Posts by master801
Lol, nice to see that you're the first person to do the porting over to 1.7.
I was proud of what I've done at that moment, okay?or Imthefirstandimproudaboutit.png
Meh. Could be worse I guess.
Still a proof-of-concept!
I'm pretty sure I'm the only person ever to do this.
It's a proof-of-concept screen-shot, proving that you can load textures from a custom location, without using a ResourceLocation, and not needing it to be in "/assets/MODID/textures/*". Although it does use a ResourceLocation only once-per texture to make the game not error-out, or it throwing a crashing fit that the resource location constructor parameters are null. (DummyResourceLocation)EDIT: Remember, this is a proof-of-concept. Meaning that this mod will never come back from the dead, since CCLights-2 has replaced it.
Loved being a watchdog, so much fun... totally boring, if he had shown up, then it wouldn't have been boring. Don't know what she ever saw in the guy in the 1st place. I never liked him, always seemed to be something off about him, but, whatever, she's away from him and he's nothing more than a bad memory now. I should be back home in a coupla days or 3. Now I need to get some sleep.
How far did you get in the game?
Something off about him... seems legit.
Nice!Hope you have a safe trip home!
Oh, a little family problem. Sis had to move out, her boy toy got... threatening and drunk, bad combo, so my brothers and I went down, helped her pack and played watch dog in case he showed up again. He didn't, which is too bad, we would've loved the chance to explain things to him. Eh, whatever, she's away from him and that's the end of that.
And inspired, mainly cause it looked like were inspired still to finish your coding. At least that's the way it looks to me. So, I'm glad you're still inspired.
I need to unwind now, long trip.
Damn. That sounds like a terrible family situation! How did you like playing Watch Dogs?
Well, I guess you're right about the inspired part.
Go ahead and take your long trip. It's fine. I'm sure no-body would mind you doing so. -
Well, that was a fun weekend... not really. I'm back now. Nice to see you stayed inspired.
What was it about if you don't mind me asking? "Inspired"? -
Let's be serious here... n00bs will be n00bs.
Another demonstration of me using my Sprite method. Congratz to you if you know what mod the textures are from.
Off to bed for me... -
What even is that?
Me showing off my new Sprite method for Minecraft.
If you input a sprite-sheet (from 1.4 days), and the sprite row and column, you can render the sprite onto the block face. Or item. I actually haven't tried it on an item yet... Oh, and the sprite-sheet can be placed anywhere, and it'll still load. So long as it exists physically (not really, but you get what I mean). I'll show off the improved version later when I fix the bugs in it.
And of course when near my bed-time. (Yes, I did stay up all night, and yes I regret it a little.)
(Direct copy from my BitBucket page.)
Yeah, well... I've been meaning to say this for awhile now... well... FUCK YOU GUYS!
I've done it! (Well... most of it...)
Frame rate destroyers!
Powered blocks which happen to be red!The mod become more and more useful everyday
Believe it or not, it's not orange. -
Gonna double post here. Only because no-one gives no fuck!
My failure of a custom sprited block.
Note the ten-fps.Then when disappeared,
Back to normal flat-world fps.I have another picture to show, but currently, I can't show it, to avoid licensing issues with... someone...
Well... fuck. We think my father threw our 3DS away, (donation for GoodWill, more like fuck you over will). And, we're now going to get fucked since they're gonna try to sell it for billions of dollars now. :\ What to do now?edit: Noop. Crisis avoided. We found it again.
Fun-fact, I get jealous very easily.
Then safe it shall remain, as long you dont forget the key of the lock.
If I really have to, I'll release all of it. Including my source-code of RedPower-2. Of course, if I have to.
Keep a backup of them in the web maybe? Dropbox is very versatile for that sake
BitBucket's where it's at.
No-one can find it there. Not even search engines. Which is mainly my problem with putting source-code on Dropbox.
Sorry to hear that, don't lose your motivations and try to be independant asap.
Worst case scenerio, I lose all of my source-code for all of my mods. Three more years!
Well, my father's officially an idiot. Wouldn't be surprised to see one day that my computer's gone.