Yeah, I know, dull, boring and unexciting. One can dream.
Only one can dream so far before being so misplaced...
Yeah, I know, dull, boring and unexciting. One can dream.
Only one can dream so far before being so misplaced...
Oh, here I thought you were luring zombies to your house so you could go full out matrix on them or something like that.
Only, this is the real world.
Don't you think a bloody mod has already been over done or are you trying to lure zombies to your house? Not to mention, painful, mods aren't supposed to be painful or bloody. Preserve your head you only get 1, its not like you have an extra brain laying around... well, unless you're doctor Frankenstein, but he had issues.
I meant that more as a joke than... that way I guess.
Well, look at the pictures, it's interesting. That gives things a... I dunno, different quality if you will.
That's actually part of his other code. The rendering doesn't happen in the tile-entity, but instead in the tile-entity renderer.
EDIT: I gotta make textures now. *Bangs head on keyboard repeatedly until he starts bleeding all over it*
Would be nice if the fuse for the basement stopped tripping. :\ Who's the idiot who decided to wire the living-room, and the lights for the kitchen, to the basement?! If you don't see me for awhile, it's because I'm not using my computer. Of course to stop tripping the fuse if my theory is correct.
Hey there, if you could check out this awesome multi-block mod/api thingy made by: Jezzadabomb338, that would be awesome. He deserves a shout-out from me.
You said bluepower... the power of blue collar comedy tour? Smurfs?
There's a reason why it's private. *coughs* Eloraam *cough*
Well, I'm sure you made progress, so that's always a plus.
Blue? I'm guessing you don't mean blue collar comedy tour....
Blue? Do you mean how the engine looks? Or BluePower?
So what, it's dead jim? Well, tomorrow is a new day, perhaps it'll more productive.
Dead in rendering, and gui of course. Meh, today was some-what productive in my opinion.
I mean, I got most things working I guess. But, yeah. I'll try to do more tomorrow.
I broke something? (Renderer does not show the actual progress of the engine, crash when opening the gui, etc...) Annnnnnd now I stop.
(If I finish the release of this mod, then I can get working on BluePower! :D)
No worries, like I said, it was an idea, had no idea if it would work or not or what kind of coding would be required.
That was an awesome explosion... set me back again, but who cares, it was fun. I gotta try that again.
I tend to try to not kill ideas, it just makes the person feel unworthy, and unwanted. At-least that's what happens to me.
Lolz, in creative?
by universal I meant, instead of using glass or gold or tin, etc cables in ic and wood, diamond, etc in bc, you make 1 type of cable that everything could use. Makes wiring things a lot easier honestly. Didn't know about the, you can't do that with my machines part of the coding tho. Like I said, it was an idea, I didn't say it was a good one.
As for going up to 1.7.4, no thanks, I'm happy where I am and a couple of the mods I use weren't upgraded to 1.7.4 and don't work.
in 1.6.4. I'm just building the reactor cause it's there to be built, and it's fun seeing if I can make one work without glowing in the dark due to catastrophic failure.
You know, that's actually a pretty good idea. I'm sorry if I meant any harm before, I just didn't know the universal pipe would work like this.
Well, you asked for ideas, that popped into my head. I have no idea if it's good or bad, since I know very little about programming. You build mods, I build structures. So.. we have universal conduits, thought maybe that could be done here, guess not. Maybe I should start thinking outside the box.... or just trash the box altogether....
Nah, sometimes ideas are great for other things, and some cases, are not.
Yeah, a pipe that can work with any other machine from any mod, ic, bc, steamcraft, etc, then you remove the needs of working with so many other pipes, conversion machines to change eu to bc or whatever. A universal pipe. Would seriously ease things up with cross modding.
Have fun with that.
Well, I had a thought of making a universal pipe, you know, one to fit any machine, so we don't have to go thru conversions and annoying garbage like that. Not sure if that can be done, but it was a thought.
Universal pipe?
Still having issues? Sorry to hear that, cause I just had a thought about what you could put in there but not sure if I should tell you if yer inna angry mood.
I'll tell ya later when I get back and yer calmer.
I'm was calmer, but it was just the fact that my new api methods weren't working. :\ And, feel free to tell me. I personally don't care either way.