Can you explain your idea a little more? Sure diamond chainsaw, I get the gist of what you are going for, but please explain things like how much eu per cut/attack, how much damage, how much internal storage, how fast it would cut trees, possibly charge rate, and why this is necessary, personally I don't think it is due to the damage done by the normal chainsaw which is what I mainly use it for until obtaining a nano saber so until these things are sorted I'm going to have to -1
Posts by CrafterOfMines57
The problem here is context. That number sounds really good when you look at it. A 200% increase in downloads is a good thing, but not when you consider context. One of the benifits of technic is that it lets more people then were previously able to download and play mods. We mirrior so that we can serve the files to literally a million people. It's something that would be too expensive and impracticle for modders on their own to be expected to do, but we have the resources to offer it for a collection of modders at once, and our goal is to make the good mods as popular and accessable as possible. If you consider that sengirs traffic only doubled when we stopped including him, you have to also consider that it's not a 200% increase, its a massive decrese. It means that hundreds of thousands of people who enjoyed his mod didn't go and download it from him after its removal from technic. By all means, his download link should have broken from the sudden surge of traffic, because forestry is great and an awesome mod. Problem was is that he burned the people who enjoyed it and the minecraft community isn't very forgiving. Believe me, I know that all too well.
Look at it any way you want in terms of popularity of Foresty, while his removal from Technic may given him a massively smaller audience, an increase of even 1% is still more money in Sengir's pocket than he ever received from Technic due to his rejection of the donations and in the end, it is his property which he is free to use however he wants toQuote
It's not property, it's information. They don't have full control. Pesky freedom eh?
Ooohhh, so that's why it's perfectly legal to distribute Minecraft.jar to anyone that wants a free copy, that makes so much sense, and while we're at it, why don't we just hack into IBM or Microsoft and take all of their code to freely distribute because, hey "They don't have full control" and it totally won't result in a legal shitstorm -
So basically through the use of a wrench, you want solar panels to act like RP solar panels and transmit energy? If so then I definitely like the idea
While Macerator would make mix from Melon, Extractor on the same logic would make Juice.
How about Melon block cut to 9 Slices by ChainSaw?
Are you talking about in a crafting recipe or the vanilla method but with a chainsaw? -
Judging by its question I'd say it did a pretty good job of confusing itself
Melon block crafted from 9 Slices.
Should be a way to get 9 Slices back from Melon block.
Be it Extractor, Macerator or just recipe (Melon+Wooden Sword=9 Melon Slices).I agree with this so that melons and melon storage blocks can be interchanged just like the ore storage blocks can, although I believe that it should be the extractor that does this as a macerator would most likely blend it into little chunks, plus the way that I see it I think that the extractor sees little use compared to the macerator as extractors do 7 things and 3 of which involve extracting rubber, while macerators do 9 things (10 with Redpower) so while the energy costs would be the same, I think the extractor needs more uses
Do not direct them to me. Even when they would ask me for it. My answer would be:Put Forge into jar
Put ModX into modsfolder
PlayI said somebody knowledgable like, and then put your name there because you seem to be the go to guy for the noobs, or at least that was the impression I got here, although given your statement of being "kind enough to help him" I see now that this is probably not the case
Why see it that way? It's fairly unresonable and serves no real good. People see technic or tekkit and they want to play all those amazing mods together, but it gets trickier and trickier with each additional mod you want. Sure throwing in one mod is no big deal, but a dozen or more? A large (probably) majority of these people are children, who can't even get Java working properly on their computers. It's expecting too much of them. I don't blame them for wanting help and I see no real reason not to give it to them other then senslessly punishing them for not being as intelligent or computer savvy as us.
Well shit, I can't argue with thatThe problem here is your expectations. That person who doesn't know they're using build craft isn't Technics fault. Would you get mad at Steam if someone said "I sure am enjoying all these games I bought on the steam summer sale, thanks steam for making them!" or "I wish I knew who made them!". No, you'd call the person an idiot for thinking that or for not just looking to see. Like steam, technic isn't just a pack anymore, it is now a platform dedicated to helping peoples excellent work reach as many end users as possible. Technic doesn't create oblivious people. When a million extra people wander in, they just come along in the crowd. Not something that can be helped. I hate making comparisons because they're never perfect, but steam is a somewhat similar situation just on a larger scale and with product and money involed. Techinic is of course far less serious.)
Take a look at the technic site right now. It's beautiful and makes every possible effort to direct people to the modders responsible for the work and to help people understand who's responsible for what. Links to MCforms posts, websites, wikies, help sections, it's all there. There's even a big donate page linking directly to each modder with a paypal. If you make the effort to hand someone a dictonary, you can't be blamed if they don't know what a word you told them means. There are just going to be oblivious people who wont make the effort to educate themselves. They wouldn't have made the effort to get all the mods working together on their own, and they probably wouldn't have donated to anyone either. At least they're enjoying mods, which should be the goal of a modding community at the end of the day. I wouldn't say those people are anywhere close to the majoirty, and so very far from made up on the spot numbers like 70%-90%. At least with all the community building for technic, with the forums and site and server sections, theres a chance those people will learn about the mods they're using by playing with others. It's just a thing that takes time. Technic, is just one of the many ways the modding community becomes more popular and gets bigger and stronger. Growing pains are to be expected.
I... damn, my 70-90% bluff got called, I don't use Technic based on the whole stigma it has received from the copyright issues/Sengir stuff so those numbers were rough estimates based on things posted by people hereThe one thing I see wrong with Technic right now though is the fact that assuming SirSengir was truthful, he claims that forestry downloads went up either by about 200% or to 200% following his forceful removal from Technic, do you believe that the downloads were from people using the pack (unikely given your claim that most people turn to Technic as a result of lack of ability to install mods) or from the publicity generated from the incident that is technically (no pun intended) attributed to the pack? If it is the latter, doesn't that mean that Sengir got more recognition in leaving than he did while his mod was put in the pack?
QuoteIt was a rockey drama fest, but things honestly seem to have found their groove.
The drama is kind of still going on as evidenced by the whole 4+ threads devoted to just this
How did a Technic Forum moderator even get an account on the IC2 forums?
I'm assuming the same way anyone else would -
Suggestion: In trials, it seemed that the melon always dropped 6 slices. Instead of breaking the block, I would advocate a shapeless recipe (so one could use it without a crafting bench) of 1 melon -> 6 melon slices.Being a fine connoisseur of melons (I once built a house out of them as viewable here) It is my experience that melons do not drop 6 slices always, I agree with your overall idea, but I think that maybe melons should be place able in an extractor which would in turn output 6 melon slices
And don't start on that "if they cant do it themselves they don't deserve to" line, its a childrens game for gods sakes. Loosen up and have fun, and let others have fun too.
The way that I see it, if they can't do it themselves (as in take 5 minutes to watch videos that explain it on youtube or god forbid ask somebody knowledgeable like GregoriusT how to install a mod) then yes, why should they deserve to use it?
Every time you donate to a modder, you have more positive effect and do more good then a lifetime of worthless forums debate.
While this is true, are people from The Clusterfuck That Shall Not Be Named (I'm going to abbreviate that from now on) really donating to the modders? I'm pretty certain I remember someone saying that they knew a C.T.S.N.B.N. user that didn't even know what mod diamond pipes belonged to, is he going to send any money buildcraft's way? Probably not. The main problem I have with T.C.T.S.N.B.N is not really the copyright issues (I will not be discussing the legal grey area here), it's the overall ignorance of the mods, I would go so far as to say that 70-90% of its users don't know what it is like to work their way up from scratch going from vanila to tier 1 to tier 2 all the way up to mfsu and mass fab for IC2 stuff, or created systems of redpower mechanisms, why should they when they can just EE up everything?
the mining laser is a laser, which means light. sticky resin would have to have a photon sail and the laser to be on a insanely low setting, as far as i know, that is the only way to propel something with light.
Do I have to get into the whole Minecraft takes physics, spits on it, kicks it off a cliff, and tells it to go screw itself argument?
I just thought it would be cool if you could put Cobblestone into a Compresser to make Stone.
Are you talking about circle stone? I'm pretty certain that the electric furnace and compressor use about the same energy therefore making this useless -
I'd call this spam.
It talked about a modpack which I guess is in line with the forum being for a mod, but the way it presented it, I think I have to agree with you, if this isn't a spambot this is a really stupid spammer
What is this? Did you just copy and paste something from somewhere and screw up the formatting more than I have ever seen anyone do before? Did you accidentally hit submit on a rough draft laying out what this post would look like? Also I'm not certain that advertising your modpack is allowed on these forums
The way i would code it wouldnt be "Lightning hits rod => Energy" it would be "Lightningrod detects Storm => Randomnessdepending on Ironfences => Produce Energy and make then Lightning hit the Top for Specialeffects". So it cant be exploited using Infernal Helmet from EE or other Lightningsources.
Wow, I'm not a coder of anything more than very basic creations, but that was exactly the way I thought about how it would be done to avoid obvious EE exploits or other such nonsense
already crafted 10 stacks of hvs, come to believe.
wat, so you are creating 6.5 uu-matter every second?
can't we go server hunting together? i need to play some minecraft
well right now I'm on this one , mainly for pvp, although the whole losing everything on you when you die can be a bit annoying
I can't connect to the server!
That's probably because you didn't read anything on the last 3 pages or so about this being down for the time being until a new host is found
it would add a lightning rod that (when a storn occurs) draws lightning to it. If the lightning hits it, then it sends 100 EU to your mfsu. Any energy holder less than an MFSU will explode!
also, have you ever actually used industrial craft? 100 eu can be made by a solar panel in 5 seconds and a MFE is more than capable of accepting 128 eu per packet, so unless lightning would strike constantly this would only be useful in a storm if at all, and due to the lack of a recipe with which you would craft this item, I have concluded that you must be trolling
Do you want a ban, lurker, should we perform the summoning ceremony?