And a waste of block IDs too
Posts by RichardG
Vanilla whispering makes this suggestion a bit useless - only a bit. Conference calls would give even more of a reason for it to exist.
No, but it tends to break mods which edit the compass FX, which we won't. "I think I found a fix" = correcting brainfart.
I think it should be simpler, right-click a block and the target is set. However this leaves me with a question, should it work in the Nether and End? They appear to have multiple magnetic poles (:P)
Believe it or not, the deadmau5 ears are a hook Notch added to the game.
As someone mentioned, removing those recipes would make a compressor almost useless.
One word: Electrolyzer
I lol'd. GM crops?
We could make a specific recipe pattern summon an enderdragon if we wanted to for the heck of it, but then the XP it drops.
Interesting in my PERSONAL opinion, but it shouldn't achieve quantum speed, perhaps half quantum.
Why carbon?
Yes, Notch said somewhere about making carts work as a lava boat.
Reminds me of considering adding hard boiled eggs, but then the BTW fanbase will yell at us, just like what happened with RP2's Igniter.
Voltage absorption is already planned as a full set of rubber armor, which absorbs electrocution damage but doesn't last long.
Nukes are already pushing the limit, thermo-nukes from RS even more.
Please try to avoid using memes.
As several people said, coal dust is explosive.
That and there are specialized mods for turrets already.
Would be a hassle to keep crushed versions of all items, and also breaks the point of automating recyclers.
What passinglurker said.
Upgraded miners sound quite interesting in my PERSONAL opinion. Overclocker to mine faster, transformer and energy storage working like the other machines.
Would need basefile modifications, a special renderer and model, all kinds of random stuff.
Would be hard to adapt to the new changes.
Would need basefile modifications, and even so the litter should be extremely rare.