Mass fabricator no recipe

  • i tried searching and couldnt find this issue.
    i am running 1.6.2 MC with minecraftforge-universal-1.6.4-
    i have IC2 1.118.401-If

    i built a mass fabricator and it is running without issues.
    i have since then installed
    forestry A,
    tinkers construct

    now i am unable to make another mass fabricator. (using mystcraft i want one in a new factory). i have tried removing tinkers, galacticraft, and tried using IC2 ex 380 but i still cannot craft a new mass fabricator. when i add the parts (2 advanced machine block, 1 lapitron crystal (they are spelt with yellow letters) and the 2 electric circuits and 4 glow stone are spelt in white letters.

    i also had and removed the advanced solar mod for IC2 and had same issue with the panels. i could make all the components for the advanced solar but could not create the panel it never showed in the right window, then while trying the gregtech recipe i could not fabricate the irradiated glass same problem. had the uranium and the glow stone but not product from the recipes

    any more info i can give please ask

    • Official Post

    Also update to 1.6.4 :p

    If that doesnt work, try temporarily deleting Galacticraft/Co. I remember some wierd bugs with it.