I have a challange reguarding Batt box setup/automation ( not sure if possable)

  • Ok, I have a desire to make a replicator/mass fab shop..

    However.. I would love to have the replicator only run on excess power that is generated without impacting the bases power.

    What i mean by this is I want a battbox only when fully charged to output energy to the mass fab, Drain itself dry and then charge up ( without outputting )

    I got the wiring to work with 2 splitter cables but don't know how to make the box

    could anyone suggest anything to help? this works but it feels.. weird

    I know i am getting it wrong.. and i am going to research redstone circuts to figure out how to have a constant signal but have it turn off when another signal happens ( since the box can be told only output with a signal) and have it stay off till it gets the signal again .. .. ?

    So i think i got it

    from MSFU emit if full
    pulls piston back and allows the T Flip-Flop to operate

    Bat 1 gets charged and bat 2 charges from bat 1.

    When bat 2 is full Bat 1 can charge..

    When Bat 1 is full it emits a signal the the T Flip-Flop

    that turns the wire to Bat 1 off ( no more charging) and turns on batt 2 wire on.

    Bat 2 discharges and Bat 1 recharges till both are empty.

    Bat 2 when empty signals to the T Flip-Flop

    output for bat 2 is turned off and bat 1 wire is turned on to charge.

    When the MSFU is no longer topped off it stops sending a signal and a block gets put in place to block the T Flip-Flop from working. but still lets the cycle finish and charge bat 1 and 2 but not allow them to drain.

    So.. is there a better way to do this?

    • Official Post

    Alternatively you could make the massfab be far away from the energy generation (way farther than the storage blocks), so it has a very low priority and will receive the least energy, until the storage is full.

  • from my understanding you can't get it to work with only one batbox since you want to check for full and for empty, so you need 2 batboxes and 2 splitter.
    The thing you want for the redstone logic is a T-flip flop

  • Alternatively you could make the massfab be far away from the energy generation (way farther than the storage blocks), so it has a very low priority and will receive the least energy, until the storage is full.

    that would work.. cept i don't want to drain.. ( i anticipate i can't keep the power levels at max for a while so i want base to get power above mass fab)

    from my understanding you can't get it to work with only one batbox since you want to check for full and for empty, so you need 2 batboxes and 2 splitter.
    The thing you want for the redstone logic is a T-flip flop

    Thats what i found that would do it!!! ( had the edit screen open while playing with it so i missed your reply) but it works with what i added for charging :)

    thanks man :)