*cough* Boozeception *cough*
I think this was the original premise of Boozeception, but it kinda needs a rework and/or buff.
Posts by Nanomanz
While I see what you want to do, Cal, I don't think it will happen... IC2 is too independent and big on it's own.
Thanks for the language lesson, I don't now. I might have accidentally learned something today.
Indestructible blocks = OP
Nanomanz is dead.
I'm dead.
And Dead. -
Most buggy game ever created!
You DO play Minecraft, right?
Of course you didn't. The raw awesome came oozing out of your screen and got absorbed into your body, where it restricted blood flow.
It's much more better to implement some machine (universal assembler) to allow EE like conversion from UUM to items and list everything inside conversion list.
this basically magic, but will provide much more emersion and bring technology and UUM assembly process.no
New Vegas. Best game ever.
And I want my helmet to protect me from poison and head trauma. Instead of force-feeding me first, end then suddenly discharge when out of food, leaving me without protection.
Different modes would be nice too, to disable feeding of any kind or limit to just with canned, or just with EU.
Nothing to see here, please proceed.
Should use no EU for canned food, and it should "Generate" the equivalent of a UUMed for every "Can" it refills on own. Different modes would be nice too, to disable feeding of any kind or limit to just with canned, or just with EU. (I have to say, I like these dev polls, they really give the community a chance to discuss.)
Lemme repeat this again: EVEN IF you make if so that you lose charge on pickup, there is STILL almost no downsides. IF, say, you lose 10% of a full MFSU, JUST BRING ANOTHER LAPOTRON AND FILL IT UP WHEN YOU GET THERE. It still saves inventor space, AND has the added bonus of including an item charger to refill your Quantum/Lappack. This, in my opinion, is just a dumb idea and is completly unnecessary and useless. (Rant is over, and there should be a config if this is implemented.)
You've obviously never dropped a fully charged Lapotron in a pool of lava before...
And that can't happen with MFSUs in "item" form? There is honestly NO DISADVANTAGE AT ALL to using an MFSU, whose DOWNSIDE is that it's stationary.
It's like, "Remember how we made this really cool thing that holds lots of stuff but can't be moved without loosing the stuff? And how we made a lower capacity version that's portable? LET'S FUCK BALANCE AND MAKE THE STATIONARY ONE RETAIN CHARGE ON PICKUP"
Though, you don't have any dev spots open?
There's always spots, you just might be on "Indefinite hold"
Like Fenrix said, this would make the game too easy and OP, mainly because storage blocks beat "Portable" items in every way. I can't think of a single downside to using an MFSU as opposed to a Lapotron.
Electric piston lul what? wont happen. Original, not well thought out.
Could illuminators not melt ice vanilla related, need hack or basemod - wont happen. Original, small request, if not a coder you can't be sure if it's possible.
a remake of the end/new dimension- alternative endgame! HAYO - wont happen. Joke.
Some piston fun vanilla related, wont happen. Not IC2 related, but a valid mod suggestion.
Micro Voltage Transformer hive rules - wont happen Unoriginal, denied before.
Nuclear bomb recipe rejected zillion times - addon implemented.Unoriginal, denied before.
Electrolytic Refining rejected multiple times already. Iffy on original, denied before.
Alternate upgrade path for NanoSuit hive rules - wont happen. Not original, valid suggestion.
Throwable Flare (mainly for diving .etc) cannot be implemented in current chunk format, not IC2 related. Original, on topic and possible in some implementations.
Wrenching process instead of immediate effect and variable durability/energy on wrench. someone forgot about electric wrench...Unoriginal, unnecessary.
A more realistic bronze recipe there is no realism in minecraft Suggested before, unoriginal, unnecessary.
Recyclers need a fix HAYO flaming thread No, they don't.
Iron Fences powered by the side of Magnetizers. will happen Suggested before, unoriginal, completely needed.
Add configurable quantum helmet food costs rejected zillion times - will happen Suggested before, small tweak.
Solar panel lag reduction idea addon implemented I'm going to pass on this one, I have no clue.
Nuclear reactor/crop almanac loot NEI Original, small tweak, fun, less reliance on wiki/other mods, improved immersion.
Toolbox tweak wont happen Skipping this one too, I have no clue about it.The only suggestions I think are valid are Illuminators, Flare, Q-Helmet Config, And Almanac loots.
No place to post stupid suggestions - no stupid suggestions.
Dont need magic for this.
What will they do instead, PM Al? Sounds like fun for him... -
Welp, if I was Alblaka, I wouldn't ban you, for the sole reason that you APOLOGIZED ON THE INTERNET. And, your OP was a little funny, at least.
Suggestion forum is ALSO cluttered with dumb threads that aren't suggestions.
dum (adj, Indian): "Cooked with steam - dum aloo."
Well that's a goddamn relief.
isn't System.ShutUserProcess(badjoke) clear enough?
Of course it's clear... I'm not dum, you know. (Until the very end, I thought it was for real, which made my face look like this: