I'm going to attempt to remain neutral here despite my beliefs that Technic is blatant thievery also sorry for the random quotation as I dont have access to a computer right now and my Ipod refuses to cooperate with anything forum related
I say that we all just stop arguing over this as it is pointless, it's honestly like watching an atheist and a hardcore Christian having a religious debate, neither side will ever believe the other, both sides think the other side is made up of ignorant idiots, and both sides have at one point or another made up false information or relied upon the opinions of others with false information
Should this bickering continue, I completely agree with GregoriousT in the thought that you guys should just pick one thread and stick with it
Neowulf While I feel that it is fine to fight for what you believe in, pllease focus on actually arguing instead of psychoanalyzing people, we get it, we all fit into your "typical stereotypes" it's not helping your argument
bbqroast Try to add on to your already existing threads (preferably one thread), you seem like you are just looking to argue for the point of arguing with you creating a new thread on the subject of technic frequently
MagusUnion You also seem like you are arguing just to argue, so far you have stated that you don't have the time to argue and have also stated that you will stop arguing yet you berate Neowulf for doing the same thing
passinglurker No offence meant but, capitalization; my inner grammar nazi just had to say this
I pretty much think that covered everything I felt needed to be said (along with a few things that did not towards a certain known waffle lover) so having typed this post, I am going to attempt to not partake in any further Technic discussion, sit back with some popcorn, and wish you guys a happy flamewar