What makes me mad about modders.

  • Hey guys, I just want to tell you a little thing that is a bit annoying to me. So a while ago, I derped a herp and broke a rule by making a suggestion that already existed. With more research, I found multiple of the same topic. In one of those topics, someone said that if you want the fusion reactor, you code it yourself. Well, heres the thing: modders done make tutorials to code it yourself. No one does. So how are you supposed to learn to code it yourself if there aren't tutorials on it? Another thing that I notice about a lot of people (not all) on the net is that they're very very mean. I don't know if thats just me but yeah. And I doubt that the modders that refuse to make mods that we want learned to mod without at least a few tutorials. So, can someone PLEASE shine some light on this topic? How are we supposed to get the mods we want if we arent a very good coder? And theres no good tutorials that are FINDABLE... Is there a tutorial on how to make a energy network? NO. And if there is, show me. Please. Because I want to know how lol. And dont tell me to decompile mods because that doesnt usually work out. a(int d) what is a? That is what I have to say to you. ! There, now that im done with my little rant, bye. D: X(

  • calm down before you hurt yourself i hate to be blunt but your acting very immature.

    first there will be no tutorial on "how add a fusion reactor to minecraft" tutorials teach you the basics and you have to figure the rest out from there and yes it is as hard as it sounds I've give coding a good 3 tries and i still don't get it.

    second if you google "how to mod minecraft" and skip down to the 5th one you will find this
    start there

    third there are others here who are learning to and will help you understand what they have learned so far if YOU ARE POLITE TO THEM. not barging in ranting about how a 6 month old weak counter argument is unrealistic and that we should all agree with you

    EDIT: there is also a wiki page on the subject http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Mods/Creating_Mods

    true balance is impossible in video games the best one can hope for is to make it really hard to guess which of 2 choices are better.

    Edited once, last by passinglurker ().

    • Official Post

    Writing a tutorial about coding for people who can't code at all is tedious and usually doesn't work out. Either you write one covering the basics, just to get spammed with "but how to do x" because people aren't capable of abstracting the next step, or you cover some specific case, which causes people to do exactly that one case described in the tutorial, whilst still being incapable of doing anything else.

    Writing a tutorial about coding for people who can code is pointless, because it takes them a mere matter of minutes to figure out whatever they need by themselves.

    The only thing programmers/coders/scripters actually need is a base library of all necessary commands (> google 'java') and sometimes a chat they can ask concrete questions into (A valid question would be: "I've created X and under the conditions Y and Z there is a bug A referring to the class B because of C. Somebody has a quick solution for it or will I need to backtrace the whole thing?" and not "How do I make a mod?")

    The link passinglurker gave you contains the specific tutorials. If you want to start coding mods for real, grab some Java-tutorials from the www, learn the basic and advanced mechanics of java, then check a few MCP tutorials and lastly take a look at the posted link.
    Be advised I've been learning Java for ~8 months on a university before starting to code minecraft. As well be advised my brother managed to learn the basics within 2 weeks, by me supplying him the compressed PDF's of everythin I had during my first 6 months.

  • Lol sorry, I was just a bit annoyed by being shot down with ideas... Idk I mean, I know how to make blocks and biomes and mobs but I don't know much of anything that is worth releasing. Thanks for the links.

    Alblaka: I have learned some of the java language but not enough maybe. Perhaps I'll learn even more java before I continue modding. As for the IC2 Api though... well, I guess I'll wait until I understand what a TileEntity really is. D: Anyway, thanks guys. And sorry for acting like a baby lol I was in a mood.