Posts by Shadowclaimer

    Yea this change broke all my massive machinations since i used Personal Chests as my overflow protection and to miniaturize ;)

    If it becomes configurable that personal safes are no longer "safe" I'd be greatly appreciated. Or just add an Iron Chest that has the same properties of a Personal Safe but not safe.

    I'm sorry guys been really busy lately with a lot of stuff.

    For starters, I have no idea what MCEdit even is, I don't know what a schematic is, nor how to even export one ;) I'll just be posting my world up in the next few days probably.

    Also though as a note, as of 1.20+ IC2 this machine is broken due to the change to Personal Safes not being pipeable anymore.

    Maybe I'm just weird then, I enjoy having more things to dig for, right now my entire base is packed full of Copper, Tin, and Iron, would be nice to have another ore to strive to find as opposed to something I can just make using Sand.

    I guess I like the Mine in Minecraft =P

    Glad to see some support, its just a minor thing that I feel is vitally important. It makes machine layouts sooo much simpler when you don't have to worry about crossing chests or putting stuff above them accidentally.

    So with the latest set of bugfixes the most dire and damaging to my creations was actually the fix to personal safes. A personal safe allowed machines that used chests as an overflow prevention to be stacked closer together (since they don't link and store 2x as much). This allowed my machines to go from 17 long to a mere 10 in some areas. It was a grave boost to miniaturization.

    However the bug fix keeps BC pipes from putting items into or pulling items out of Personal Safes, because of this all my currently crafted machines are worthless because they cannot move items past the chests (or from the initial chest) anymore..

    So here's my suggestion, one of two things:
    1) Implement an Iron Chest, that does what a Personal Safe used to except not Personal, just double storage for 1 space, no connect.
    2) Make it so that Personal Safes can be made not Personal and be able to be pulled from. Either through config or otherwise.

    Very nice

    Can u check ur pm shadow?

    Yea I can try to send you the world, I have a shit ton of mods installed though, so it could cause problems. I'll post it in this thread later (if I don't get busy, it could be a day or so)

    BC, IC, RP, and Advanced Insertion Pipes or whatever are the main ones.

    Block ID pollution. Short version: new ores == BAD BAD BAD

    You're more likely to have success lobbying for sandstone + compressor == silicon /item/ further crafting to get wafers.

    Block ID Pollution? There are PLENTY of Block IDs remaining and you can just do damage values for Ore can't you?

    Also if RP2 is already doing it and putting it in the ore dictionary, wouldn't that be an ID that we'd have to avoid anyway?

    Reading Wikipedia on processes for making electronics-grade silicon, the only process that I thought could loosely translate into the technologies available in minecraft was the zone melting process, involving heating only a section of the crystal to force the impurities to gather on one end, which is later cut off. That's why I suggested an electric or better furnace, to get the required temperature levels and heat control. Of course, it'd be a shame not to also make use of more of the wonderful devices in IC2, so there's certainly the space for more steps. At least there's plenty of IDs for items, so making levels of partially-processed silicon would only be a bother for coding.

    And, let's not forget that electronics-grade silicon could have more uses than just for our solar panels. I suggested that maybe using it as the corners for the Advanced circuit recipe. Or, perhaps, combine silicon, tin wire (high-end components nowadays operate at a level ~ 5V) , and a rubber / carbon casing to make semiconductor-level components for something-or-other.


    Was thinking the same thing for awhile ;) figured it warrants its own post. We need more ores to mine anyway.

    Olivine Ore -[Mine]-> Olivine
    Olivine -[Furnace]-> Silicon
    Silicon -[Compressor]-> Silicon Wafers x4
    3x Silicon Wafers Horizontally -[Crafting Bench]-> Solar Cell
    2x Silicon Wafers + 1x Cable (WCW) -[Crafting Bench]-> Semiconductor

    Solar Cells would be used in the construction of Solar Panels and also be used in the recipes for some later tier machines, Semiconductors would be a material requires for Advanced Circuits and later tier machines.

    Silicon has a lot of applications in the modern world especially related to electronics. I feel like the game needs more ores to mine, more things to dig for, and IC would feel a lot more fitting with the modern industrial world with semiconductors and silicon wafers.

    Edit: Supposedly RP2 is getting Silicon as well, just use the Oredictionary (don't void this suggestion solely for that reason)

    Copper shares the same spawn ratio with Coal, its findable anywhere.

    Iron below a certain point, Tin even farther.

    I assume its to keep Bronze from being too readily available, as once you hit a spot of tin, you'll have way too much of it lol

    I actually like this idea, I was moreso thinking however it'd be nice if IC2 supported a liquid water cooling system with BC pipes. So that you could pump water straight into the reactor (which is a meter) and then it builds up radiated water on the same meter as it "converts the water" into radioactive water (so it looks part-part green water, blue water). This must be pumped out of the reactor with liquid pipes from BC and either dumped somewhere (Tanks, or literally just flat pumped out at a location). The water in a reactor would function similar to water being outside the reactor (and not inclusive, so either you have water outside of it, or inside of it, no bonus from both)

    Radioactive Water could be damaging if you wanted, or just be annoying and worthless imo.