Diving suit redesign idea

  • Hello, guys. There is a diving helmet in the IC, but I think it can be better. Currently, it's all like a biodefense suit (full set defends from fire, poison, fallout). I think it would be great to have a separate diving set composed with following items:
    Paddles (boot slot) - increase speed while in water and reduce it while ashore
    Diving suit (leggings slot) - reduces underwater penalty for using tools
    Aqualang (chestplate slot) - allows user to breathe underwater using air cells
    Diving mask (helm slot) - slightly improves underwater sight (especially on a big depth), additionaly has a lamp which greatly increases underwater sight lighting surroundings but consumes energy.
    What do you think about the idea? Does it sound good, or am I delirious? :)

    • Official Post

    Aqualang (chestplate slot) - allows user to breathe underwater using air cells

    Is that replacing or as well as it taking compressed air cells straight out of your inventory? If the hat requires power for a light/see easier underwater, I'd rather have a batpack on or something, unless you leave the taking inventory air cells to the hazmat suit.

    145 Mods isn't too many. 9 types of copper and 8 types of tin aren't too many. 3 types of coffee though?

    I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realise that what you read was not what I meant.

    ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
    // I just don't know what went wrong :(

    I see this too much.

  • Is that replacing or as well as it taking compressed air cells straight out of your inventory?

    Autoconsumption isn't realistic and not interesting. Two ideas:
    1) If we want it to be simple, then refilling can be performed with place an aqualang and ah air cell on a crafting table
    2) ANother way is to add an oxygen tank, the item which contains comnsumable oxygen. Refiling an aqualang is performed by placing an aqualang and a tank on a crafting table, and result is like switching tanks - aqualang is filled with as much oxygen as was in the tank it was combined with and a tank filled with as much oxygen as was in the aqualang before switching. The oxygen tank can be refilled with a compressor.
    I'd vote for the second one.

    If the hat requires power for a light/see easier underwater, I'd rather have a batpack on or something, unless you leave the taking inventory air cells to the hazmat suit.

    Oxygen or power :) But power cells can be changed in place ;)