Posts by sci4me

    Sorry if this thread is old but I just wanted to say that I am going to do a project like this myself.

    Stage 1: Setup -
    Get a base that has the basics and some advanced stuffs

    Stage 2: Mining -
    Get enough resources to make the machinery that will be needed (power generation, quarries, processing of resources, etc.)

    Stage 3: Building -
    Build crap! Build a HUGE processing facility and make the ingots into blocks like Zudguard said.

    Stage 4: DO IT! -
    Mine the world! xD

    Lol sorry, I was just a bit annoyed by being shot down with ideas... Idk I mean, I know how to make blocks and biomes and mobs but I don't know much of anything that is worth releasing. Thanks for the links.

    Alblaka: I have learned some of the java language but not enough maybe. Perhaps I'll learn even more java before I continue modding. As for the IC2 Api though... well, I guess I'll wait until I understand what a TileEntity really is. D: Anyway, thanks guys. And sorry for acting like a baby lol I was in a mood.

    ok, without reading all the replies, 1.97 is out and i got 1.96 if anyone wants... i uploaded... ill take it down if im not supposed to have it up... i don't feel like researching.. just tell me and ill take it down lol.

    Not at high-end CASUC speeds. You need to produce Ice at a rate exceeding 7 blocks / second for a high power CASUC reactor, and that's a wee bit hard to do in survival using a compressor. The entire process also consumes tin at frightening rates.

    That is bull! Use overclockers and a lot of compressors. Or advanced machines. Did you not watch direwolf20's season 3 casuc reactor episodes?

    So you're 100% happy with the current nuclear system and never want any improvements? Come on! The nuclear system needs more to it! It's too simple! And you know, if I could code it, I would. But currently, im working on getting a block to emit eu. So until I make the addon, ... aah forget it. :(

    Hey guys, I just want to tell you a little thing that is a bit annoying to me. So a while ago, I derped a herp and broke a rule by making a suggestion that already existed. With more research, I found multiple of the same topic. In one of those topics, someone said that if you want the fusion reactor, you code it yourself. Well, heres the thing: modders done make tutorials to code it yourself. No one does. So how are you supposed to learn to code it yourself if there aren't tutorials on it? Another thing that I notice about a lot of people (not all) on the net is that they're very very mean. I don't know if thats just me but yeah. And I doubt that the modders that refuse to make mods that we want learned to mod without at least a few tutorials. So, can someone PLEASE shine some light on this topic? How are we supposed to get the mods we want if we arent a very good coder? And theres no good tutorials that are FINDABLE... Is there a tutorial on how to make a energy network? NO. And if there is, show me. Please. Because I want to know how lol. And dont tell me to decompile mods because that doesnt usually work out. a(int d) what is a? That is what I have to say to you. ! There, now that im done with my little rant, bye. D: X(

    Hi guys. I just wanted to share with you all an idea for the nuclear system of IC2. Now I'm not expecting the whole nuclear system to be remade but if this idea ever does happen, It would be greatly appreciated. Here it is. Instead of having a block that you put uranium and cooling cells in and it produces EU, why not make it a block that has pipes connected and the pipes connect to a turbine that spins a generator. A bit like in a real reactor. I mean, just think how cool it would be to see water rushing through the pipes and through the reactor and into the turbine and back to the reactor. Now it would have to have another block as a heat exchanger since you don't want radioactive water going through the turbine where it could get into the air... I don't know... its just that.. the current nuclear system is missing something... you know? I really hope that this idea is at least considered... I mean maybe someone could make an addon that adds this or something... But nuclear power is really missing something. Even when using nuclear control. Which reminds me, if this idea comes true, I want there to be nuclear control compatability... there should still be heat levels... and also, to shut the reactor off, there should be some kind of control rods that have to be pushed into the reactor by a piston or some other kind of machine. I really hope that this idea is like... possible... I mean... IDK. I just want more for nuclear reactors. And I want it bad! Thanks for reading.