Posts by Nanomanz

    Nicely formatted and good grammar. That means a ton on the internet. Also, you clearly thought about this for a while, and I applaud you for that, too. However, I don't think this would help lag too much, and might be unnecessary. However, please keep making good suggestions and don't let this discourage you.

    I agree with you up until you talk about the "Culture change" That's most likely not going to happen. Oh, and the post you linked to was a flame-the-flamer. Flame-the-flamers think it is funny to "Troll" people who tell them that their idea has already been denied. (The picture, BTW, said "According to this, you're f---ing gay".)

    My knowledge of Java is very limited, but it seems that if glass is possible, an invisibility suit is plausible. I think the difficulty would come from keeping the player transparent as they moved, and maybe keeping the tools transparent only when they are in the hands of the wearer. This brings up another issue; should items the player holds be invisible or not?

    Not sure. This could be used as an intended drawback of it (You can't hold anything), or it could make it even more awesome.

    Or simply, as I already suggest, the Redstone-O-Mat ? My Idea was to pay for getting a redstone signal, but GregoriusT improve it with suggesting we could just add a redstone signal function to the basic Trade-O-Mat. Then, you've just to use properly Detector/Switcher Cable and you can sell your energy.

    Yes, the same basic idea. I like your's better though, because you can do more with it. (Open doors, activate Minecarts, ect.)

    Sorry, the only mods I use are IC2 and Redpower (So, I don't know many others), but your criteria works much better.

    DEFINITELY NOT! engineering should be the second to last place any limit even a click wall should be put in place(the last place being the support subforum) putting limits there will solve nothing and only make new people mad/annoyed. the reason this started was because in the very active suggestion sub-forum a load of crap threads can in theory suppress some good undiscovered threads but that isn't the case in engineering because its much slower paced and if there is anything vital in the engineering subforums it winds up stickied

    Okay, good point. I just thought that the Engineering sub-forum was supposed to be an intelligent group of people talking to each other...

    Thank you for confirming that me writing my own code to invoke a cropcard I wrote based on the right-click of an arbitrary, user-choosen item, is "not too bad"...
    Yes, thanks, it's always so nice to get such a well informed assessment of the situation, completely totally 100% not a knee jerk reaction. One unclouded by preconcieved opinions of my ethics and abilities.

    I'm truly sorry, but you seemed like you were a little... pissed off? Anyway, let's get back on topic here.

    i can say with the same degree of authority on the subject that this is not on the same level as reverse engineering blu-trisity and writing a crossover addon he doesn't need permission though eloraams blessing would be nice. also if he needs eloraams permission then so does Immibis's tube stuff mod a mod that that eloraam said her self doesn't need her permission.

    Okay, I may have been slightly misguided with that. However, copy-pasting code is not cool, and I would get Eloraam's "Blessing" before doing it.

    Yup. And that's exactly what I did, setup a config variable so if the user is smart enough they can set it to the RP2 flax seed ID and it'll just work. If not, then the crop can still be obtained through crossbreeding.
    I did notice a moderator altered one of my posts in a rather blatant accusation of me stealing code. I really don't appreciate that, especially when they do it sneakily.

    Got a new release ready with SMP support, a tool to obtain seedbags without destroying the crop, and a couple new crops. Just waiting for funnyman3595's permission to use his soybean sprites (he asked me to wait a couple days, so I'm waiting for the final ok).

    Did you get EXPLICIT WRITTEN permission from Eloraam to do this?

    We aren't trying to get rid of the tekkit users (Yet), we just want the server section to be fully devoted to IC2 Servers (Standalone or with a few extras mods) and not to Tekkit Servers which from what i gather are usually filled with way too many useless mods.

    They also have their own forum where they can post the clusterfuckness they call tekkit servers so they should post them there, you don't see IC2 people posting their servers there right?

    I 100% agree with Greg and Fenix on this issue. Technic/Tekkit has it's own forum, and things should be discussed there. Also, any other "Modpacks" should also be banned, unless they are designed for use on that server and include IC2 as a major part. So, IC2, Redpower and Tubestuff is fine, but Technic, (Again, because it has it's OWN forum and has many mods) shouldn't be allowed. The same logic could also apply to a server running: Portal Gun, SDK's Mods, Buildcraft, Redpower, Equivalent Exchange, Recipe Book, Shelves, Armor Stand, a custom world generator, and oh, yeah, IC2 as well.

    Oh, I'm a heavy user of the technicpack forums. One of the first 50 signups actually.
    Many of the servers are run quite well.

    If you insist on blocking out a portion of the IC2 userbase just because they use tekkit, please atleast sticky a post stating "Modpack servers can be found through these links." and link to the various modpack server forums.
    Or do you just have a problem with tekkit specifically?

    Quote from Nanomanz

    Yes. It does not have all the Mods permission that are in it, and it has it's own forum.

    See? I already told you.