Searching in kontakts of IC2 experimental`s developers!!!

  • Hello every one, I`m searching in Skype or mail of devs of IC2 exp! Who know contacts of gregoriustech, Thunderdark or player? Please, not to close the topic, and if somebody know that people, please, add in skype danisimo_ or tell devs about me!

    P.S. Sorry for bad english :D, I`m write on quike hand. And I`m russian :thumbup: .

  • Not a dev here but if I was I'd ignore you until you'd give any sort of information on why do you want to contact devs.

  • Not a dev here but if I was I'd ignore you until you'd give any sort of information on why do you want to contact devs.

    I know dupe (clone resurces), and I`d like to tell them, to fix that - del mistake.

  • If there was a mistake you could just put it here instead. They read this place, you know.

    Will they read this topic? Okay, it`s dupe nano and kvant set by mfe and mfsu. You have inventory in mfe and mfsu, and if you put your part of suit in mfsu and then put out in your body and inventory and then go out from server, you will have 2 parts. I think to del that mistake - del suit inventory from mfe and mfsu. Tnaks, for reading that post.