At some point, there must have been some decision to make Ic2 as dull and tedious as possible. Where can I find the last build (for 1.6.4) that still had UU matter as an item and refined iron as opposed to iron plates? I used to love IC2, but every version I've played for a while was one of the newest versions, with all these frustrating changes. Are there any plans to change back to the old crafting recipes and the old UU matter behavior, or is it just a pipe-dream?
Ic2 tediousness
At some point, there must have been some decision to make Ic2 as dull and tedious as possible.
Only by Reddit
Are there any plans to change back to the old crafting recipes and the old UU matter behavior, or is it just a pipe-dream?
As much chance as there is Half Life 3 coming out. Or at least one which other mods will see as IC2. Immibis did make an IC2 classic version, but it is a 1.4.7 build updated, so it will crash with any other mod trying to use it's API.
What do you mean only by reddit?
Because at no point did any other group of people, except those who posted on the FTB reddit, decide that IC2 was suddenly going for the most tedious route possible. IC2 changed, and some people didn't accept that. But never was the goal to make it any more grindy.
Well it seemed to morph into GregTech but minus the awesome end-game stuff, which is what made the tediousness worth it. So, back to my original question, is there a build for 1.6 that has old uu-matter behavior?
It is in no way Gregtech. Especially not now with the direct both mods have gone. But for your question: [Not exactly an addon] IC2 Classic - now 1.7.2
There are so many tech mods for minecraft now, and it seems they're all trying to out-do one another in terms of ease, convenience, and ore-output. Some mods make automation so easy it's almost trivial. Sure, IC2 could try to play "catch up" and start septupling ores in an effort to stay relevant or something... or it could go the opposite direction instead and distinguish itself as the "hard mode" tech mod.
It's true that tediousness doesn't necessarily equal challenge. IC2E's recipes have a lot of steps, and that can get tedious if you make one object at a time by hand. I choose to look at IC2E's complex recipes as an automation challenge. Build factories, not workshops.
Why do people keep saying this shit? IC2 is by no means tedious, things are still pretty cheap and easy to get. It is simply done being the same old mod and is entering a new era. A new era with more machines, better eNet, more multiblocks, revamped textures, and a new recipe system to combat the trend in modding of ridiculously overpowered items coming at a freakishly low cost.
Here is the thing: Use Immbis' version, or minetweaker. Or leave the mod. The mod will not change to adhere to the complaints of people sick of change, and if you don't like it, don't use it.
Why do people keep saying this shit? IC2 is by no means tedious, things are still pretty cheap and easy to get. It is simply done being the same old mod and is entering a new era. A new era with more machines, better eNet, more multiblocks, revamped textures, and a new recipe system to combat the trend in modding of ridiculously overpowered items coming at a freakishly low cost.
Here is the thing: Use Immbis' version, or minetweaker. Or leave the mod. The mod will not change to adhere to the complaints of people sick of change, and if you don't like it, don't use it.
I'm no so sure about the ENet
Don't complain about the enet, its not done yet.
It is like you are complaining about a bread's taste before it has left the oven. Or that you took it from the oven midway and is eating a half-baked "bread".Although the enet is something that has been cooked for so long that we may end up with a toast... better add some butter when its done
Covering over the bad bits? That'll work
my answer to Ic2 tediousness:
the only people that IC2 should make fun are the people he develop
when other people like it its nice but not but for me not necessary..
my answer to Ic2 tediousness:
the only people that IC2 should make fun are the people he develop
when other people like it its nice but not but for me not necessary..
Some people may interpret this as being selfish, but the whole point of making mods is to get something that's fun. If Thunderdark doesn't have fun with IC2 being 'tedious', why would he make it like that? And If you don't like it, that changes nothing. You could just go and download Thermal Expansion or Mekanism, the IC2 devs aren't afraid of 'losing customers' or something.
Why immibis is the only guy then wanna update old IC2?I don't see any good thing in IC2 EXP...
SirusKing said than the NanoSaber it's a luminous stick.. and then he made a new cool texture,but only i see it's a pirate sword than nobody use.And new,you now need a bunch of iron for make a simple thing,and please don't talk to me about the recipe for the drills...this needs motors,for motors you needs a bunch of items,those items need cables,for cable you need a hammer(yes,a hammer for make cables,good one guys :D)this hammer give you a plate,with this plate you needs scissors.
Old the work of Alblaka has been destroy by GregTech...sorry,i said IC2.But please,all we know than if IC2 EXP continues like will be a bad copy of Gregtech. -
Why immibis is the only guy then wanna update old IC2?I don't see any good thing in IC2 EXP...
SirusKing said than the NanoSaber it's a luminous stick.. and then he made a new cool texture,but only i see it's a pirate sword than nobody use.And new,you now need a bunch of iron for make a simple thing,and please don't talk to me about the recipe for the drills...this needs motors,for motors you needs a bunch of items,those items need cables,for cable you need a hammer(yes,a hammer for make cables,good one guys )this hammer give you a plate,with this plate you needs scissors.
Old the work of Alblaka has been destroy by GregTech...sorry,i said IC2.But please,all we know than if IC2 EXP continues like will be a bad copy of Gregtech.
So the new heat and kinetic energy, reactor mechanics and tech tree expansion (the new refined iron, improved ore processing etc.) are irrelevant?IC2 is not meant to be any mod where you can reach the end of the tech tree after 30 minutes. IC2 experimental was never meant to compete/be compared with with classic IC2 anyway. It was meant as a more balanced (to the dev team's POV of course, not saying that all of reddit should share this) replacement of IC2 with more appropriate costs and mechanics. Neither is IC2 experimental intended to compete with any other industrial mods out there. Just because every other tech mod gates ore multiplication at 8 cobble (as an example) doesn't mean that IC2 has to gate it at 8 cobble.
In my opinion you are being granted the ability to do things beyond vanilla Minecraft's tech tree, after all. Where do you get babysitting free furnaces in vanilla Minecraft? Where do you get indefinitely unbreaking pickaxes in vanilla Minecraft? Where do you get ore doubling in vanilla Minecraft? Where do you get near complete invincibility in vanilla Minecraft?