It seems like you put a lot of work into this, I only regret that I can't download it right now but I definitely will at a later date, also do you plan on adding any extra plants/features later on? I would have never thought of anything as in depth as you took Aedificare so I look forward to seeing even more ideas in the future
Posts by CrafterOfMines57
might i also add that the first two linked posts are for a light HELMET. the second, however, qualifies as similar.
I'm sorry for any confusion, what I meant by those 3 links was the idea of some form of a moving light having been suggested before, given your interpretation I suppose the use the search function thing would be rendered invalid, but I meant it as a way to say that the lighting system is currently incapable of this kind of item as having been stated in those previously listed threads
If you have nei and set the config to show secret recipies, you will see that there are man, many permutations left for uum. i am not recommending you do co as it is cheating i did so just to find out how many there were, but uum still has a lot of possibilities.
What he is asking for is that slimeballs be implemented through some recipe, uu-matter or not, he's not asking if uu-matter has any open recipes left -
Would you rather look at clunky machines or the minecraft ran out of memory page? minecraft cant handle it.
While I don't agree with the idea, I seriously doubt anyone would get the minecraft ran out of memory page as a direct result of this. My computer is not the best, I have my share of lag on SMP and large explosions/other CPU intensive things, but the only time that I ever encountered that page was when I experimented with explosives+ and created an infinite looping explosive -
ikr, you can get anything from it. except tin, and copper, but there COMMON anyway. HEAR THAT TINPINCHERS?!
But I have gotten tin and copper from it...
I can't say that I have ever regretted making a machine/generator, so I don't really see much use for this, would it have other uses for different things as well?
I am very proud , sorry it took so long for me to respond i'm currently in vacation in michigan so i'm typing this on my ps3
Hooray! If only I would have thought of this while on this server or even the last version of this one when there were two double chests filled with melons -
I need a server, my brother wants me to play tekkit, i cant sink that low x.x
I agree, we should never put ourselves at that level -
The way that wrenches work is that they turn to the side that you click on, and if the side that you click on is an output face it will dismantle it, in the event that you already understood that, just take your time with clicking the right side in order to deter mishaps such as this from happening, I don't see any change in wrench code needed here unless I am missing something
If you take the time to read the section of the forum you are in, you may notice you are in the SUGGESTION section, not the bug reporting one, please read before you blindly make a thread
Lol greg is pissed, also, EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN THIS THREAD has not actually researched antimatter. If you had, you would realize in about 5 seconds that antimatter doesn't explode the second it touches any matter, it has to touch corresponding matter. So, you make hydrogen antimatter, it can touch anything but regular hydrogen, and nothing will happen. If it touches hydrogen, then it's mass is converted to energy, along with that of the hydrogen. Same thing with any other antimatter atoms. And person who read Physics of the Impossible, it states in that book that it has to touch corresponding matter."Antimatter cannot be stored in a container made of ordinary matter because antimatter reacts with any matter it touches, annihilating itself and an equal amount of the container. "
I like that you took the time to create images for your suggested items, but what use would this have? Mass deforestation is all that I can think of and so what would stop the use of this in griefing?
And you forgot to mention UUM.
I agree, a UUM recipe would probably be best because while string may come from spiders, I don't feel that it really should become spider web through adding sticky resin
For the time being weapons have been denied, so I will give you the typical answer of wait for industrial conflict
Indeed, why do all of the good servers that have pvp and the mods I want have to be tekkit?
Suppose you link a teleporter to itself, what should happen? Well, surely not nothing - instead there should be a feedback loop that means that you're deposited somewhere - anywhere - across the current world. After you've walked back, if you try it again, you will end up somewhere else....
While I like the idea, anywhere in the current world? By current world do you mean chunks that had been previously loaded, or including the far lands as possible territory to teleport into? -
I bet modders hate it when they've been working on something for ages, only having an update come and make them franticly rush to update stuff and usually ruining something or causing bugs. (Apart from the ic2 team, who are afreakingmazing)
Aaaaaaand you necroposted again here, please check the thread dates before deciding to post a reply to a suggestion that is over 3 months dead
Not to mention liquids would go uber slow and arrows would catch able. TNT and nukes would explode in slo-mo =D
Back to the origional idea, you could also make a "Quantum world halter/stopper/anchor" that pauses time! (that is possible, it's been done in the dust mod) It also freezes mobs, sand, gravel and liquids! Heck, why not make it so All three functions are contained within a single machine?
Quantum physics Ftw!
Now, someone is going to say that the world stopper isnt realistic, but I say that it speeds you up so fast that the world appears frozen!Welcome to the forums! You do realize that you just necroposted a thread that is over 3 months dead right?