Day 62: Sorry about the mess GregoriusT, but believe your containment area just got nuked due to the amount of Spambots in the basement. Releasing the Iron Golems NOW. **Iron Golems kill the surviving Spambots* This should crippl- WTF IS A FRIDGE DOING HERE?! *goes down in private Zepplin Mod Shuttle* *knocks on door* Hello? Anybody in there? *Passinglurker exits* Passinglurker:I don't know about you, but that was AWESOME. I mean, one of the best- Me: Yeah yeah, let's get to the *Spambot destroys shuttle* WTF?! DAMMIT! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO GET HOME NOW?! *Kills Spambot with Mininglaser* One thing's for sure, we need to get outta here. *Runs away to the sunset with Passinglurker*
**END OF DAY 62**