Ok, what about Modpack list or direct download?
Posts by HanakoCZ
Regarding crucible, you still can change burning boxes. Bronze one has 24hu/t, steel one has 32hu/t, so then you are 1.5x faster. Make titanium one and with 96hu/t your smelting is way faster. But faster heating up makes really smaller place for mistakes, so it is better to be experienced enough to go for fast smelting. Also having thermometer helps a lot, and then later you can even do easy thermostat system that will keep temperature you want. It only needs to get advanced in tech tree.
Crucible and other in-world craftings are superior to gt 5 system, that is my opinion. And crucible system is pure example of OP's idea of reducing nei searches and actually doing it yourself. And the progress is really rewarding .
And it does not work again with newest GT
Ah, yes, you are right. I just seen bloodyasp.g** and did not looked carefully, because I tried ha version just after really crashing this from Bloody's initial post. It works without gtextras, but there will be similar problem like this mod had before forking
Laurynasl, your version also crashes on startup: (similar bug for GTExtras..)
http://pastebin.com/mNUVKW9L -
Ya I also did not liked that, but made it by clonning the oriinal repo, which is unfortunatelly same. (And it remembers the original changes which is nice, I think)
Will redo it for next people so they make better code than my "it just works"...will struggle with this infinite time probaly to redo the repo -.-'
//giving it up for now, really need to get more into it how to link my already working eclipse folder with already existing github repo -.-' -
Updated this thing for latest IC2. It works, no crashes, but I aimed for Seed Library function (so that crash with rails I did not looked at). However Seed Analyzer does not work yet, because IC2 now kills ambiguous recipes, so there will need to be some other work than standard "ic2 machine, so ic2 recipe adding or it" ...but we still have cropnalyzer or greg's analyzers , so no potential need for this machine at all.
Sources: https://github.com/hanakocz/Ztech
There is no real reason for any hype about RF
Just make Greg the main developer of IC2 and let see the world burn in engineering righteousness. It will have definetly bigger chance to be liked than with RF
I am really sad for dropping EU. WHY you rather won't incorporate Greg's EU system???????????
The best person for Minetweaker is this one : http://forum.industrial-craft.…hp?page=User&userID=18715
He also has something like mod for minetweaking GT in particular, contact him or search for his posts...:) or his GitHub -
When install gregtech_1.7.10-5.08.19.jar can not go to the server.
no gregtech mod I can go.
forg 1448
IC 2-2.2.736-experimental
servre log
client log
Crash Report
client crash. the server does not break.https://github.com/Blood-Asp/GT5-Unofficial/issues/45
I found, like my mistake.
AS the first thing, I would try to use some normal version of JAVA and not the one year old one...try to update to Java 8It can help or not....but the log in GITHUB has also Java7
Bogdan I still think that you are not so fluent in english so you maybe still do not see the point: GregTech adds 1000x more things than other mods...and yet it loads in 50x longer time. That means GT is 200x FASTER. (That is example, not exact numbers)
The code is efficient as it can be. If you want faster game, you should want optimized code at MOJANG side. Their code SUX, not modder's .
Another thing, that can fasten the loadup - removing PARTS of GT, not the whole GT (here you misunderstood Pyure) - but removing anything from GT - is NOT AN OPTION -
The desert rain thing is there since ages...:)
Btw. thermal generators were not in GT5 because of new generator styles, I mean boiler->steam->electricity.....:) So I hope even if you add thing to consume lava and generate energy, it will follow this path (because in GT6 it will be even more detailed in this way) -
Any chance for updating it for new IC2 code?
Otherwise I need to learn Java or I dont know -
Recompile on Forge 1291 - it mast suppot old cauldron... but ... bags bags bags.
sourse attach leterBlood Asp, thx for rebuild. And... GregoriusT for this mod
It does not need to support old Cauldrons...you know, there are also new builds of Cauldron with new Forge....... -> http://tcpr.ca/cauldron -
I am quite sad that seed library is not corporated into IC2....however ....what to do about that....:)
If anybody can update it, It wil be really good