I found Chocohead's navbox, but I can't decide if I should edit pages to use that or wait until someone with permission changes the default one to that.

Updating the navbox(again)
- Blockmaster139
- Closed
My version is going to be merged into the current/normal one once all the block textures are acquired. That could still be a while though, since Player's amazing texture acquiring command doesn't work
Just use the normal one for now, unless you want to change them back over later
What's the point of that texture command anyway? Can't you just rip the files from IC2/assets? Or is there something I'm missing?
EDIT: How to delete pages? I found some wierd IC1 stuff laying around >.>
EDIT2: Choco, you should probably remove the Charge Pad pages and just make them a section of the regular storage devices, or maybe just one page for all the chargepads in the EU Storage device section
Asserts fils are fine for items, but blocks are just 6 or 12 faces not in a cube.
Pretty sure only admins can delete pages, since I can't either. There's lots of old and unneeded stuff that could do with being removed, but I literally can't do anything about it
IMO seperate charge pad pages are sensible to keep page lengths down, and most (if not all) other things have separate pages as well, even when they could be merged.
Assets files are NOT fine for items as they are 16x16 and you need 32x32 textures for the wiki.
I hope this debug commands outputs 32x32 textures (haven't tested yet) otherwise it's completely useless -
Asserts fils are fine for items, but blocks are just 6 or 12 faces not in a cube.
Pretty sure only admins can delete pages, since I can't either. There's lots of old and unneeded stuff that could do with being removed, but I literally can't do anything about it
IMO seperate charge pad pages are sensible to keep page lengths down, and most (if not all) other things have separate pages as well, even when they could be merged.
I can understand, but the problem is having a bunch of redundant pages. We could just have one 'chargepad' page that just lists the effect of a charge pad and then shows recipes for each one.
Assets files are NOT fine for items as they are 16x16 and you need 32x32 textures for the wiki.
Wrong, the Navbox uses 16x16 images, it's only crafting grids that use 32x32.
the problem is having a bunch of redundant pages.
You could argue that having 4 pages for the 4 energy storage units is wasteful too, and the entire biofuel/coalfuel processing chain having separate pages for each item/step.
Wait, now I'm confused, your navbox uses the flat images of the machines but the 3d versions for a lot of machines are already there(RTG for example) but not being used. Which one are we using @_@
your navbox uses the flat images of the machines
All I did was base it off the textures the current one was using.
3d versions for a lot of machines are already there(RTG for example) but not being used
3D versions which are 32x32 or 16x16?
Which one are we using @_@
Pretty sure we decided on 3D ones, it just I never got around to getting all of them.
I meant the 32x32 images used in the crafting grid. Most of them are there, so why not use those for the navbox?
The navbox uses 16x16 images. Trying to use 32x32 will make it look very silly (with block images twice the size of the items, and would take a long time to set up for each one (but you can feel free to try it if you want ;)). And 16x16 3D blocks look really low resolution, since there blocks are about 14 pixels wide by 13 high or something as tiny as that.
What is the navbox ?
At the bottom of every page is the list of (what should be) every block and item in IC2. That is the navbox.