So I've been in modding for a while now but recently I decided to make and IC2 addon and I wanted to add an extractor recipe but whenever I try I get some weird error about ItemStack not being allowed to be used with newRecipe.Extractor So can you check this code out and tell me what I did wrong.
package ic2addon;
import java.util.Map;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;import ic2.api.item.Items;import ic2.api.recipe.Recipes;import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLInitializationEvent;
public class NonsenseRecipe { public void load(FMLInitializationEvent event){ ItemStack circuit = Items.getItem("electronicCircuit"); ItemStack clock = Items.getItem("pocketSundial"); Recipes.extractor.addRecipe(clock, circuit); }
The Error Is :
The method addRecipe(IRecipeInput, NBTTagCmpound, ItemStack...) in the type IMachineRecipeManager is not applicable for the arguements (ItemStack, ItemStack)
Isn't this is how it used to work?