Posts by master801

    Yes, I did notice that, and I wanted to check it out, but that means reinstalling from scratch, figuring out which mod clashes with it and trying to find a higher version that it won't clash with.... or finish working on my super fusion reactor... again. I'm convinced I won't have a catastrophic meltdown this time.... I hope.

    You could always make a test world in a instance of minecraft. :D (Check out MultiMC the program for that if you haven't already.) Oh, I don't recommend using that mod in a 'somewhat' stable world. It's only a mod I updated with a s***-ton of bugs. Expect things to burn and crash in a blazing inferno if you decide to do so.

    I have 357... that would mean... is that at least 396 or absolutely must be 396 no higher or lower?

    Nvm, I found 396 and put it in and something didn't like that version.

    You do realise I said this right? Two completely different mods. This is actually one of the mods I teased a long time ago. (I'll try to dig up the post if I can.)

    I'm going to leave this build of a different mod here, it's been sitting in my computer for a long time.
    You're going to need to have IC2 396 installed, and BuildCraft too.
    Still experimental!


    Why I don't try to update mods with Russian. :\ See if you can figure out what program I'm using, and what mod this is. ;)

    No, it means I have 10k years to try again to make one that won't turn me into a glow in the dark.

    Yes, you should be proud of your creation, it was your creation. You should take a lot of pride in it. You did something no one else has done yet. That's something.


    Meh. Actually, some of the engine, and generator code was actually from that one Transducers mod. However that one is severely out-dated. And, I look forward to wake up in the morning, and program some more. ;) Well, I'm off to bed, night.

    No, it didn't blow up on me... much.... just a slight placement error fortunately I didn't have my permanent house set yet... and I won't be needing those lighted obsidian blocks for the next 10k years now.

    As for spending 20 a month on a server... yeah, no I wouldn't, not until your mods hit it big. Then it might be prudent to do that. For now, best bet is what use a public spot and have it there for the meantime to see if it hits it off big. If not, then maybe the next mod will. Never know really which one will make you a superstar.

    10K years? :D Awesome. That gives me a ton of time to work with then. :P

    Yeah, you're probably right. I'll try looking around for building services since my project is open-source. :D You know, I think this mod will never make it, but I don't care. It's something I mostly made. :)

    No, I don't have a server. As for open source, I have absolutely no idea what that means, so I'm not sure I could make you regret it. Someone else, I can't say, but not me. You're talking a language I don't fully understand. Does that mean it's finished or that you need help or... so confused... nothing new, that's a permanent state of mind for me these days. Vps? is that like a vcr?

    I am so glad I remembered to make a copy of that map....

    As in, people can now see the correct source-code without decompiling, and getting a crap-ton of errors.
    Oh, sorry. I meant Virtual Private Server. :P I need to make sure that if I do get one, people will actually use it, or my money will go to waste.
    What I meant by that, is I might put up a Jenkins building website for people to download my mods that get built automatically. Meaning, the mod is not done, just in the W.I.P. stage.
    What I'm thinking about doing, is making that vps server (if I ever do get one), (maybe?) a team-speak server, (for sure) website for me and my mods, (for sure) Jenkins building website, and maybe a vanilla minecraft server, since I haz no money to spend twenty-dollars per-month for a server.

    Lulz, why? Did your stuff explode again? :P

    I think I found the config file for teleport pipes, APUnofficial, the line says...

    Percentage of power a power teleport pipe transmits. Between 0 and 100.

    So I set that to 100 right? does it need the percent sign after it? Assuming this is the right config file.

    If you want no power-loss, change that to 0. If you want basically all of the power lost, change it to 100. And, you don't need to put percent signs in.

    Lol, I scrapped most of the blocks in the Transformer Convertors 2. :P The only block that probably will come back, is the reinforced stone block, but I doubt it. So, try to think up other recipe ideas. But seriously, I really appreciate your help with this. :)

    No, that I haven't done, I tried splitting it up into different sections. I can dish in a lot of power, but those wooden pipes make it very limited on how much I can withdraw at a time, technically I can only use 5 pipes on one device, making the limit 32 x 5, or 160 max. I thought, if I tried staging it in sections, I could max that 160 out every time and make it seem like it was more. It doesn't happen. Every way I have tried doesn't do what I want, so, back to the drawing board. Which is why every device moves so slowly, 160 isn't a lot, especially when you have 10 power plants feeding it. I finally perfected a nuclear plant where it won't blow up and put out almost 400, I could go much higher but that takes a lot more work and constant checking. Which I don't want to do, I want to turn them on and leave them running and not have to check on it every freaking time I turn around. 400 is a sufficient enough for me, and with 10 of them running that's plenty of power coming in, but woefully inadequate going back out.

    This is the thing I was trying to work around. I thought if I staged them, so that each pulse 160 would go out, then line in another section at 160 and try to get the cycles down and so close to each other that it doesn't seem like only 160 is going out max. Unfortunately, no matter how I time it, or how much power I bring to bear on it, the situation is still the same, it is still god forsaken slow. I'm also convinced that I just haven't found the solution yet either. Because it happened, once, just once, for about 30 seconds. That short period of time it was like the machine was moving like it was on fire. No matter what I try tho, I have yet to recreate that instance. I won't give up on it tho, I will keep trying. Got plenty of time to keep trying while the rest of my machines move like they're in molasses. Even when, note I said when, not if, you get that pipe working, I'll keep trying to repeat it. I refuse to believe that was a fluke, it happened, I will recreate it... one day.

    Lol. Sounds legit. (Seriously, it does. :D) And, no promises, but I'll try to get super op pipes released just for you. ;) With super-hard recipes of course. :P

    That's the 56th try and the 56th way not to do it. So far every way I try around the limit it ends in not working the way I want, I can get plenty of power but those pipes, no matter how I work around it, the same thing occurs, it is still too slow. But, I am hopeful, after all it took Edison over 200 ways to make a light bulb. When asked how he could have failed 200 times, his reply was, I didn't fail 200 times, I just discovered 200 ways not to make a light bulb, you only need one way. So, I have discovered 56 ways it won't work. I am convinced there is a way, and I will find it, eventually.

    While you work on a definite way, i.e. the new pipe, I will continue to try, try, try again to find an alternate solution.

    Oh, that's how you didn't make it work. :P Over-powering the pipe.