Posts by RichardG

    I am aware of the redstone mode button crashing on SMP. We'll convert our GUI system to use packet230 instead of MLMP's standard GUI handling, it's sad to not have tileentity data accessible from within the GUI on a MLMP-opened GUI.

    Direwolf will be doing an update spotlight on this, so consider it a release candidate. 1.66 will include the ability for cropcards to have custom spritesheets and fixes for bugs found on this version.

    Already fixed for the next hotfix

    12:54 RichardG: eloraam is loads unresponsive
    12:54 RichardG: send shears hook -> i'm high [on absinthe], catch me tomorrow and send the patch -> disappears
    13:13 RichardG: <LexManos> put [our special armor changes] on the forums or github
    13:13 RichardG: so yeah do that

    Now on to testing. I obviously tested everything I made and works just fine.

    I currently have on watch (a bit unlikely) issues with:
    - Static boots implementation, every tick it saves your last X/Z in NBT and if the distance (same formula used on teleporter but without the Y) is over 4 it gives the batpack 4 EUs.
    - Seed bags having damage bars after destroying a block, hitting a mob or other stuff. The netcode only syncs NBT data if the item isDamageable() or is rendered in full 3D, might be related to the glint effect or ItemBlocks?
    - Any desync issues with crops on SMP
    - Any bugs on the redstone mode switch button on electricblocks, the client->server NetworkManager system is quite new.

    Also, sheep dropping wool as result of both shearing and dying is intended, small wool boost to encourage people, if you guys don't want it I can't do much
    - Is crafting plantballs with leaves intended?
    - We now have an april fools joke - set the date to April 1st (beware TortoiseGit users, might make the log go back in time until you change it (blue link on top left) to another branch and back) and look at the achievement background. Everything is handled by a boolean which I named "areSplinesReticulated". Typical Maxis (Sims) humor, also the "Reticulating splines!" MC splash.

    I'm sending this to testers first to prevent disasters like v1.64.
    v1.66 requires Forge or later. Get it here.

    v1.64 -> v1.65:

    v1.65 -> v1.66:

    API (improved javadoc!:(