i would love to join im expreinced for mods
Age : 32
IGN; flamewolf20
this server has been down for over a year....
i would love to join im expreinced for mods
Age : 32
IGN; flamewolf20
this server has been down for over a year....
Your place is very cool looking maybe you could set up a nuclear reactor or something.
The live map isn't working for some reason it was working earlier.
what is the ip to the server? I can't find it
Well Tekkit is still gay if I would use a mod pack I would use FTB mod pack
Since we have some mob mods like mocreatures I think the mod the Elder Scrolls V Skyrim mod would be cool to add with it here is the link the mod http://www.minecraftforum.net/…mes-new-mobs-new-weapons/
IGN: sowersnc0298 and can you whitelist my friends softball2002, explosion25, moneybags202, and NoobofHistory18
How old are you?: sowersnc0298 is 14, softball2002 is 10, explosion25 is 12, moneybag202 is 15, and NoobofHistory18 is 14
Have you ever been banned? If yes, where and why?: I haven't been banned before but I don't know about my friends
Are you familiar with the mods?: yes I refuse to play vanilla minecraft without mods
I have a mod suggestions gregtech (which is a IC2 addon) here is the link [Addon][SMP][IC² 1.106, 1.107 and 1.108] GregTech-Addons: Taking Industry to a whole new Level!
I have a mod that looks pretty cool it is called the trains and zeppelin mod here is the link. http://www.minecraftforum.net/…ains-and-zeppelin-mod211/