Third, what exactly is your problem? The difference in metadata should not be a problem in crafting generators.
But there does seam to be a problem. Sorry if I couldn't explain it clearly. From the top again.
I had minecraft at 1.3.2 with IC/BC, compact solars, logistics pipes and a few other mods.
At that version I could craft solar panels perfectly fine using logistics pipes.
When I updated to 1.4.2 also updating all my other mods except compact solars ( as I forgot that mod, I created a new minecraft instance using multimc so I just transferred the save file ) I could still use logitics pipes to craft solar panels perfectly fine.
The problem I'm having is when I installed/updated compact solars to 1.4.2 logitics pipes cannot make solar panels anymore, it only makes re-batterys. And even then logistics pipes cannot detect any re-batterys in my chests. My only conclusion is (I'm no modding pro) that compact solars changed something to re-batterys. Hence why I came here for help as well.
edit: I can still craft solar panels ok in 1.4.2, I just can't do it using logitics pipes.
Just looking at my two worlds now, the only difference I can see is that in
1.3.2 the re-batterys labels are
and in 1.4.2 its
I don't know if that actually means anything.
But thanks for your help CrafterOfMines57 I hope this makes more sense?
Also Silentspy, would you be willing to share that recipe with me? I asked for that a while ago as I feel the current recipe is a little cheap.