeat the purpose of a Mass Fabricator because why would you use UUM which can create a limited amount of items when you can just use a duplicator to duplicate complex machines and items? Also I'm surprised that a certain person known to have a hatred of AutoCraft hasn't responded to this yet

    This has been suggested so many times before that I don't even know why I am bothering to reply to this, such as here, here, and here, so please use the search function before suggesting something, also this is not even possible due to the lack of a dynamic non-block lighting system in Minecraft

    I'm pretty certain nothing yet exists that would allow for a blutricity to EU conversion and it may never exist as, if I remember right, it did at one time but Eloraam insisted that it be taken down to not interfere with her later plans for blulectric machines as seen here. So I think the only converter that currently exists is one for EU to MJ and back as seen here

    i can only imagine how many banned, with this nice way to act.

    Welcome to the forums, nobody will get banned here because they are all offering constructive criticism which you promptly reject in your posts by saying that people don't use machines, which are practically essential to the game as well as suggest that there is anything even close to a resource problem (minecraft is effectively INFINITE as in you will not reach the edge of a map without walking for IRL months on end), also here are some friendly rules for survival here

    Quoted from "Tails"
    2)I will... if i manage how to use them... sincerly i play more tecnic that industrial , so i have many ways to do the same thing, I'll play more in server, and help the wiki. (or i'll try to discovery them directly on the tecnic)

    1. Do not mention technic

    2. DO NOTmention technic

    That is all