This is something that I am genuinely curious about and I apologies if it you see it as a personal matter. Many franchises recently have been making anniversary titles to commemorate the amount of years the games in said franchise has been played or the anniversary of consoles. My question is, which ones of these, ether already done or will when it appears, is making you feel older then you are simply because you don't remember a time when it didn't exist?
For myself, it would be the 20th anniversary of Pokémon. I'm 18, I was born a year before the release of Pokémon Red and Green in Japan. I didn't pick up the games until 2005 with Emerald on the GBA (birthday present so yes, I got my first Pokémon when I turned ten (10 diamonds for the person who can guess who my starter was)). The year after was the 10th anniversary and I still remember the event that I went to for it (It was at my local Toys R Us (being the, hopefully, smaller event) and all that it had was a guy dressed up as a Squirtle walking around). Granted I only barely remember the hype that the games had (again, I was 1 year old) knowing that a franchise I have grown up with for most of my life (my earliest memory of gaming was playing a game on my cousins game boy color when I was 5 (Christmas of 2000) and it wasn't until five years ago that I found out that it was Pokémon Yellow because I still remembered the intro) not to mention all of the times I have played the card game, the movies and anime, the hours I have pored into almost every main series game and most of the spin-offs. It is because of that that I will probably feel older then my age in 2016.
So again, back to the question, which franchise that, when it has (or had) it's anniversary might/did you feel older then your age because of the experiences y9ou have had in that franchise's universe?