Posts by SM84CE
That's what I did too... The method names are pretty good at describing what they do, for example: chechHeatAcceptor and acceptUraniumPulse If you need more help, post your code and what problems you have/ what you've tried. Sometimes it's as simple as a missing ":" that breaks things (happened to me once)
Progress update: Single rods can now be made, TODO: dual/quad rods, and making a Cesium rod/fuel from the byproducts of Coaxium rods.
One question, the recipe for the fuel rod for Coaxium fuel is this:
Should I return 3/4 of the Iridium AND Diamonds used to make it, or more iridium and less diamonds? The Diamonds are returned from the Thermal Centrifuge in block form, and the iridium is my mod's dust, which can be compressed back into ore. Ore can also be centrifuged into dust.
All of these resources because these fuel rods produce NO HEAT, which makes is easy to produce a LOT of power in a small space, especially with breeder reactors.
Oh damn, could you throw in some examples for me, AKA code snippets of custom reactor fuels / vents
Just look at my thread (SM84CE's probable addon: Coaxium Mod), it has some probable code snippets for fuels
For nuclear fuels, I could help, I've made one with Chocohead basically giving me like 80% of the code
Also, see SM84CE's probable addon: Coaxium Mod for the code and stuff, if you are still confused, PM me or something...
(yeah, it's kinda self-advertising, but it coincides with what you need)
As for documentation, ther's comments in the API and dev JARS, if you open them with 7Zip, and if need be, using a decompiler to view the .class files?
*sigh*. What would I do without this forum
Well, at least I knew that some method was missing... At this point, you basically own the Coaxium Fuel Rod
And I guess there would've been a hint, but I had no idea it was there
Maybe next time I'll catch that...
I'd ask what do do about single.dual/quad cells, but I have a getDepletedStack method that returns an ItemStack, so I'll handle that by just calling the method on setItem(...,getDepletedStack(...))
So I added in all the mentioned methods, but there is no durability. I'm assuming that decrementing the damage has to be done somewhere, but where? Also, is there any method that needs to be called to show the durability?
If I recall correctly, IC2 has an EU-powered chunk loader that can keep up to 25 chunks loaded (including the chunk the the chunk loader is in)
So I placed the panel like this:
where M is a monitor, and X is the extender. I powered it via a lever attached to the extender in the back, and found that even when my reactor was on, it didnt update the display unless I cliked into the reactor GUI. The remote monitor works fine, though.
Also, I have also noticed that when I place a reactor location card into the top left slot of the monitor, then save, quit and exit MC, the next time I load in, the location card gets replaced by a time sensor card.. What's wrong? Is it my setup or a bug?
I have IC2 industrialcraft-2-2.8.109-ex112.jar, and World Control WorldControl-1.0.18.jar
Lol... I'll get used to it (hopefully), don't worry
I'll probably make the durability 40 or 30k, because of the high fuel rod costs...
bump? Is there any methods I have to add to have a duration? I'm going to try and figure the heat out for myself, don't want to seem like I want you guys to write my mod for me, I just need a lot of help
I've also thought of adding dense diamond plates to the corners of the empty rod (I'll handle the dense diamond plates/ plates in my mod, no worries
Also, how do I make a block cutting blade with a higher hardness?
any thoughts? I might need the stats for my fuel rod if I'm going to publish this as an addon...
try downloading the repo, run gradlew setupDecompWorkspace, and after that finishes, try gradlew build. the built mod should be in built/libs. Thats for Windows, idk about the other OS's though...
I don't think that gradlew eclipse is needed before building...
I did post a link to the thread for it, it's supposed to be a general thread, which, in my case, all general threads I make will sooner or later become project threads.
I just didn't know where to put it, and so I placed it with the other IC2 mechanics related questions
I'm making a mod which adds in a Coaxium fuel
rod (SM84CE's modding help thread), and I was wondering hou I would find the heat generated per tick or second by a single/dual/quad rod in an EU reactor
Here's how I think it should work:
Reactor heat MAX (with no plating, 0 chambers) is 10000
My single rod raises the heat by .04% on a single press of a stone button attached to the top of the reactor
Stone buttons produce a 20 tick long signal = 1 second, iirc
Therefore, .0004*10000 = 4 HU/s
Am I doing that right?
EDIT: I'm considering making my mod an IC2 addon, if it meets the criteria (if any)