Hello again, just quick question - each time launching my 1.7.10 (with GT5U 5.09.31) minecraft is registering all materials is some point of loading. It take some time regarldess of strong procesor and nearly top-tier SSD and I wonder why it happens every time. It cannot be registered once then saved to config file and next time just checks if mods has changed to re-register materials if necesary?
Posts by xxx.514
Checked how kinetic generators are rendering rotor - texture is visible even if there is no space to make it working. However, after few minecraft days seems that they are working when im not looking - kinetic electricity generators are fully loaded.
No option to put them wrongly, Im nearly 100% sure. Otherwise, rotors won't even render I suppose.
Hello Industrialcraftians!
Today I have come to you with question about windfarm - Im sure everything is setted up properly, but only one of kinetic wind generators line is working (most right one). Any ideas, about what I could forgot? MC 1.7.10 IC^2 Experimental and a lot other mods.
Screenies of setup:
Ive found fusion{} section in that file and i have multiple europium writings, where other materials has only single lines.
CodeI:molten.europium_100=100 I:molten.europium_20=20 I:molten.europium_400=400 I:molten.europium_64=64
So I understod it as: <whateva> : <molten.metal object output> _ <default ticks to make one output>=<actual ticks to one output>
How much incorrect my thought is?
And therefore, instead of = 0 at end of line, extra lines can be just deleted?
Hello, I've tryied to modify europium gain - from 48 H + 16 Nd = 16 Eu @ 24,5k Eu/t through 64 ticks (3,2 sec) to 48000 H + 16000 Nd = 16000 Eu @ 31k Eu/t through 20 ticks -- I havent problems with power generation and wanted just faster conversion; but ive managed to screw it up. It started working fistly, but when I tryied to tweak it more MT shows that "recipes are stuck" and now i have 3 Europium recipes. Any advices, how to clean that mess Ive made?
Code//Fusion Reactor //OutputFluid, InputFluid1, InputFluid2, Time in Ticks, EnergyUsage, StartEnergy //default config: mods.gregtech.FusionReactor.addRecipe(<liquid:molten.Europium>*16,<liquid:Hydrogen>*48,<liquid:molten.neodymium>*16,64,24576,150000000); recipes.remove(<liquid:molten.europium>); mods.gregtech.FusionReactor.addRecipe(<liquid:molten.Europium>*16000,<liquid:Hydrogen>*48000,<liquid:molten.neodymium>*16000,20,31000,150000000);
Line with removing liquid europium was added after multipling molten europium recipes; but its not working somehow.
Extending post with new things:
Another ask - how many ways are to convert RF into IC2E/GT5U power? I have few things that finally producing a lot of RF power - Mostly RF dynamos from RotaryCraft powered by jet engines and few turbines from BigReactors; moreover wish to check Mekanism 8 later, but still cannot figure out other way than powercrystal's powerconverters, but they are become a bit unefficient over 8kV and barelly works at ZPM. UV is unavailable directly and i wish to have something as low laggy at it can. Any ideas?
And one more thing - diggin for microwave transimtter usage but found another interesting thing (its at page 133 or so about large gas turbine and biogas). The ask itself is: if i put a fluid regulator at hatch and connect it to fully pressurized thermal dynamic super-laminar fluiduct (wich has infinite throughput dependend at how much pumps enter) flow of fluid/gas will be still regulated or not?
Is any way to greatly speed up electric blast furnace, more than adding overclockers and exchanging coils? Its taking ages to smelt all that tungsten with HSS coils, and other stuff too. Any tweaker or something? Really, i wish to finally build that fusion reactor, but with that bottleneck all assembling will took place in next half of he year.
A. Is a way to speed up or incrase output of fusion? Im converting neodymium to europium - 16 mB of neodymium + 48 mB hydrogen -> 16 mB europium after ~4 sec at Mark I; using only two input hatches. Why it cannot be that if you use 8 hatches for one input and 8 for second output products shall be incrased?
B. In future relases there will be UV microwave transmitters? As for 5.09.31 it ends at ZPM. Or its intended to stack ZPM transmitters at ZPM/UV transfomers? And if yes, MAX voltage even has any sense then - converting from UV to/from MAX will need a lot of other stacking?
Another ask - how many ways are to convert RF into IC2E/GT5U power? I have few things that finally producing a lot of RF power - Mostly RF dynamos from RotaryCraft powered by jet engines and few turbines from BigReactors; moreover wish to check Mekanism 8 later, but still cannot figure out other way than powercrystal's powerconverters, but they are become a bit unefficient over 8kV and barelly works at ZPM. UV is unavailable directly and i wish to have something as low laggy at it can. Any ideas?
And one more thing - diggin for microwave transimtter usage but found another interesting thing (its at page 133 or so about large gas turbine and biogas). The ask itself is: if i put a fluid regulator at hatch and connect it to fully pressurized thermal dynamic super-laminar fluiduct (wich has infinite throughput dependend at how much pumps enter) flow of fluid/gas will be still regulated or not?
Is any way to greatly speed up electric blast furnace, more than adding overclockers and exchanging coils? Its taking ages to smelt all that tungsten with HSS coils, and other stuff too. Any tweaker or something? Really, i wish to finally build that fusion reactor, but with that bottleneck all assembling will took place in next half of he year.
Hello, I wish to put here one of my designs with ask about stability of that - as far reactor planner only showed - when simple cycle is setted up, that few components has orange and yellow bars upon it; and as Im standing just before running one, nothing bad seems to happen - all exhangers seems to keep around stable meta numbers. It uses four quad thorium cells surrounded by iridium reflectors. All builded in MC 1.7.10 with GT 5.9.31 and IC2Ex 2.2.826
It gives around 900Hu/s; only steering for that is for now temperature switch from Nuclear Control 2, switching off reactor at 6k *C. After all, it will be still usable with Uranium, MOX and Naquadah, or shall I check someting different for those materials?
AFAIK, sifter or luck with small ores are normally the only ways to get exquisite gems. Personally, I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to add some GTTweaker recipes to upgrade gems via the implosion compressor (or possibly make them from gem blocks). However, I notice in NEI that once you've made one Crystal Processing Unit from an exquisite emerald or olivine, you can shapelessly craft it into 9 raw crystal chips, and process those into more Crystal Processing Units instead of having to obtain more exquisite emeralds/olvine.
Eureka! Indeed NEI cathes that ?bug?:
1x eq emerald = 1x raw crystal chip
1x raw crystal chip = 1x engraved crystal chip
1x engraved crystal chip = 1x crystal cpu
1x crystal cpu = 9x raw crystal chip
and circle closes! I wonder it is intended or bug.... Personally I thought about putting many emerald blocks into fusion reactor and fuse them with matter / plutonium / naquadah / radon / argon etc and so on hard achievable items or autoclaving stack of dusts in tritium or helium-3... But that glitch gives a chance... extremly small, but still. Thanks!
Let me see if I can clarify a bit. Suppose I've got some Ethylene in ME fluid storage (from Extra Cells). What I'd like to be able to do is use small amounts of it (e.g. 144 L) in processing patterns that involve converting it to one type of plastic (polyethylene, PVC, PTFE, polystyrene, etc.) depending on what I need at the time. As far as I can tell, AE2 and extra cells do not offer me a way to do that. I think it's possible to set up an autocrafting pattern using cells of fluid, but I'd have to fill the cells manually in the fluid terminal, which somewhat defeats the purpose of having an autocrafting pattern, and I'd have to make larger batches of whichever type of plastic. I don't follow how a Thermal Dynamic servo would help with that.
Ow, now i exactly know what you do mean... Ive mentioned servo, beacouse it could be configured to pull out of container exact amount of items at once with different extracting rate and size depending of its model - and that is only for items (in your setting fluid cells). Only one thing i have for now is only to steeering of redstone ON signal pulsed ticks directed at specified servo of fluiduct, but that kind of automatisation is very fragile to internal lags and could not be satisfying to always work correctly (simple detection of short redstone signal) or give exact amount of fluid. And I think here come the time when we need Greg... I suppose you dont tryied Fluid Regulator cover yet?
And about that -
I'm baffled that you'd buffer the steam output of a Large Heat Exchanger in a RC tank like that. Looking at the FTB wiki documentation for it, running it with 3999 coolant per second (just below the threshold for superheated steam) gives it a potential output of 319920 steam per second, which is beyond even the capacity of a large high-pressure fluid pipe (192000 L/sec). Aside from the "Pressure Pipes" mod (which I consider overpowered), I don't know what pipes from other mods can provide sufficient throughtput - I'm pretty sure none of the straight BuildCraft pipes are fast enough, not sure about the ones from the BC addon mods. If I were to use a Large Heat Exchanger for steam instead of one of the other gas/liquid fuel options, I think I'd feed the output directly into a large steam turbine instead (no pipes in-between).
- i think ive solved problem of mass production of steam: super-laminar fluiduct and array of retrivers at end device. Not checked directly, but will check that soon. All setting was tested during creating RotaryCraft jet fuel in fractination unit powered by microturbine, which in full speed with minimal needed torque going very fast with quite high amounts (internal tank has 240 000mB) - maximum fuel level never went over 19 000mB and nearly second later was 0, so mostly device was empty.
When I was using large steam turbine with large turbine item inside made out of fluxed electrum or mithril, it outputs about 1500V at 1A per tick with use of 2500 L of steam per second which is not much when connected directly to LHE. Imho therefore is need of connecting pipes and pumping steam out of LHE.
Butterflies shouldnt be nasty - as i remeber somwhere is config to lower their numbers in atmosphere.
Easiest way that memory brings me is putting fliuds into cells then sending those cells to Thermal Foundation Cyclic Assembler; ill check my mods that there is something usefull for operating only at fluids.Using fluids directly - i cannot say, maybe GT pumps or fluid regulators and large chemical reactor, but i suppose it is not needed answer., But if fluid is in cell, maybe helpfull will be Thermal Dynamic servo, which has configurable extracting rates. -
I'm baffled that you'd buffer the steam output of a Large Heat Exchanger in a RC tank like that. Looking at the FTB wiki documentation for it, running it with 3999 coolant per second (just below the threshold for superheated steam) gives it a potential output of 319920 steam per second, which is beyond even the capacity of a large high-pressure fluid pipe (192000 L/sec). Aside from the "Pressure Pipes" mod (which I consider overpowered), I don't know what pipes from other mods can provide sufficient throughtput - I'm pretty sure none of the straight BuildCraft pipes are fast enough, not sure about the ones from the BC addon mods. If I were to use a Large Heat Exchanger for steam instead of one of the other gas/liquid fuel options, I think I'd feed the output directly into a large steam turbine instead (no pipes in-between).
I'm guessing the "Sampler" mod in the FastCraft thread can help with that.
Right - BC pipes are imho quite rough, but usefull at begining. For LHE I had two 6 chamber liquid reactors with four quad uranium rods rounded by reflectors, which really gives a kick (and more if got lagged end exploded if not shielded ^^) - ive tryied to put one BC tank and 2 resonant servos of Thermal Dynamic via laminar fluiducts, which has "limitless transfer if pressurized" in tooltip, but LHE was still full at its every output. Ive done that just beacouse of potential production of HP steam, which will stuck entire setup then. I knew that is insufficient and needs to be re-planned. However its gives a lot to think and thats why I love minecraft with mods. After removing some mods (probably Twilight Forest casuses all problems with fluctuating time and lags of internal server) and recreating world ill try to create a new steam system and try other ways of pumping hot coolant into LHE, maybe even without tanks, just directly to generators.
At old world ive expirienced unexpected explosions from battery buffers (probably) few times. Quite close was HP turbine, but most part of it survived, thus i dont think it causes ignition. Near was MV replicator, 3 MV mass producers and IV recycler and a bunch of transformers from IV to MV. Any idea how it could be even possible?
And third scrappy though to share: how to make GT solar panel? When ive tryied to put solar cover a top of battery buffer it exploded just after first raindrop touched it. That setup should be covered by glass block?
Correct! Heres go explanation: at background i had setted up iron tank, at each wall is gauge to look inside and lower is valve to provide information about fluid inside. Cobblestone structure pipe just before tank holds BC gates for steering of pump at right side of tank. Next to valve, faceing each other is OR gate, which gives blue, red and yellow signals for less than 25% fluid inside, tank full and space for fluid respectively. Lower row of structure pipe has gates that converts colour signals to redstone, which is connected to PR red alloy wire. First gates are indeed RS Latches, where left one has NOT gate just before it. Lower stands for AND gate. At most right is next NOT gate, which functions just as switch - tank is filled from admin steam producer if redstone is on (tank has space for fluid and has less than 25% fluid inside) or producer is off, but pump is working emptying tank and destroying steam in void pipe. All was setted up just for testing the idea, while it was used in converting hot coolant to cold coolant and steam with Large Heat Exchanger - which becomes horror of plumber when i was trying to balance production of steam and pumps to get out whole steam and i failed. LHE still was producing more steam than i was able to get out, therefore all of its out hatches was nearly always full.
About pics in spoiler - i really dont know how it happens. Ive just putted one pic using <img>, but in preview they multiplied themselvs only as shortcuts - they are not loading here. What is strange, beacouse im able to see all other pictures in that thread. But nevermind, maybe my old FF is making jokes to me.
Is there an addon for 1.7.10 which can say whats wrong with mods bundle or world and what can be tweaked to lower internal clock lags?
strictly speaking, that device is from Thermal Expansion.
The mod satisfies the "existence of a 1.12 version", though not the "without redundant/conflicting machines", so additional suggestions would still be nice.
Actually, I have not used Project Red or BC logic gates before.
I apologise for this - didnt notice "reduntant" requirement. But each TE machine or utility item can be disabled from crafting in its config.
And here is example of usage Project Red and BC gates to control fluid and fill level of tank
BC pump might be energized directly with RF what incrases its water production - but I personally using aqueous accumulator of Thermal Foundation. It can slowly accumulate water from air or much faster if surrounded by water. It also can be upgraded with TF machine upgrade plates inside its GUI (at least i suppose it is possible). Moreover, machine works energyless. Good idea might be to run ProjectRED Logic items with conjunction of BC logic gates to make self-controlling cycles, but i suppose you already know it.
Fine - ive mentioned MFR mainly in its autofarming capabilities and TF for its transporting ducts. But compared to GT their recipes might be quite cheap in comparsion whan can be achieved with them. Always configs allows for manipulations in their energy usage (both uses RF system, but as ive seen in GT configs battery buffers may cooperate with RF system at borders EU/RF). Also recipes themselves can be tweaked with MineTweaker, but i suppose its a bit of time to create perfect balance in such mod pack.
I wrote "biofuel" but its a kind of shortcut - to get something usefull from raw plant it needed to be refined few times. As i remember (cannot check it right now) raw plants must be compresed to ball, then macerated to biochaff, then fermented and so on - chain has a few more steppes. Ofc MFR can be used to strictly farming plants with conjunction of centrifuges to get methane which runs turbine... There are so many options when many mods are present togheter... Thats a pity when MC lacks in performance when many mods are running. Anyway, imho most funny is managing reactors and optimising steam flow, but everything is just before you