Posts by thepowdertoy

    TC3, as you may have seen from Direwolf, spawns wisps to reduce flux (the new taint). Problem is, an aura node was right inside my storage room, so when doing magic, I have to fight lots of wisps spawned inside there while doing magic. Luckily, a recent update to add [REDACTED] required a change in the aura generation algorithm + regeneration of aura nodes, and the node moved a little further away.

    Is it just me or the new taint system is way less fun than the old one?

    *Wears quantum suit with gravichestplate*
    It's time I go to the old shuttle, and from there hopefully I can do transmission without destroying my main ship
    *Flying to the old shuttle*
    Now let's start the CASUC... Hopefully it have enough energy to start up the main fusion reactor... wait oh no the spaceship shield is flickering! I need to go faster
    *flying the shuttle to the ship*
    *connecting HV cable to the ship electrical system*
    *engine humming up*
    Now its better! Now I will start the transmission
    -----Transmission started---
    This is my message, and in the time I transmitting this message, I am currently under attack by thousands of spambots. If you come here to help me, you may see me already dead, ship destroyed. However, there is a hardened section of this ship that have a lot of resources, enough to start a new civilization. It have its own thruster. Why I'm being chased by thousands of spambots you ask? There was a spambot that hacked my ship computer system and hijack the fusion reactor, more specifically dark matter/energy catalyzed fusion reactor, making it extremely close to meltdown. If that reactor is exploded, even if the reactor is several hundred kilometers above Minecraftia, it will vaporize its surface. It literally create sun for several seconds. So, to prevent that, I open up all the plasma vent valve, and several minutes later, I find myself at the moon orbit. That must created a large energy pulse that draws spambots here.
    ---Transmission ended---
    Now I just need to activate all the mining laser turrets, and go up close and personal with all those spambots!

    Finally after several months building in my base, I have completed my spaceship build. Now I will start the fusion reactor

    ##bcIntegration OS##
    Boot sequence completed
    user>start fusion 1
    Initiating fusion reactor start sequence...
    Coolant compressor 1 online
    Coolant compressor 2 online
    Coolant compressor 3 online
    Coolant compressor 4 online
    Activating power exchange cable
    Starting fusion reactor...
    Reactor at 100% power
    kitchen kitchen kitchen hose crimping machine
    ALERT Initiating SCRAM
    ALERT SCRAM fail
    ALERT Coolant compressor 1 offline
    ALERT Coolant compressor 2 offline
    ALERT Coolant compressor 3 offline
    ALERT Coolant compressor 4 offline

    *running to reactor room*
    I need to open all plasma exhaust valve... hopefully that won't send all spambot to me
    *opening first plasma valve*
    *pinned down*
    I need to save this ship!
    *opening all plasma valve*
    *pinned down again*
    *machines powering down*
    Don't say I'm in space
    *Look to the window and see minecraftia is getting smaller and smaller*
    This is no good, I need to power up emergency thruster system and circularize my orbit, because I don't have any power to power up either my teleportation system or to land this spaceship safely
    *Thruster firing*
    Now its safer... Wait, what is that?
    *several thousand spambots with mining laser approaching the ship*
    This ain't good... although I still have enough force energy, it won't last forever. If only I have any energy to power up all my lasers and missiles...
    *A barrage of missiles hit the ship*
    This ship force field won't hold up for long..Wait,isn't that my old space shuttle? I wonder what I can use it now... YES! I remember in the old shuttle there is a ancient CASUC, hopefully it have enough energy to power up the main fusion reactor... however there is several spambots with lasers blocking my way... seems I need to use my prototype weapon

    Change the uranium bar into uranium block (and finally that uranium block will have a use) and throw some advanced circuit (because you want realism and your recipe look like a implosion type nuke, which need to detonate all the TNT at the precise moment or it will fizzle)

    Wait, you still use IC2 luminators? Because you can hide the wire using construction foam
    For the wireless EU, there used to be an addon which is wireless MFSU, however now it wasn't updated anymore. However, you can use any IC2 to Buildcraft energy converter mod and use teleport pipe to teleport the power

    :Advanced Furnace: = power source
    :Induction Furnace: = power destination
    :Geothermal Generator: = IC2 to buildcraft energy converter
    :Wind Mill: = Buildcraft to IC2 energy converter
    :RE Battery: =Teleport pipe

    :Generator: :Geothermal Generator::RE Battery:

    Several blocks away...
    :RE Battery::Wind Mill::Electric Furnace:

    I think any kind of realistic nuclear reactors is impossible to make in IC. Reason is, nuclear reactors require two things - pumping substances (namely, hot and cold water and steam) around and automation to regulate fusion process. IC can't do neither and never will be. So, to make realistic reactor you need other mod, or even several mods working together. Buildcraft for liquids, RedPower for automation, IC2 for dealing with all that generated energy.

    It's fission, not fusion

    I know of a lot of servers including the one I admin on (the League of Science) who reset the end and nether every 2 weeks. plus even if they didnt, it is still a good drawback to have.

    and if people wanna talk to me about magic, they should know about one simple fact. the nuclear reactors in IC2 practically are turbines, no water to heat up and create a steam system for a turbine to generate power. just heat. heat doesnt make power on its own....therefor the current nuclear reactors in IC2 are magic.

    Wait, since when steam turbine is the only way to convert heat to electricity?

    See this:…_thermoelectric_generator (aka the long denied suggestion of nuke battery)

    And it convert heat directly into electricity without any moving part!

    And this:

    Also this:

    Even turbine can use other working fluid

    If you say there is no heat sink, you are partially correct, but even that we need to cool the reactor to prevent it from exploding, and there is your heat sink

    Coolant cells are 16x times more expensive now (4 tin instead of 1/4). Using condensers will eat double chest of redstone per cycle, if you will try to get serious amount of eu from uranium. So, yes, casuc is dead. Except may be using cooling reactors, but it will be probably simpler to just use microcycles.

    Microcycle reactor without any cooling component wouldn't work, because there is no external cooling, and the reactor will keep accumulating heat until it explodes