Ok, I have a desire to make a replicator/mass fab shop..
However.. I would love to have the replicator only run on excess power that is generated without impacting the bases power.
What i mean by this is I want a battbox only when fully charged to output energy to the mass fab, Drain itself dry and then charge up ( without outputting )
I got the wiring to work with 2 splitter cables but don't know how to make the box
could anyone suggest anything to help? this works but it feels.. weird
I know i am getting it wrong.. and i am going to research redstone circuts to figure out how to have a constant signal but have it turn off when another signal happens ( since the box can be told only output with a signal) and have it stay off till it gets the signal again .. .. ?
So i think i got it
from MSFU emit if full
pulls piston back and allows the T Flip-Flop to operate
Bat 1 gets charged and bat 2 charges from bat 1.
When bat 2 is full Bat 1 can charge..
When Bat 1 is full it emits a signal the the T Flip-Flop
that turns the wire to Bat 1 off ( no more charging) and turns on batt 2 wire on.
Bat 2 discharges and Bat 1 recharges till both are empty.
Bat 2 when empty signals to the T Flip-Flop
output for bat 2 is turned off and bat 1 wire is turned on to charge.
When the MSFU is no longer topped off it stops sending a signal and a block gets put in place to block the T Flip-Flop from working. but still lets the cycle finish and charge bat 1 and 2 but not allow them to drain.
So.. is there a better way to do this?