My glass cables keep splitting, is this a bug?

  • Hi, guys. This keeps happening to my glass cables.

    Is this intentional behaviour, like am I pushing too much current over it or something? I've got one MFE at either end of this cable, one feeding in and one charging up and outputting on the other end, so the load should only be 512EU/t.

    Whatever it is, it's starting to get annoying and it's got to the point where playing about with IC2 has stopped being fun. X(

    Edit: Forgot to include the versions: Industrial Craft 2.0.381, Forge, FML, Minecraft 1.6.4.

  • Sorry, added the versions to the post. :)

    I'm not sure when it's happening, but I suspect it is happening when the chunks are unloaded.

    Also, we've got BuildCraft, GregTech, RailCraft, the wireless redstone stuff, and a bunch of other mods, but it does this even with just vanilla IC2. X(

  • It seems to affect the MFEs too. When the cable bugs out and I delete it up to the MFE and lay a new cable, the new cable won't connect to the MFE which was attached to the cable that bugged out, so I have to delete the whole lot until the cable stops misbehaving. X(

    Oh, and it doesn't seem to be related to unloading—it's just done it to a cable I relayed whilst I was standing above it. X(

  • No, they're completely severed.

    Edit: Oh, it is definitely related to chunk unloading after all. I've got a nuclear reactor setup which has a massive battery hanging off of it, and none of that stuff seems to be affected by this bug.

    Edit edit: And it's repaired itself. o.o I went 500 blocks away and came back, and it seems OK now.