EU Storage Layout: Even Distribution?

  • So I am involved in a giant, longg-term project: mine the world, and turn the resulting resources into a single tower emblematic of my greatness. I'm doing it the hard way, just basic BC, IC2, IC2/BC electric engines mod - no TMI or anything like that. Let's just say lots of quarry gantries, driven by electric motors. My original concept was lots of 9x9 quarries but the micromanagement was too much.

    The downside of 60x60 quarries is they have to run for a long time. Like go-to-work-with-minecraft-running long time. End result - I need a lot of power storage. Thus the array of MFSUs (view from the side):


    H=EV-HV transformer
    G=glass cable

    What I've found with that setup is a biased storage for both input and output, where it's hard to figure out the total EU storage the array is currently at. The second row from the top of MFSUs seems to have the highest total storage at any one time.

    I generate ~1 kEU/s. Provided we are feeding in from an EV source, and I am using 20 MFSUs, and we are feeding in and out at the same rate (1k/s) what is an array that provides for an equal amount being channeled down to and out from each chain of MFSUs?

    BTW thanks to all of you who have read this far!

  • easiest way (imho) is to use a chain of MFSUs
    i prefer a few "energy towers" for mass storage
    every tower consists of 10 MFSUs in a row (or smaller towers if you like)
    the main cable goes threw the EV/HV->HV/MV transformation and is from then on transported in Fibre Glass
    the EU flows on the bottom of the first tower and then fills it from top to bottom
    that means the bottom will be filled last so you can see that this tower is full
    when a tower is full no current will flow
    over a detector+switch cable and an inverter you can transfer the energy to the next tower
    that way you see how much towers are filled (i added a redstone torch that glows at full towers to see it from a distance)
    and therefore guess an appox amout of eu you own

    List of People I know who didn't blew up a machine from Advanced Machines addon by wiring them to MV: { }

    Yay math exam is soon... lots of fun... "you love taylor approximation with parameters" *beat head with stick*

  • hmmm, interesting.

    lots of power storage? I think not! This works better before rain stopped solars, but it could still work.

    I am not up to date with energy conversion mods, as it is quite fun to use oil and fuel from bc, but here goes.

    Back when I used to feed 32EU/t into a converter for my quarry, (plenty enough power) I would set it up with around 64 solar panels. And enough storage for the production of 32 of them for during the day.

    This way, during the day, a MFE would fill up with the excess power (as a batbox would be the power limiter ) then it would discharge during the night. Technically you only need 58 or so due to the day lasting longer than the night, but with rain affecting them now, you might need a few more, and a bit more storage.

    A bigger pressing problem I would have if i were to do mining on that scale would be storage of everything. massive chests, and you should have automatic maceration and smelting set up, as you could then turn all the ingots into their bricks to save space, using the BC autotcrafting.

    Hell, prove me wrong, Happy to be so 99% of the time, then I can learn stuff :)

  • Well I run four Large Electric Engines which adds up to 160EU/t. 40EU/t is also used for lighting, add on 10% to both for losses due to cable length, 220EU/t used for quarry and lighting. Plus 128EU/t to the mass fab to use up scrap at the rate it's being generated by the 4 LEEs. So let's say 350EU/t.

    I recently reconfigured my storage MFSUs to thre parallel stacks of 6 each for a total of 180MEU storage. A little simply math gives a total of 514000 ticks before power runs out - more than enough for twelve hours of operation or so? Combined with 8 reactors (no CASUC) at 120EU/t each that recharge the batteries at roughly 3x the output rate, lets me more or less continuously run quarry operations.

    And you're right, massive storage has been required for the mineral output, as well as 'compression' efforts to turn bars into blocks every eight hours or so. Everything has been automated except the brick-block conversion and the reactors getting filled.


    On the plus side, between making the initial post and this one, I have completed Phase 3 of my tower and mining operations and have enlarged the excavation to a pure 240x240, meaning Phase 4, endless perfectly arranged 60x60 quarries, can soon commence for, well, ever. Or until I get bored. In any case, I'm posting screen shots in the correct spot to do so, please check it out!

  • Sounds awesome!

    I do still recommend some kind of renewable energy source. Because the more constant energy that happens, the smaller storage you will need while away (not to mention you will be able to save more uranium during the mining phase, leaving it for the next stage. Can't make more uranium sadly). But looks like you have everything set up nicely.

    a few mods you might like to look at if you haven't already, to help with storage would be iron chests. Fairly easy to automate ingots to blocks, just use diamond pipes and auto crafting benches, although I imagine you know that already. Others include advanced pipes. the advanced insertion pipe is really good with the processing side of this project. and logistics pipes, if you want an easy (once set up) way to make things.

    This makes me want to do a similar thing myself, huge amounts of resources, managing multiple quarries, and the input from them. :D

    Hell, prove me wrong, Happy to be so 99% of the time, then I can learn stuff :)

  • Sorry if this thread is old but I just wanted to say that I am going to do a project like this myself.

    Stage 1: Setup -
    Get a base that has the basics and some advanced stuffs

    Stage 2: Mining -
    Get enough resources to make the machinery that will be needed (power generation, quarries, processing of resources, etc.)

    Stage 3: Building -
    Build crap! Build a HUGE processing facility and make the ingots into blocks like Zudguard said.

    Stage 4: DO IT! -
    Mine the world! xD